Hillary’s Valerie Jarrett in 2016

The 30-year plan for a Muslim takeover of the U.S. announced by Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Yusuf al-Qaradawi in 1989 expires in 2020. Should Hillary Clinton be elected president in 2016 and retain Muslim Sisterhood daughter Huma Abedin as her close adviser, the end of Clinton’s first term would correspond with the end of that 30 years and a Muslim Sisterhood daughter would preside over it. That could serve as quite the incentive for Abedin.

Is Huma Abedin Hillary's Valerie Jarrett?

Is Huma Abedin Hillary’s Valerie Jarrett?

Does that make Abedin the likely choice for Hillary’s Valerie Jarrett?

All presidents seem to have that one adviser who’s trusted more than all of the others. With George W. Bush, it was Karl Rove. With Barack Obama, it’s Valerie Jarrett. Obama’s fellow Chicagoan Rahm Emanuel fell away long ago. If there was someone who could have dispatched Jarrett, David Axelrod would have been the guy; he wasn’t.

So who would be Hillary’s Valerie Jarrett if the former first lady were elected president in 2016? Her chief of staff and counsel Cheryl Mills… her image man Philippe Reines… or the extremely close Hillary aid Abedin?

No one seems to have been publicly at Hillary’s side recently more than Abedin, who joined her boss for the book tour. POLITICO reported earlier this month that Clinton and Abedin are hard at work on a midterm campaign strategy to help elect Democrats, an apparent sign that Hillary will be looking for some reciprocity in the form of support in 2016.

Abedin, whose familial connections to the Muslim Brotherhood are as irrefutable as they are extensive, could very well have her eye on the 2020 Muslim Brotherhood prize. After all, her family is quite familiar with al-Qaradawi. After all, al-Qaradawi served on the Board of the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies (OCIS) and Abdullah Omar Naseef – the man who founded the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA) that Abedin worked for from 1996-2008 – served as Chairman of the OCIS Board. Abedin’s brother Hassan, who also works at IMMA served as a fellow at OCIS.

While in the U.S. to introduce his 30-year plan in 1989, al-Qaradawi prominently featured the tactic of Muruna as the central component for his followers. Its usage was essential for the plan to work. At its core is the sanctioning of prohibitions within Islam as a tool of deceit. If ever there was a masterful practitioner of the tactic, Huma would certainly qualify. Only through Muruna could a Muslim fundamentalist woman like her marry a Jewish man (Anthony Weiner) and not suffer the wrath of her Muslim Brotherhood family.

Huma is no stranger to irony either. As Shoebat.com reported last year, it was the New York Times that credited Huma with being the driving force behind her husband’s mayoral run. She seemed to want it more than he did. That Weiner’s run was derailed by another sexting scandal all but proved it.

It would have been quite the notch in the Brotherhood’s belt to see one of its daughters become he first lady of the city that was hit on 9/11 by… Muslim Brotherhood terrorists.

While it’s not known to what extent – if any – such irony helps to drive Abedin, there is no mistaking that irony would be in full supply if she were Hillary Clinton’s Valerie Jarrett as al-Qaradawi’s 30-year plan came to a close.

It may be that Huma wants Hillary to be president more than Hillary does.

Here is Walid explaining Muruna back in 2012:


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