Archive | 2014

Egypt Standing with Israel against Hamas and Turkey

As the international community at large attempts to end the fighting between Israel and Hamas based on moral equivalency, Egypt and Turkey are both taking sides. Egypt, under General Abdel Fatah el-Sisi, is joining Israel in attempting to destroy the terrorist tunnel systems under Gaza’s borders with the two countries. Turkey is hinting at launching […]

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Somalian jihadist group Al-Shabab calls for attacks on Jewish targets worldwide

From Jerusalem Post An Al-Shabab Al-Mujahideen spokesman delivered a sermon in a Barawa mosque in Somalia on Sunday calling upon Muslims to attack Jewish targets everywhere, according to a report provided exclusively to The Jerusalem Post by the Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor of MEMRI (the Middle East Media Research Institute). Speaking about the conflict […]

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Muslims Want To Do Another Holocaust On Christians, And They Will Succeed

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims want to do another holocaust of Christians, and they will succeed, just as they did in the Armenian Genocide, the genocide of the Assyrian Christians, the Chaldean Christians, and all of the Christians who were slaughtered by Islamic regimes. Dr. Sebastian Gorka has recently made some prudent, yet harrowing statements of […]

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How to use the Texas State Guard to help Secure the Border

On Today’s Ben Barrack Show… Texas Governor Rick Perry has announced that he is putting 1000 Texas National Guard (TXNG) troops down a the state’s border with Mexico but Barack Obama could throw a monkey wrench into those plans as both the TXNG and the Texas Air National Guard (TXANG) answer to the President of […]

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Muslims Shout ‘Allahu Akbar’ After Bomb Rips through Muslim Funeral Procession

The date of this video is not known, nor is the location of the bomb that rips through the Muslim funeral procession. Yuval Friedman puts fort the notion that the funeral director neglected to have the suicide vest removed from the deceased. Also noteworthy are that frantic chants of ‘Allahu Akbar’ after someone who obviously […]

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Obama Admits Libya Worse as a result of his Policies by Closing U.S. Embassy There

By closing the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli, Libya the Obama administration has made a tacit, yet clear admission. The policy of regime change in that country was fatally flawed. The successor to U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens – Deborah Jones – has also been evacuated. It’s been less than two years since U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens […]

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Muslims Take Fifty Innocent People, Cut Their Heads Off, And Place Their Heads On Poles All Throughout The Area (Must See Footage)

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat and Walid Shoebat After the ISIS defeated the Raqqa base manned by Division 17 of the Syrian army, the countless POWs were then beheaded and their heads were displayed for public view in the city square. was the first to obtain this extremely gory footage: also translated what […]

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The Hamas Moving Around In Ambulances Filled With Children Is Just Another Cowardly Human Shield Tactic [Video]

From Inquisitr Through numerous past reports, it is evident that the Hamas have no qualms in cowardly hiding behind civilians as human shields. Here on The Inquisitr alone, we reported that Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recognized the Hamas using the Palestinian civilians as such. But it seems that the Hamas are proud to use […]

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Michele Bachmann on Right Side of History as she Introduces Anti-Muslim Brotherhood Bill

By Ben Barrack U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann and seven other congressmen have formally introduced a bill that would designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) and impose sanctions on its supporters in the U.S. Though the chances of the bill passing with a Democrat majority in the Senate and Barack Obama as […]

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Pope Francis And The Vatican Fight Against The Islamic Persecution Of Christians, And Rescue A Christian From Being Killed By Muslims

By Theodore Shoebat Pope Francis and the Vatican have fought against the Islamic persecution of Christians, and this is illustrated by their heroic action of rescuing Meriam Ibrahim, a Christian convert from Islam, from being executed by the Muslim North Sudanese government. This is confirmed by one source that stated: The Sudanese government allowed the […]

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Hamas Caught Preventing Wounded Palestinians from Entering Israeli Hospital Built to help them

Before Israel bombs a building in Gaza, it gives civilians the opportunity to evacuate; Hamas beats those civilians until they go back inside. There is apparently at least one building Hamas doesn’t want wounded Palestinians going into – an Israeli hospital constructed near the Gaza border. Perhaps there is no better microcosm to demonstrate just […]

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Liberal Jewish Celebrities Joan Rivers and Howard Stern GO OFF on Palestinians in Pro-Israel Rants

This post definitely comes with a strong language warning (Howard Stern more so than Joan Rivers). What is definitely noteworthy is that celebrities Stern and Rivers are Jewish and are clearly fed up with the media supporting Hamas while demonizing Israel. First up, Joan Rivers. While signing autographs on her way to catch a flight, […]

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WAR CRIMES: Hamas Caught Beating Palestinians who try to Evacuate Areas Israel Warned would be Bombed

We’ve heard the reports. Below is some video that seems to corroborate those reports. It’s bad enough that Hamas launches rockets from civilian locations like schools, hospitals and neighborhoods in the interest of garnering international sympathy when civilians are killed. What happens when civilians attempt to heed the IDF warnings to evacuate so the locations […]

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Spokesman for Nazi-Inspired Hamas accuses Netanyahu of being like Hitler

Perhaps one of the most bizarre narratives in the history of mankind is taking root. Osama Hamdan, a spokesman for Hamas, which is an extension of the same Muslim Brotherhood once led by close Hitler ally Hajj Amin al-Husseini, is comparing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Hitler. Of course, the intent is transparently clear […]

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Turkey Holding Thousands of Jews as Political Captives

If there is one world leader who despises Israel and what’s currently going on in Gaza, it’s Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. That is clearly 4000 Israeli citizens are stranded there. An FAA travel ban to Ben Gurion airport was recently lifted. However, Turkey is extending its ban for several more days. Israelis yelled […]

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