By Walid Shoebat
The excuse given is that “Turkey should have the ability to develop its own missile and space technologies in order to respond to security challenges that could arise from its neighbors,” the prime minister has said, amid NATO’s concerns Ankara will finalize a deal with a Chinese company for a $3.4 billion long-range missile defense system.

The excuses given by the Turkish government are the usual: “Instabilities around us have clearly shown us that Turkey should develop its own missile technology and space technology. We should absolutely have one of the world’s most important infrastructures in missile and space technologies if we want to secure our survival in the next century,” Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu said in an address on the occasion of the opening ceremony of a military logistic facility in the central Anatolian city of Konya today on March 24.
Davutoğlu’s remarks came at a moment when Turkey is about to give its final decision about a tender for the procurement of its first long-range missile defense system from China. Turkish defense officials justify the selection because its top priority is to bolster its own technological ability and the Chinese offer also includes a technology transfer, unlike its United States and European competitors.
Turkey has achieved the capacity to test some defense industry technologies, Davutoğlu said, touching on the necessity of developing its national defense capacity along with its capacity under the NATO umbrella.
Turkey announced that its scientists will soon complete a missile with a range of 1,500 kilometers (932 miles) and in 2014 another with a range of 2,500 kilometers (1,553 miles). Another missile with an 800-kilometer range was ready for precision tests.
Al-Monitor, commenting on such missiles stated: “With Turkey as the epicenter of a radius of 2,500 kilometers, some of the cities that could in theory experience Turkish missiles overhead include Algiers, Amman, Amsterdam, Athens, Barcelona, Beirut, Berlin, Brussels, Cairo, Copenhagen, Damascus, Geneva, Jeddah, Kiev, London, Milan, Moscow, Paris, Rome, Stockholm, Tehran, Tel Aviv, Tripoli, Vienna, Warsaw and Zurich. Which of these cities stand to be a future security threat to Turkey?”

Al-Monitors adds: “The main question here, therefore, is why does Turkey, which boasts a modern air force with highly deterrent firepower, need ballistic or cruise missiles? With which countries within a radius of 2,500 kilometers does Turkey think it may, in the future, have to go to war? Which targets beyond a 1,000-kilometer radius does Turkey hope to hit with a 2,500-kilometer missile? What is the point of NATO membership? Who are Turkey’s potential enemy targets?” “Erdogan’s government last year approved the construction of the country’s first satellite-launching center, officially to cater to the country’s mushrooming satellite programs.”
George Friedman, an American political scientist, writes for the Smithsonian regarding Turkey’s advancement in space technology stating that: “Turkey, now the 17th- largest economy in the world and the largest Islamic economy. And whenever Islam emerges into a coherent political entity, which it hasn’t done for a century, Turkey is almost invariably at its center. Turkey has by far the most powerful and effective military in Europe and is going to be a major Mediterranean power.”
Friedman adds: “As Japan and Turkey become greater maritime powers, the United States will become hostile toward them. Japan and Turkey each wants to be a maritime power and each sees the U.S. as a threat. Poland has no interest in being a maritime power. It’s afraid of Turkey, and interested in the U.S. There’s a natural coalition … The center of gravity of American military power is in space. Everything from navigation to communication to intelligence satellites operate in space. If any power were to knock out the United States, it would have to knock out those assets. If the Japanese and Turks were to take on the United States, that would be the place they would have to strike first, to blind us, to cripple us. I would expect the war to start there.”
Turkey’s advancement in technology and its hatred of Israel is no longer a charge made by conspiracy theorists. Erdogan is the best candidate to match Adolf Hitler’s anti-Semitism. This time, this Hitler will take with him an entire Muslim World. Erdogan’s March 16th publication titled Ust Akil (The Mastermind), where one enters an extremely dark side of Erdogan’s thinking process on how he views the Jews. The Jew is the mind, the documentary tell us, that “rules the world, burns, destroys, starves, wages wars, organizes revolutions and coups, and establishes states within states.” Is this any different from what Hitler sold to the masses?
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