By Walid Shoebat “Allah is greater than all tyrants” “Long live Erdogan” “Long live Turkey” “O Allah, Bismillah (in the name of Allah)” and “Allahu Akbar”. This was the chants this trained ‘police force’ where repeating in this video: Türkiye’de eğitim gören Suriyeli polis güçleri, Fırat Kalkanı Harekatı ile kurtulan bölgelerde görev yapacak. — […]
Archive | 2017
Christianity Is So Hated In Somalia That If You Say You Are A Christian The Muslims Will Behead You On The Spot
All Muslim nations are dangerous to be a Christian in, but none like Somalia. The violence against Christians there is so bad that according to a recent report, merely being accused of associating at all with Christianity will get you beheaded on the spot by the Muslims: North Korea has long been recognized as a […]
Muslim Man Breaks Into Elderly Christian Woman’s Home, Ties Her Up, Strangles Her, Puts A Cross In Her Hands And Writes “It’s Payback Time” On The Walls
In another horrible crime motivated by nothing less than absolute hatred of Christianity, a Muslim robber broke into an elderly Christian woman’s house. He tied up the old woman, strangles her to death, put a cross in her hands and then wrote “It’s payback time” on the walls before fleeing, according to a recent report: […]
Donald Trump Signs Executive Order: ‘Foreign Organizations Will Not Be Allowed To Come Into America And Get Funds To Support Abortion.’
By Theodore Shoebat Donald Trump signed an executive order reinstating the Mexico City Policy, which prohibits any foreign organizations from coming into the US in order to gain funds to support and encourage abortion. This is one measure that I must support. Here is the report: President Donald Trump signed an executive action on […]
Pope Francis Declares This Warning To All Christians: ‘Beware Of Populism, Remember That Hitler Came To Power Because Of Populism.’
By Theodore Shoebat Pope Francis just recently declared a warning to all Christians, telling them that they must beware of populism, and how it was because of populist hysteria that Hitler came to power. My father recently wrote an article on the dangers of populism that coincides with the warning of Pope Francis. For this […]
The Most Horrific Evil Is Rising Up, The False Church Of The Antichrist Is Uniting With The Demonic Religion Of Islam, And The Most Horrific Diabolical Empire Will Appear
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special, continuation of Part I, Part II, Part III) Many Christians live their lives in confidence believing they are equipped to handle Antichrist’s deception. But after comparing the rarely discussed link, between Hitler’s Germany and the Muslim Ottomans, with what conservative movements are campaigning for today, you will reconsider, that you too, have swallowed an Antichrist bait, without […]
Muslim Terrorists Kidnap Elderly Woman, Put A Gun To Her Head And Demand ‘Spit On The Cross Or We Will Blow Your Brains Out’
In another horrible story out of Syria, a woman recollects how she was told by Muslim ISIS terrorists to spit on a cross or else she would be put to a horrible death. Recalling her story, she tells how she did spit on the cross and how she still regrets it to this day after: […]
Buddhist Terrorists Go To Church And Tell The Christians: ‘You Cannot Worship Any Longer!’ They Drive The Christians Out Of The Church And Destroy It, But The Christians Declare: “No Attack Can Stop Us. We Shall Continue To Love God And Pray Under A Tree.”
By Theodore Shoebat Buddhist terrorists in Sri Lanka attacked a church, forcing the Christians out with sticks and knives, and then destroying it. But one of the Christians gave out this message afterwards: “No attack can stop us. We shall continue to love God and pray under a tree,” as we read in one report: […]
UK Man Going For A Run Is Attacked By Muslim Gang, He Converts To Islam On The Spot And The Muslims Stop Attacking Him
A man in the UK was out going for a run when a gang of Muslims attacked him. In order to stop the Muslims from attacking, he converted to Islam on they spot by reciting the shahada, the Islamic creed of conversion: A jogger has told how he was almost drowned by a canal-path thug […]
Muslim Terrorists Take Woman And Her Four Children, And Burn Them All To Death
By Theodore Shoebat Muslim terrorists in Iraq took a woman and her four children and burned them all alive, as we read in one report: A security source in Kirkuk Province revealed that the Islamic State burned a family of five persons (a mother and four children) for leaving the land of caliphate, southwest of […]
Muslim Terrorists Run Into Marketplace With Guns, Start Randomly Shooting And Murder Three Christians
In another act of raw, uncontrolled hatred, Muslim terrorist ran into a predominately Christian marketplace, pulled out guns and began randomly shooting people because they were Christians. Three people were killed and the murderers are still on the loose according to a recent report: International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that on January 18, 2017, […]
Massive Move Of The Holy Spirit As Thousands Of Muslims Across Syria Are Flocking To Pray With Christian Missionaries
For years, the reports poured out of Syria about the devastation caused by ISIS as they committed genocide against the Christians. Now as the power of ISIS wanes and in what some are calling a miraculous move of the Holy Spirit, thousands of Muslims are flocking to and praying with Christians missionaries according to a […]
Islamic Terrorist Ambushes Christian Man, And Shoves A Blade Into His Throat
By Theodore Shoebat An Islamic terrorist in Egypt ambushed a Christian doctor and shoved his a blade into his throat. As we read in one report: Copts in Egypt have been left terrified by the killing of a married surgeon who they fear is the fourth believer to die in a spate of religiously […]
Major Democrat Official Makes This Declaration About All People With Disabilities: “They Are Not Even Human Beings.” The Democrats Are Absolute Nazis
By Theodore Shoebat Democrat Michigan mayor, James Fouts, has declared that all people with disabilities are “not even human beings”, and its just another indication as to the Nazi sentiments of the Democrat elite. I did a whole video on this: According to one report: The mayor of Michigan’s third-largest city is facing […]
Muslim Refugees Who Come To Germany And Convert To Christianity Are Being Deported While Government-Supported Muslim Translators Falsify Their Applications And Mock Christ Openly
It’s no longer a secret- Germany’s government has become possibly the largest promoter and propagator of Islam in Europe. Once a Christian people, the German nation is deliberately handing its nation over to Muslims who hate Christianity and Christians. These Muslims are persecuting Christians in Germany and now, in a new development, are targeting Muslim […]
Muslims Grab Coptic Businessman, Drag Him Into A Busy Street And Slice His Throat In Front Of Passerby While Screaming ‘Allahu Akbar’ For Selling Alcohol, Another Stabs A Christian Doctor In The Throat, Another Murders A Christian Couple In Their Sleep- The First Month Of 2017 Is Not Even Through And Christians In Egypt Are Being Horribly Persecuted
January is not even through yet and the Coptic Christians of Egypt are already experiencing horrible persecution. There have been multiple attacks on Coptic Christians, including the a Christian doctor who was stabbed in the throat, a Christian couple who was butchered in their sleep, and a Coptic businessman who was attacked, dragged into the […]