By Theodore Shoebat I have been hear a lot of debate about forms of government, with people partaking in arguments like “monarchy vs. republic,” etc. To me, this is all pointless. What matters is not the form of government, but the soul of the nation. Here are my thought: CLICK HERE TO DONATE AND HELP […]
Archive | July, 2018
Evil Drug Cartel Takes Two Men And Executes Them Like ISIS On Video, Slits One Of Their Throats Like And Animal, Takes The Other Hacks Off All His Limbs, Puts Them In A Pile And Puts His Head On Top Of His Limbs
The Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion (CJNG) of Mexico kidnapped two men and executed them ISIS-style. The first one they slit his throat like an animal: For the second one, they hacked off his limbs and then placed his head on top of the pile of his limbs: As the story is reported regarding them: He […]
Turkey Wants To Negotiate With Syria: ‘Since We Are Killing Terrorists In Your Country, You Need To Give Turkey Territory.’
By Theodore Shoebat Like clockwork, it never fails: major governments will use terrorism as a means of empowering themselves, by taking territory and expanding their hegemony. Germany did this with Belgium in the First World War, when it affirmed that it wanted to deploy troops into Belgium to protect German workers as they were building […]
Turkish Soldiers Slaughter 44 Kurdish Fighters In Turkey And In Iraq
By Theodore Shoebat Turkish soldiers, as part of the mission of Turkey’s expansionism, have slaughtered Kurdish fighters in Iraq. In their operations on both Turkish soil and on Iraq, Turkish forces have reportedly killed 44 Kurdish fighters this week alone. According to one report from the Daily Sabah: A total of 44 terrorists were “neutralized” […]
Over Three Dozen Hindu Terrorists Form Mob And Attack Christians At University In India
Over three dozen Hindu terrorists attacked a Christian college in India, targeting teachers, employees, and administrators in a wave of anti-Christian violence according to a report: Hindu nationalists attacked St Andrew’s College, Uttar Pradesh, on Wednesday, 18 July. The school was targeted by members of Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) who broke into the college’s […]
Hindu Terrorists Attack Christians And Destroy Church, Declare ‘We Want A Christian-Free Village’
India has been warned about because with the rise of Hindu nationalism, Christians are under attack from terrorists who in the name of Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Ganesha, and the multiplicity of Hindu deities are driving out and killing Christians and destroying their churches. In recent news, Christians were driven from their village and their church […]
Catholic Collapse In Ireland As Over 90% Of “Catholics” Reject Church Teaching On Birth Control
The Catholic Faith has always been against artificial contraception. However, in the last 50 years since the publication of the encyclical Humanae Vitae, which repeats the Church’s long held position, many Catholics still rebel against it. Such in the case particularly in Ireland, where the Faith has collapsed and over 90% refuse to accept it: […]

Major Protests Are Going On Throughout Israel For Pro-LGBT Surrogacy Rights
Wave Of Suicide Bombings From Foreign Backed Terrorists Slaughter Two Hundred People Throughout Syria
Two hundred people are dead in Syria after a wave of suicide attacks from ISIS according to a report: A devastating wave of suicide attacks and subsequent fighting in southern Syria which has killed more than 200 people has been claimed by Isis in what is the group’s deadliest assault in months. Coordinated bombings hit […]
Evil Drug Cartel That Dismembers People Alive And Eats Their Remains Puts Out Video Saying ‘We Are Here And We Are Coming To Get You’
Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generaction (CJNG) is one of the most infamous drug cartels in Mexico, committing some of the worst atrocities one can imagine. They have dismembered people alive on camera while mocking them, dissolved people in acid while still alive, and ordered that all new members have to kill a man and cannibalize their […]
Catholic Cardinal Who Says Church Is In Danger Of Losing Her Moral Authority Still Refuses To Help A Priest Who Has Been PROVEN Falsely Accused And Jailed For Sex Abuse Crimes He Did Not Commit While Perverts Still Run Amok
Cardinal Sean O’Malley of the Boston Archdiocese recently came out and said that the Church is in danger of losing her credibility due to the sexual abuse issues with the clergy: Boston Cardinal Sean P. O’Malley said Tuesday he was “deeply troubled” by the allegations of sexual abuse by one of the most respected US […]
Catholic Church In Germany Organizes Homoerotic Dance Inside Of The Parish. One Priest Makes A Sermon And Declares That We Must Have “A Sensual love for Jesus.”
By Theodore Shoebat I wish this was fake, but it isn’t. A sodomite dance was done in a church, organized by clergy, with one priest, Fr. Thomas Steiger of Tübingen, preaching on the “eroticism of the faith,” speaking of “a sensual love for Jesus.” I did a video on this: According to one report from […]
Man Beats His Girlfriend To Death With A Bottle, Pours Her Blood Into A Glass And Drinks It, Then Cuts Her Brain Out, Cooks It And Eats It, Then Dismembers Her Body Piece-By-Piece With A Meat Cleaver Before Feeding Her Ears To Her Cat
After reading about murderers, a man decided to try to become one himself. He beat his girlfriend to death with a bottle, poured her blood into a glass and drank it, then cut out her brain and ate parts of it before dismembering her corpse and feeding one of her ears to her cat: A […]
Atheist Chinese Government Rounds Up One Million Muslims And Places Them Into Internment Camps
According to recent reports, the atheist Chinese government has rounded up and detained over one million Muslims predominately of Uighur (Hui) extraction and has placed them into internment camps for arbitrary reasons: Over one million Uighur Muslims are being held in Chinese concentration camps for arbitrary reasons as the international community largely remains silent about […]
Former Press Secretary For The Bush Demonstration Declares That America Needs To Destabilize Iran And Bring Regime Change
By Theodore Shoebat The former press secretary for the Bush administration, Ari Fleischer, has recently called for a policy of destabilization to be made in Iran, and has also called for regime change in the region. According to one report from RT: Ari Fleischer, who promoted the Iraq War while serving as press secretary under […]
The Military Of Israel Fires Two Missiles At Syrian Warplane
By Theodore Shoebat The military of Israel recently fired two missiles at a Syrian warplane, as we read in one report from RT: Israel has fired interceptor missiles at a Syrian Sukhoi warplane, the IDF said in a statement, adding that the aircraft had penetrated Israeli-controlled airspace. “Two Patriot missiles were launched at a Sukhoi […]