Chinese police showed no care or mercy as they attacked a church, attacking and beating fifty Christians and arresting them according to a report: Nearly 50 more members, including 11 kids, of a Chinese megachurch closed down by the communist government in December were arrested at two different venues last Sunday, a watchdog group has […]
Archive | March 9, 2019
Chinese Heathens Beat And Arrest Christians For Refusing To Remove A Cross From Their Church
The Chinese government’s hatred of Christians is without end as recently, agents attacked and arrested four Christians for objecting to the removal of a cross from their church according to a report: The pastor and three staff from Zhongxin Church in Xinxiang County, Henan, were criminally detained by local authorities on February 20, after having […]

Drug Cartels Are Now Battling With And Executing Each Other In Tourist Areas In Cancun
The drug cartels are of concern all over Mexico, but they tend to be concentrated in some areas more so than others. Such is the same with life regardless of place or time- everybody know that there are “those” areas of a city or town that one does not go to because “those” areas are […]
Man And His Girlfriend Murder Three Women, Scrape Out Their Flesh, Put Their Flesh In Tamales And Eat Them. When The Judge Tells Them Of Their Crime, They Smile In Pride That They Ate Human Flesh
By Theodore Shoebat A man and his girlfriend in Mexico murdered three women, put their flesh in tamales and ate them. When the judge declared them guilty, the two demonic cannibals smiled. The murderer’s name is Juan Carlos Hernández, or as he is known in the media, “El monstruo”. He himself confessed that he has been a […]