By Theodore Shoebat In this video I give my thoughts on the hypocrisy that I see a lot of in regards to the differences of perspective that many people have between the death squads of Central America and the Mujahideen in Afghanistan. Both of these forces were backed by the US: Click Here To Donate […]
Archive | April 9, 2019
Wal-Mart Starts Using Robots In Stores To Replace Humans
Artificial Intelligence will be the next major trend to define the 21st century with serious repercussions, including the massive loss of jobs among the common people. The first jobs to go will be the simplest- janitors, stock pickers, and other generally simple and lower-paying positions, but none will be spared. Wal-Mart is one of the […]

New Active Thermal Area Discovered Under Massive Volcano
Under Yellowstone Park there sits a massive volcano that according to some scientists is overdue to explode. If it did, it would cause massive damage to the US. According to a recent report, scientists have discovered yet another thermally active area underneath it: Yellowstone National Park has a new thermal area that scientists think has […]