Pornography is a vehicle of social policy, but it is a deadly thing for the body and soul. One American man has come to discover this by a very unfortunate and hard way after he spent a quarter of a million dollars on “cam girls”, and then when his parents and brother told him to […]
Archive | March, 2020
Trump Proposes TARP 2.0
Earlier, I posted about Trump putting forth a Tarp 2.0 type plan. News from the Associated Press has confirmed so far that per Trump, he may go about doing this. In a massive federal effort Tuesday, President Donald Trump asked Congress to speed emergency checks to Americans, enlisted the military for MASH-like hospitals and implored […]
The Difference Between How Norwegians And Americans Reacted To Coronavirus
By Theodore Shoebat Something we can learn from Norwegians:
Stock Market Tumbles After Statements From Trump Administration
The stock market took another tumble after announcements from the Trump administration that the virus is not controlled as reported by Zero Hedge. The State Department’s Ambassador Deborah Birx poured some cold-water on Powell & Mnuchin’s corporate bailout rally when she told the American public that more must be done to contain this virus: “If […]
God Bless Obama, He Never Tried To Do TARP-Style Bailouts For The Whole Country Like What Trump Is Suggesting
One can say what he wants about Obama. Like him or hate him, Obama never suggested giving TARP-style bailouts for the whole country, such as what Trump’s administration is suggesting, and according to the words of Steve Mnuchin, directly from Trump himself, a TARP-style bailout for the people. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Tuesday that […]
‘Former’ Sodomite Gary Michael Voris Of Church Militant Stands With Soros-Protege Orban, Blames Migrants For COVID-19 Spread has written for a long time about Gary Michael Voris, his history as a ‘former’ sodomite, and yet his interview and support of the admitted sodomite pederast Milo Yiannopoulos who lost his social platform because of his public words on sodomite pederasty. This comes as Voris is the head of a ‘Catholic’ network, and […]
Report Declares That Migrants At US-Mexican Border Have Heightened Risk Of COVID-19 Coronavirus
The idea of “disease infected migrants” has become something of a saying promoted by the nationalists in Europe, and to a lesser extent in the US. However, such language is coming here after a USA Today reported that migrants on the US-Mexican border have an increased chance of the COVID-19 coronavirus. Thousands of asylum seekers […]
North Macedonia To Join NATO
The country of North Macedonia, formerly called Macedonia or FYROM, now appears to be entering fully into NATO as the European Western Balkans briefing has declared its acceptance will come in a matter of weeks. ATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said in Zagreb that North Macedonia would become the 30th member of the North Atlantic […]
Study Declares That 86% Of People Infected With COVID-19 Don’t Know It
A report from the New York Post has declared that large numbers of people are walking around infected with COVID-19 and are not aware it, with numbers as high as 86%. “Stealth” coronavirus cases are fueling the pandemic, with a staggering 86% of people infected walking around undetected, a new study says. Six of every […]
The Best Thing That Can Come Out Of The Coronavirus
By Theodore Shoebat My thoughts on one positive thing that come about from the coronavirus:
San Francisco Puts Down Veritable Travel Ban With ‘Quarantine In Place’ Order
Things are starting to get real serious now. KTLA5 by way of AP News reports that San Francisco has ordered seven million people into a ‘quarantine in place’ order, where except for going to buy food or medical issues, people are being required to stay at home in ‘quarantine’. Officials in six San Francisco Bay […]
Five Earthquakes Hit Carolinas And Tennessee In Fifteen Hours
Natural disasters pose a major threat to the US, perhaps even more than a political threat, because the former cannot be controlled for the most part, and if such were to happen at a politically unstable time, the results could be disastrous. According to a recent report from the Charlotte Observer, five earthquakes hit the […]
Trump Declares That States Are On Their Own To Help Themselves With The COVID-19 Epidemic
President Trump declared that states need to work on their own to secure equipment for their hospitals to help deal with the COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic according to the New York Times. President Trump told a group of governors Monday morning that they should not wait for the federal government to fill the growing demand for […]
Will The Fed Give Thousands Of Dollars To People For “Coronavirus Relief”?
There has been a lot of talk now about bailing out the airlines and travel industries. But what about the common man? Will he get a break? The answer may be soon, as one economist is proposing “coronavirus relief” in the form of a subsidy given to people at a rate of a grand per […]
“Strategic Culture Foundation” Puts Out Comedy-Level Propaganda Piece
Some articles stand out as propaganda, and some of them are more blatant than others. Such was a recent one on the Strategic Culture Foundation, claiming Russian “supremacy” over the US in the recent economic problems. All of that in the service of keeping the game alive until you find the perfect moment to punch […]
Americans Are Calling The Police Over A Lack Of Toilet Paper
Americans are known to to silly things in response to small crises. Whether it is attacking people at McDonalds over chicken McNuggets, violence on Black Friday, or killing members of one’s family over sneakers/ding dongs/chicken pot pie or something else, there is a chance it may happen in the US. Noting this, police in Oregon […]