Archive | 2020

US Farm Bankruptcies Hit An Eight-Year High

Bankruptcies happen, and they are a major concern in farming because a lot of money is spent on the hope of a return from the seed, and if the seed does not return enough of a harvest, the farmer can lose everything. This is part of the reason for creating GMO crops, because while there […]

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Tanzania Cuts Off Sodomites From Public Health Access, The US Responds By Imposing Travel Sanction On Major Anti-Sodom Tanzanian Politician

There is a crude saying in the bodybuilding industry, which is “go gay for pay”, meaning that if you want to earn money, you have to partake in the abominable activities of sodom. In spite of the talk from so many (Boomers) about how America is or used to be a “Christian” country, the fact […]

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2.7 Magnitude Earthquake Reported In Virginia This Morning

The greatest threat to America is not from foreign invasion or even attack, but natural disasters, because while the former can be controlled or mitigated as the US is proportionately isolated from the rest of the world, she cannot escape nature, and given the way supply lines are set up, a small disruption could cause […]

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Thirty-Two Christians Slaughtered By Islamic Terrorists In Nigeria

As the wars in West Africa rage on with Islamic terrorists, driven largely by US geopolitical interests fighting with those of the Russians for securing resource lines in preparation for a major war, innocent people are often caught in the conflict. Thirty-two Christians were recently murdered as part of the fighting with Islamic terrorists in […]

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One Hundred Hindu Terrorists Attack, Beat Christians With Clubs And Sharp Rocks And Demand They Apostatize To Hinduism

Hindu terrorism continues to rise in India as the power of Hondu nationalists increases. Christians are a threatened minority who are regularly attacked and abused because they are Christians. In a recent report, fifteen Christian homes were attacked and at least three families ran out of one village by a mob of one hundred Hindu […]

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Famed Zionist Pastor John Hagee’s Brother Arrested On Child Sexual Abuse Charges

John Hagee is a famous figure from San Antonio, Texas whose church and preaching revolves heavily around promoting all things related to Zionism. In a recent story, Hagee’s brother was arrested on charges of child sexual abuse. he brother of a prominent San Antonio pastor is accused of sexually assaulting a family member during an […]

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Thai Medics Claim Breakthrough In Coronavirus Treatment With HIV Medication

The world has been seized with fear over the spread of coronavirus, but a recent development from Thailand promises hope where the nation, know for sun, sex sodom, and HIV, is said to have quickly cured a coronavirus patient using anti-HIV drugs. Thailand has reportedly seen promising results after treating a coronavirus patient with a […]

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Church Of England Apologizes To Sodomites For Upholding God’s Holy Law

A few days ago, the Church of England came out and said that marital relations are for men and women only who are in a married relationship. This was commendable, as the organization has supported deviant position for a long time. Now she has decided to reverse her statement, going so far as to apologize […]

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Trump Commerce Secretary Declares That Coronavirus Will Help Bring American Jobs Back To The US

Many people are suffering from the Coronavirus, and there is a lot of concern about whether it will spread around the world. In a somewhat cold but very accurate statement, the epidemic may be used to push for at the very least a divestment of US investment into China and a diversification to other nations, […]

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VA House Of Representatives Passes Bill To Make November 20th A ‘Day Of Remembrance’ For Sodomite Genital Mutilators

The ‘transgender’ group of sodomites believes in dressing up as another gender and going so far as to take body and mind-altering substances or drugs to try to ‘become’ the other gender, and sometimes will permanently mutilate their genitals so they are no longer able to reproduce. Many of these people gravely self-abuse, and sometimes […]

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Congratulations Britain, You Have Left The EU And Can Now No Longer Control Germany And Have Unleashed The German Beast To Expand Her Power And Revive The Next Reich

By Theodore Shoebat Brexit has just been formerly passed. For the next eleven months, Britain will be in a transition period during which she will be under EU rules for trade, travel and business. This eleven month period is going to be full of talk about negotiations on trade. And while the focus is going […]

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Islamic Terrorists Hack Thirty-Six People To Death With Machetes

News of more Islamic terrorist violence is coming out of the Congo, where reports are saying that thirty-six people have been hacked to death with machetes in the latest incident. Suspected Islamist militants hacked to death over 30 people, including an Anglican pastor, in overnight attacks on villages in the east of the Democratic Republic […]

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Patient Who Just Returned From China To New York Under Quarantine For Virus

The spread of the Chinese coronavirus has people around the world concerned that it could lead to a greater pandemic than what it already has become. People coming and going from China are being carefully monitored for even the smallest signs of the virus. A recent case in New York illustrates this as a patient […]

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Federal Agent Busted On Nanny Cam Sniffing Three-Year-Old Girl’s Panties Multiple Times

It is common knowledge that a lot of the major child sexual abuse websites are set up by the federal government as a sort of honeypot trap, such as was confirmed in an investigation by Reason Magazine in 2016. Because of this fact, it would not be a surprise if there were more than a […]

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Famed Children’s TV Show Sesame Street Now Exposing Children To Sodomite Cross-Dresser

Catholic Church statistics confirm that 81% of all sexual abuse in the Church is done by male sodomites. This figure is not a surprise, as sodomites have very high rates of sexual abuse involving children and other horrific crimes. It is then of great interest that the famed children’s program Sesame Street is now featuring […]

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