Author Archive | Shoebat Foundation

Erdogan As Leader Of The Muslim Nations Says That Jerusalem Belongs To 1.7 Billion Muslims And He Plans To Unite Them To Rule It

By Walid Shoebat Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is now honed in on Jerusalem said on Sunday that “the Al-Aqsa Mosque is the honor of 1.7 billion Muslims, not just the Palestinians, and that the Muslim world cannot wait to remain indifferent to the restrictions imposed on the A-Qsa Mosque [Temple Mount]”. (Source: The Daily Sabah) […]

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AMAZING: Instead Of Praying To Allah On The Temple Mount In Jerusalem, Muslims Chose To Bow To Jews Instead

By Walid Shoebat It looks like the Palestinians will have to bow again in worship towards Jewish soldiers instead of bowing to Mecca during the Friday prayers on the Temple Mount. Here is how this story goes. Last Friday, when three Palestinian citizens of Israel shot and killed two Israeli police officers stationed outside the Temple […]

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Islam’s Caliph Erdogan Betrays The U.S. And Leaks Secret Locations of All U.S. Troops in Syria

By Walid Shoebat It is highly unusual for a NATO ally to reveal details of a U.S. military deployment during active operations in a war zone, but this is exactly what happened when Turkey spilled the beans on the U.S. revealing all their military locations in Syria. The United States is not carrying out the wishes […]

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New Study on Shroud of Turin Leaves No Doubt And Concludes The Image To Be Genuine

By Walid Shoebat Analysis of blood stains on Turin Shroud reveals ‘severe polytrauma’ and a ‘violent death’ the new study, in the science journal Plos One revealed. Last week’s conclusions by researchers, professors and scientists now leaves less doubt on the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin since the blood stains are now considered real. […]

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Erdogan Of Turkey Literally Resurrects The Image Of The Ottoman Beast And Vows That All Who Defy Him Will Be Beheaded

By Walid Shoebat When we say that the Ottomans will rise again, including its image “the image of the beast,” Shariah and Islamic Beheading’ we concluded all this decades ago just by reading the Bible. And now, as we monitor the news in Turkey, just in the last few days, we find two news pieces which further confirm our proclamations. Firstly, Hayrettin […]

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Only Homophobes Will Make It To Heaven And All Non-Homophobes Will End Up In Hell

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special) So why are the Shoebats such homophobes? In 2 Peter 2 and 3 and in Luke 17, the Bible packs some serious warnings few today even consider the implications of. These sections of scripture are regarding judgment day. In these verses where God is no ‘Mr. Nice Guy’ it spares only what the […]

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Major Western Theologians Teach That The Catholic Church Killed One Hundred Million Christians And That The United States Killed Two Hundred Million Native Americans

Many sola-scripturists insist that the Catholic Church killed one hundred million sola-scripturists and is why they do not trust the Catholic Church. These insist we must search the scriptures and only obey the scriptures. But if I am to only obey and search the scriptures, then my first step is to search the scriptures for the word ‘obey’. So […]

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The Cross Is Mightier Than The Crescent: A Muslim Reveals How He Discovered Christianity Even In America Where It Is Least Practiced

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special) It took me a while to discover the cross. The one fascinating thing about the cross is its four arms. If they are indefinitely extended the cross will infinitely go towards all four directions. God used the cross to travel in all four directions to create a universal church. The cross […]

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The Sufi Muslim Nation Of Turkey And The Shiite Nation Of Iran Are Now United Against Mecca While Turkish Television Just Announced That Erdogan Must Become Caliph Of The Muslim World

By Walid Shoebat Years ago you normally read our alarmist headlines as if Armageddon was just around the corner. Sure, we did this to get your attention, but reality is that a verse could take decades or even centuries to be fulfilled. For example, in Ezekiel 38, when one reads “Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them.” While this “them” is […]

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Secret Documents Reveal A Grand Conspiracy Behind Qatar And Turkey For A Muslim Brotherhood Takeover

By Walid Shoebat So why is Turkey sending its troops to Qatar? Secret leaked documents which we will share here reveal much behind what is happening in Qatar that most westerners never get to see and understand Turkey’s involvement sending 10,000 soldiers to guard the Emir and plans to hide him in Iran. That plus […]

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Turkey Is Sending A Massive Military Force (10,000 Troops) Near The U.S. Military base In Qatar Forming An Ottoman Muslim League In Fulfillment Of Bible Prophecy. Saudi Arabia Is Toast.

By Walid Shoebat While Qatar says “death to Saudi Arabia” and Saudi Arabia says “death to Qatar,” Turkey moves into Qatar with massive troops. Turkey’s parliament has approved a legislation allowing its troops to be deployed to a Turkish military base in Qatar Al-Jazeera reported today. Turkey has now made its decision, it is a key ally […]

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Attack On Iran: Watch The Video Footages Explosion With Flying Body Parts Shooting And Killing Spree By ISIS

By Walid Shoebat At least 12 people were killed and 42 others were wounded this morning in a pair of devastating attacks on two of Iran’s most potent symbols: the national Parliament and the mausoleum of the Islamic Republic’s founder, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. The first is the explosion carried out by a woman (or dressed up […]

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Amazing Miracles Are Happening That Are Astonishing Scientists, They Prove That Christianity Is The Only True Faith And All Other Religions Are Of The Devil

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special) Why critical scholarly opinions abound on matters that pertain to the miraculous, especially when miracles defy science?  Why do textual critics abound hovering over ancient biblical manuscripts? And why is their main goal always attempting to refute God by using textual criticism? Science and miracles do not go hand in hand. Try scrolling down “textual criticism” on wikipedia […]

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Millions Of Muslims And Chinese Getting Ready To Convert To Christianity Through The Virgin Mary To Defy And Fight Against The Muslim Nation Of Turkey

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special) Prophecy reveals that God will raise seven shepherds (Micah 5) who will not just defeat the Islamic threat and convert entire Muslim nations to Christianity, but by these new converts, He replaces what was lost: the Christians who abandoned Christianity in the West. Hard to believe? Allow me to take you […]

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Muslims Butcher 28 Christians While Thousands Of Christians Gather Together Declaring They Will Never Be Conquered By Islam’s Satanic Religion

By Walid Shoebat Christian Copts are the most stubborn Christians on earth. You will never find a Coptic Christian convert to Islam under duress. So how did the Christians of Egypt react when Muslim terrorists attacked a bus full of Christians killing twenty eight Christians traveling on the road to the St. Samuel Monastery in the […]

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Trump’s Visit To Arabia And Welcoming Erdogan Is Fulfilling Bible Prophecy Where Many Will Join The Antichrist (Examine Biblical Prophecies Never Considered Before In This Incredible Research)

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special) The media attacks Trump for cooperating with Orthodox Russia but attacks him not for cooperating with Islamist Saudi Arabia. Why? With Trump’s welcoming of Turkey and visiting Saudi Arabia, many who despise Islam ask: does U.S. cooperation with the Muslim world fit in the theme of biblical prophecies? Is America saved or […]

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