Author Archive | Shoebat

Priest Found Stabbed To Death, With The Words “Christian Scum” Placed On His Body

By Theodore Shoebat The heresies of atheism and Islam are flooding England, and there are consequences to this, consequences that are both innate and inevitable to the dangerous acceptance of religious tolerance: violence toward Christianity. In England, the body of the Rev John Suddards in Thornbury who was discovered, stabbed to death with a note […]

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Martin Luther King Jr. Was An Evil Communist

By Theodore Shoebat Since today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, I believe that it is important that we understand that MLK was a communist, and thus the entire merit of his glorification is found wanting. I am not condoning racism, nor am I negating or belittling the horrific racism that was exemplified and carried […]

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American Muslim Stabs Wife’s Neck 30 Times, For Not Being Muslim

By Theodore Shoebat An American Muslim, Robert William, has been found guilty for murdering his wife by stabbing her neck 30 times, and then dumping her body into his closet. He now faces 25 years to life. Chief Assistant District Attorney David Rossi, said: He may regret where he sits today. He does not regret […]

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Muslims Gang Rape American Woman In Colorado, In Rare And Horrific Ways

By Theodore Shoebat America helped Iraq, and now the immigrants who the nation has brought within its borders, are introducing to the people the reality of Muslim cruelty and deviancy. Five Iraqi men have been arrested in Colorado Springs in connection with a rape so disturbing, that Lt. Howard Black, who heads the Police Department’s […]

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Muslims Shove Crucifix Into Christian Man’s Chest

By Theodore Shoebat Yesterday I wrote about how two Christians in Syria, Fadi and Firas, were attacked by five Muslims, and that Fadi was beheaded as soon as the attackers saw that he was wearing a cross. Now, from a report from Agenzias Fides we know that after the Muslims decapitated Fadi, they took the […]

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Muslims Attack Christian Village, The Video That Was Taken Will Horrify You

Posted by Theodore Shoebat This video shows you the aftermath of a bombing done by Muslims of the Assyrian Christian area of Dora. 27 were killed and 56 wounded. This attack was done by Muslims and your Christian brethren need your help, please donate to save the Christians of Iraq. AFTER WATCHING THIS, PLEASE DONATE […]

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Obama Administration Rules That Muslims Cannot Be Profiled Because Of Islam

By Theodore Shoebat The Department of Justice, which is led by Attorney General Eric Holder (who was nominated by Obama), has ruled that federal agents are now prohibited from inquiring a person’s religion in the process of carrying out an investigation. This means, that when Muslims are investigation, their religion (Islam) cannot be put into […]

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Patriarch Of Russia Calls Out Obama

The Patriarch of Russia has called out Obama for his support of the Muslim rebels in Syria. The Patriarch remarked that his measures in favor for the rebels has resulted in the deaths of Christians, he wrote: Our special concern is for the fate of the Christian population of Syria, which in that case will […]

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Muslims Take Christian Out Of Car After Finding Cross, And Behead Him

Two Christian men, Firas Nader, 29, and Fadi Matanius Mattah, 34, were driving one day in Syria, from Homs to the Christian village of Marmarita, when five armed Muslims intercepted their vehicle and opened fire, severely injuring Firas. When the gunmen approached the car, they saw that Fadi was wearing a cross and so, in […]

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Muslims Commence Systematic Slaughter Of Christians

By Theodore Shoebat The Muslim fundamentalists of Nigeria have been incessantly killing Christians; it is systematic and consistent. What we are seeing is a holocaust being done right before our eyes, and while we say that “never again” will a holocaust happen, it is being organized and executed in the midst of this so called […]

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Christian Militants Pick Up Guns To Fight Off Islamic Invaders

By Theodore Shoebat Christian militants have arisen and, with weapons in hand, have with faith strived to compel “to flight the armies of the aliens.” (Hebrews 11:34) Ravenous waves of Muslim aggregates, are wandering into the lands of Christian villages that lie in Lebanon and border on Syria. Many of these Muslim invaders avoid the […]

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Muslim Woman Murders Mentally Challenged Daughter

By Theodore Shoebat A Palestinian Muslim woman has turned herself in to police, for beating and then hanging her mentally challenged daughter after finding out that she was pregnant, in an “honor” killing. The victim’s father and brother have disappeared since the murder, and the Palestinian Authority have commenced a manhunt. Amal Al Juabah, the […]

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Human Sacrifice Caught On Film

Posted by Theodore Shoebat When Muslims behead people, they believe that the blood of the victim appeases Allah, and thus they see it as propitiatory act. It is, therefore, an Islamic human sacrifice. For more on Islamic sacrifice, please see my latest article on this subject, here. Here is a video showing this evil:

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