Author Archive | Shoebat

Supporting The Islamic Revolutions Is All About Killing Christians

By Theodore Shoebat The support of the Islamic revolutions in Syria, Libya, and Egypt, is indication as to the Left’s alliance with Muslims to dechristianize the world, and to kill Christians Jihadists have just seized control of Maaloula, one of the most ancient villages in Christianity. The Muslims, after advancing over the area, attacked churches […]

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New San Antonio Decree: Politicians Will Lose Jobs If They Speak Against Homosexuals

By Theodore Shoebat Absolute equality is absolute despotism. This statement is becoming truer every moment in which the Sodomite agenda is incessantly advancing over the moral infrastructures, and they are not doing so without destroying lives. Look at the decree that was just passed in San Antonio, TX, which now prohibits all those in political […]

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Christians Butchered In Guinea, But There Is Something You Can Do About It

By Theodore Shoebat Great havoc and violence has arisen in Guinea, in which a substantial amount of churches have been destroyed, and a immense amount of Christians have been killed. Jihadist provoked violence left ninety-five people dead, and a hundred and thirty wounded. In Nzérékoré, five churches have been attacked and looted, and the homes […]

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The Homosexual Empire

By Theodore Shoebat By the same token, vices contrary to nature are everywhere and always to be detested and punished. Such were the sins of the Sodomites. –St. Augustine What is the homosexual agenda about? It is about conquest, and the persecution of Christians. Just by perusing today’s news, it is easily found that this […]

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Obama Will Advance Islam By Attacking Syria

By Theodore Shoebat The day after Obama’s reelection was announced, I wrote that Obama will be more reckless in his second term than in his first, in that he will work with NATO, France, and Britain, in attacking Syria, and on how the only one who would gain from this attack will be Turkey, because […]

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White House Spokesman Makes A Joke About Christian Persecution In Egypt

This joking about the persecuted not only shows the coldness of the US government, but also the hatred for Christians that the Obama administration harbors. From The Daily Caller: The White House’s deputy press secretary today downplayed Muslim attacks on Christians in Egypt, joking about the savagery that has left at least six Christians dead. […]

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Homo Tyranny Is Coming, If We Don’t Stop It

By Theodore Shoebat The sodomites are relentless in the endeavorment to force Christians in accepting their ideology. As I have said before, there is a direct connection between homosexuality and tyranny. Its called homo tyranny, and we are seeing it gradually advancing. As has been reported in one recent news story, a couple in New […]

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Muslims In Egypt: Christians Must Be Wiped Out

By Theodore Shoebat I was constantly verbally abused for being a Christian. Even on the public buses, they would insult me for being Christian, and accused us of being infidels, and that we as Christian people deserve to be wiped off the face of this country, because they believe that we do not deserve to […]

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Google Kicked Me Off

By Theodore Shoebat Google has completely severed me from making any videos, all of my videos are gone, and now I must start from scratch. For what reason did they do this? Youtube notified me that it was because of my recent video against homosexuality. This is exactly what I have been warning against, sodomites […]

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CAUGHT ON FILM: Churches Burnt And Ransacked In Egypt

The shameless media in America cares more about Muslim Brotherhood “demonstrators” being killed and injured, than Christian churches being burnt and devastated by the very same Muslim Brotherhood. This is why we must become the media. Here is a video of the Church of Bishop Moussa razed in flames: Here is the Prince Tadress Church […]

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