Author Archive | Walid Shoebat

Turkey’s Erdogan Being Worshipped Again As God While Prophecy Lines Up: Russia Allies With Israel And Distances From Iran As Ezekiel 38 Predicted

By Walid Shoebat Erdogan is at it again, trying to become a god and a Mahdi and the future conqueror of Europe. Lawmakers in Turkey attribute to Erdogan new titles of deity. Even from an Islamic Wahhabist perspective this is blaspheming. Al-Monitor in a recent article reported the story: “Take, for instance, the stunning remarks AKP […]

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Missiles with warheads that are usually used to assassinate high-profiles was possibly sent by terrorists from Lebanon bound for US. So what is this all about?

Serbia’s authorities are investigating reports that a cargo package bound for the US containing two missiles with explosive warheads was found in route on a passenger flight from Lebanon to Serbia and then to Portland Oregon. Serbian media say documents listed the final destination for the AGM-114 Hellfire missiles as Portland, Oregon. The American-made projectiles can […]

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The Prophecies Of The Muslim Invasion Of Europe Was Predicted By Saints And Is Happening Right Before Our Eyes

By Walid Shoebat (A Shoebat Sunday Special) One Milwaukee news paper in 1945 posts a prophecy by St. Francis of Paula said before it was etched in 1508 on his tombstone where he predicted television, submarines and airplanes and that a little later, Europe will be engulfed in war and drenched in blood: When pictures look alive with […]

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Pakistani Government In Response To All Your Christian Efforts Calling To End Christian Slavery Announced “We Will Let Your People Go”

By Walid Shoebat and Theodore Shoebat Finally. Let my people go! After years of efforts Rescue Christians accomplished, thanks to all of our partners, contributors and financial supporters, Pakistan government is now saying that they are releasing the enslaved children. It is a good step, but should we believe them? After much pressure and testimonies provided […]

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Watch The Real Scene How EMPTY Is Marco Rubio’s Rally. Not Even Fox Megyn Kelly Can Help

By Walid Shoebat It is introduced as “Behind the scenes with a Fox News interview with Megyn Kelly from the kelly files with Marco Rubio Rally in hialeah …” hip-hip-hurray the crowds voices are captured. The truth of what Fox News are trying to coverup is this: It is a bus-load Rubio brought with him. No […]

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Trump Is Triumphant And Nothing Can Now Stop The Trump Train To Run Over Hillary Clinton

By Walid Shoebat As we have seen this Tuesday, the Trump train cannot be stopped. Donald Trump rebounded to sweep three out of four Republican contests. Trump topped Ted Cruz and his other GOP rivals in Michigan, Hawaii and Mississippi, according to exit polls on Tuesday. As it seems, the naysayers and the analysts were wrong. […]

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Beware Of The Coming Chrislam: How To Prevent Falling Into The Abomination Of Desolation Where Christians Will Eat Islamic Halal Food And Consume Muslim Communion Instead Of Christian Communion And How To Prevent Yourself From Taking The Mark Of Islam On The Arm Or Forehead

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat sunday special) This is a crucial study. As you sit for your Sabbath rest, I pray everyone to diligently learn what we have prepared here, for this time is near. In prayer and sackcloth, I implore everyone who loves Christ: Prepare thy temple for the ultimate test where you will be refined as Gold is refined: through […]

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Why Trump Has God’s Blessings While The GOP Elites Has God’s Curses

By Walid Shoebat I look up “Trump” this morning on Google news to only find the strangest headlines which are not worth a click. Try it and go through the headlines yourself from top to bottom. The first one from NBC says “Donald Trump Makes His Penis a Campaign Issue During …” Didn’t we say last night that this […]

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The Debate And The Attacks By Losers Against Donald Trump Pissed Off Millions Of Americans And Sealed The Deal To Vote TRUMP

By Walid Shoebat As you watched the debate, the repeat of ‘attack Trump’ from all sides, it will make no difference on the outcome, attacking Trump will reveal, he is well equipped, and no matter what they hail on him, he is the unshakable White-Night who will win even more delegates in the next weeks […]

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New Study Reveals That Bible Prophecy Is On Target As Turkey And Other Nations Have Been Experiencing The Worst Drought It Has Ever Seen For The Past 900 Years

By Walid Shoebat Drought that began in 1998 in the eastern Mediterranean, especially in Turkey, Cyprus, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Israel and the West Bank was likely the worst of the past nine centuries, according to a study from NASA. Its called The Levant drought. The study found that the 1998-2012 period was drier than the previous driest interval in the […]

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Trump Was Victorious And Now The Den Of Thieves, Instead Of ‘Uniting Against Tyranny’ They Are All ‘United Against Trump’ But They Will Lose

By Walid Shoebat As we have been predicting, Trump swamped his rivals by piling up seven wins across the nation, demonstrating broad appeal for his anti-establishment movement. What we will witness from now forward is the major onslaught against the American ‘White-Night‘ Donald Trump. Even who supports him, from Chris Christie to even the pro-Trump […]

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The White Man Had Enough And Is Why Donald Trump Will Scoop The Votes Tonight. Like It Or Not White Preference Will Be Why Trump Will Win The 2016 Presidential Election.

By Walid Shoebat No one wants to seriously address why Donald Trump is winning and why he will scoop most votes tonight on Super-Tuesday. The very educated media, the New York Times, tells us that Trump “is strongest among Republicans who are less affluent, less educated and less likely to turn out to vote.” If such […]

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PEACE IN OUR TIMES: Turkey And Israel Are Making A Peace Treaty While The Christian Prepares For Spiritual WARFARE

By Walid Shoebat Rejoice everybody, its Hudna in our times! Its Time For A Falafel Party, Hookah and Baklava! Israel and Turkey are nearing a peace agreement. “Israel and Turkey will publish a statement about this in the coming days” said Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu. ‘Peace in our times’ to soon be announced. And in Aleppo, Syria, we are also witnessing […]

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Jerusalem Has Become Sodom And Gomorrah And The Two Witnesses Are Coming Soon, And When They Arrive They Will Fight Against The Homosexuals And The Muslims

By Walid Shoebat “Their bodies will lie in the public square of the great city–which is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt–where also their Lord was crucified.” (Revelation 11:8) It is a prophecy whenever its read folks begin to guess if this was Moses and Elijah or Enoch and Elijah and the debates go on without focusing on the substance or the […]

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Trump Won The Debate And Will Defeat Cruz And Rubio On Super Tuesday

By Walid Shoebat Watching last night’s debate Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz were trying to take a shot at the title but miserably failed and will not even put a tiny dent in Donald Trump who will be the Republican nominee. Trump’s tax issue will not hurt him and neither will the ‘Trump University’ grow into any sort of scandal. These […]

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My Horrific Experience When The Devil Showed Up And I Refused To Take His Mark

By Walid Shoebat “I will publicly mark him and warn others that he is now living in a fantasy world” the warning said as Theodore perused his twitter messages. Theodore received a threat regarding his father (me) that he will be receiving some dreaded mark. Alarmed at this, Theodore showed me. It was none other than Dr. […]

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