As we have seen this Tuesday, the Trump train cannot be stopped. Donald Trump rebounded to sweep three out of four Republican contests. Trump topped Ted Cruz and his other GOP rivals in Michigan, Hawaii and Mississippi, according to exit polls on Tuesday.
As it seems, the naysayers and the analysts were wrong. Even the pollsters as it turns out were dead wrong on Clinton. They all had her with a prohibitive lead over Sanders in Michigan’s Democratic presidential primary. In the final week, public polls showed Clinton with leads between 11 and 37 points.
Yet they were all dead wrong; Real Clear Politics, The Fox affiliate in Detroit, the NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist poll, A Monmouth University poll, and FiveThirtyEight website and others were all dead wrong. The latter gave Clinton a greater-than-99-percent chance of winning the state.
99% chance?
Communist-old-Sanders held a 2-point lead over Clinton, 50 percent to 48 percent. So why were they completely wrong? Its simple math, they forgot to add in one factor: how many of the African American democrats in the desperate state of Michigan where economic issues are the problem hated Hillary and simply chose her opponent.

In Mississippi, Clinton won whites. But this is not the case nationally. Clinton’s victory is completely dependent on black voters (correction: mocha-latte voters, there is no one with a pitch-black pigment).
Its all simple math. Hillary Clinton, hoping to rally non-white voters to her side and Rubio wanting to please Muslims where Trump did the simple math that ticking off the Muslims and the illegal Hispanics was the perfect strategy. Trump focused on the pissed-off White-Americans and the unemployed, be it foreign minority blacks and hispanics, or all American white. No one can give their children a good start in life without having a good paying job. Even simple algebra says that 1(man)+1(job)=happy American.
With simple math, just imagine how it will be when Hillary faces The unstoppable asteroid: Donald J. Trump.
Trump vs. Hillary will be the headlines soon after Trump shakes off the two Cuban cigars and the rhetoric will change with the several groups trying to stop Donald Trump. As we said, attack Trump, and you will hit an American nerve called “the underdog effect” where Trump will be viewed as the Scottish Braveheart standing up to King Edwars the Longshanks. From Saudi Arabia to Mexico; from the establishment to all the portrayals of Trump to Benito Mussolini and the favorite tyrant Adolf Hitler; from Mitt Romney’s voice to a secret confab and a ramp up of millions worth of advertising; all failing to slow down the Trump Train.
Donald Trump is leading the two Cuban cigars. In addition, he is defeating little Marco and Kasich in their own home states, topping Little Marco in Florida and Gov. John Kasich in Ohio, as a new CNN/ORC polls show. In Ohio, Trump holds 41% to Kasich’s 35%, with Texas Sen. Ted Cruz in third at 15% and little Marco in fourth with 7%.
Its simple math, STUPID!
As we previously said, Marco, not knowing how to respect his elders by mocking Trump got him finished. In Mississippi, Trump beat Cruz with his own base yet again – he got 48% of white evangelical vote to Cruz’s 38%.
My buddy who runs the Right Scoop is also getting desperate. Instead of dealing with the agony of defeat, had his headlines announce that Carly Fiorina and Chuck Norris are now endorsing Ted Cruz (hip-hip-hurray) as if this makes any difference. Norris might stop some terrorists in a movie, but simple math says the Trump Train is just too massive for the Texas Walker Ranger.
It makes little difference to get these endorsements. Trump got Palin’s endorsement and I said it was a bad idea and Trump lost Alaska. The Right Scoop folks are good friends of mine, and we talk on daily basis on the issues, but Mr. Scoop simply is betting on the losing horse. My other buddy Dave put all his chips on little Marco saying a while ago that Marco will rise. I will postpone my call to ask him “how is little Marco doing” after the Florida caucus is done with.
To have foresight is the key to wisdom. Trying to destroy Trump is the best thing the fools do.
Once Trump starts going after Hillary Clinton in ways you never heard before, it will delight and bring back a lot of disaffected Republicans, whose hatred of Hillary knows no bounds and will put behind all the criticism.
The average American, everywhere he looks, he sees corrupt politicians, environmentalists, opportunistic lawyers, and greedy people blocking farming, transportation, energy, and housing projects. California is the best case for this and why I believe California will vote Trump.
We have been saying it all along: “Fact is, all these critics proved one thing: they have a very-educated small brain and a very large ego and were DEAD WRONG! They made Trump fall under an important American principle: White Americans will always support the underdog.”
The keenly contested races are driving record turnout among Republicans who continued to post stunning voter-turnout numbers Tuesday night. In the four states that voted on the GOP side, turnout far exceeded what the party saw in 2012.
In Hawaii’s, Michigan’s and Mississippi’s Republican races, turnout this year was 30 to 40 percent higher than it was in 2012. Add this factor in the coming race between Hillary and The Donald and the math is easy to do: Trump will be president.