Archive | Benghazi Select Committee

Russia Has Come Under The Spell Of A New Rasputin, He Claims Nationalism, “Christianity” And “Traditionalism” While Practicing Crowlean “Chaos Magick” In Sodomite Urine-Drinking Orgies And Singing The Praises Of Satanists And The Devil

e I cannot forecast to you the action of Russia. It is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma; but perhaps there is a key. That key is Russian national interest. It cannot be in accordance with the interest of the safety of Russia that Germany should plant itself upon the shores of […]

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Woman In Texas Facing Potential Charges For Falsely Accusing Police Officer Of Sexual Assault

Police have been vindicated and a woman now facing potential charges of making false statement after camera footage disproves her claims that she was raped during a traffic stop: Video footage from a Texas state trooper’s body camera refuted sexual-assault claims a woman made against the trooper after she was pulled over for allegedly driving […]

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North Africa Is Entering Utter Chaos And Anarchy, And Its Thanks To American Foreign Policy

By Theodore Shoebat The nation of Tunisia is going into a state of chaos and anarchy. Militants are roaming about, dividing families and forcing people to submit to their agenda. They use brute violence to instill fear into the hearts of the people, executing locals and having people provide for them food and provisions. The […]

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President Trump Prepares To Halt All Refugee Applications From Syria And Six Other Muslim Majority Nations But Makes Major Exception For Persecuted Christians

President Trump is expected to sign an executive order blocking Syria plus six other Muslim majority nations from getting visas until the scrutiny process is changed. However, a huge exception is being made for “persecuted religious miniories,” which includes the persecuted Christians of these nations: Donald Trump is expected to block all refugees from Syria […]

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Tensions On The Rise In Eastern Europe: Russia Threatens The U.S. That It Will Add More Than 40 Nukes To Confront U.S. Installation Of Military Equipment On Russia’s Borders

Russia-West relations took a downturn this week when Moscow warned that any stationing of military equipment along its border with Europe could have “dangerous consequences” and President Vladimir Putin announced that Russia would add more than 40 ballistic missiles to its nuclear arsenal this year. At a military and arms fair on Tuesday, Putin announced […]

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The Clinton’s Favorite And Most Prominent Muslim Brotherhood Spiritual Leader Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi Sentenced To DEATH By Hanging

By Walid Shoebat An Egyptian court sentenced influential senior Muslim cleric Sheikh Youssef al-Qaradawi to death in absentia on Tuesday, in a case relating to a mass jail break in 2011. Former Islamist president Mohamed Mursi was also sentenced to death in that case, along with more than 80 others sentenced in absentia. If anything, […]

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The Military is On “Attack Mode” In Philadelphia Due To What The Authorities Believe Is A Serious ISIS Threat

By Walid Shoebat The U.S. Navy raised its threat level at a naval installation in Philadelphia Tuesday after receiving a “potentially credible threat,” a U.S. official said. The Navy was informed by the FBI of the threat to potentially take place Tuesday. The threat level was raised to “Charlie” which indicates imminent threat of terrorism around […]

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Ex-CIA Director Petraeus Pleads GUILTY In What Carries Stench of Blackmail by Obama Administration

Several Obama White House scandals stink to high heaven, to include Benghazi. Whatever former CIA Director David Petraeus knows about it, he seems to know too much. Why hasn’t his voice been heard when it comes to this scandal? A factor that can’t be avoided is that the Obama administration has been very interested in […]

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Hillary Clinton CAUGHT Breaking the Law By Using PERSONAL Email Address Exclusively While Secretary of State and State Department Continues to Stonewall Information About her Muslim Brotherhood-Linked Adviser

When the left-wing New York Times publishes an article that damages Hillary Clinton, it’s a safe bet the decision to do so is not to expose wrongdoing so much as it is to minimize any potential damage by getting in front of it. That premise notwithstanding, even the Times is having a difficult time softening […]

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Obama Administration officials Who are Muslim and Who Are LINKED to Muslim Brotherhood Fail to Make List of 20 Officials Benghazi Committee Chairman Wants to Interview

It is important that when the House Select Committee on Benghazi does something good, it be acknowledged. Along those lines, Chairman Trey Gowdy should be commended for identifying 20 current and former members of the Obama administration that he plans to interview beginning in early April. While the names on the list are those of […]

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LEAKED EVIDENCE Shows Senator McCain Involved in Major Islamic Conspiracy to Transform Middle East into Islamic State

Recently revealed conversations between the Pentagon and the Gadhafi regime in 2011 show that then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was serving the Muslim Brotherhood by pushing a false narrative to justify the removal of Muammar Gadhafi, as has reported. With the help of corroborating evidence, we’re closer to proving that Republican Senator John […]

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LEAKED AUDIO RECORDINGS Reveal Hillary Clinton is a Muslim Brotherhood Agent Who Helped Muslim Brotherhood Take Control of North Africa and Middle East

According to a three-part series published by the Washington Times, it was Hillary Clinton who was insisting that the U.S. remove Libya’s Muammar Gadhafi in 2011 while pushing false narratives to do so. These reports have allegedly caught the attention of the House Select Committee on Benghazi. What must be included in this analysis is […]

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Karl Rove Suggests Benghazi as Ridiculous to Investigate as Obama’s Birth Certificate in Apparent Effort to Protect Hillary Clinton, Dirtied Up Republicans, and Even Himself

During a recent interview with Fox News Channel’s Bill O’Reilly, George W. Bush’s most trusted adviser during his administration – Karl Rove – made a stunning comparison. In so doing, it should be obvious why he’s doing it. While talking about the 2016 presidential race and Hillary Clinton’s chances, Rove suggested that people who want […]

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Did Ex-CIA Director David Petraeus and Four-Star General Carter Ham Convert to Islam, as Current CIA Director John Brennan was Accused of Doing?

Since publishing screenshots from a commenter on this site that appeared to show an extremely bizarre, pro-Islamic message posted to the twitter account of four-star Gen. Carter Ham (Ret.), there have been some further developments. At the time of the Benghazi attacks, General Ham was the Commander of AFRICOM. Individuals familiar with scams originating in […]

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At Third Benghazi Hearing, State Department Official who was ‘Friend’ of Ambassador Murdered in Islamic Terror Attack STONEWALLS and Helps Keep Truth About His Friend’s Death Suppressed

When witnesses are sworn in to testify, they pledge to tell “the truth, the whole truth and NOTHING BUT the truth, so help me God” (at least that last part should be in there – it has a way of keeping people honest when they give any thought to it). Yet, for some reason, when […]

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Ex-Defense Dept Official Connects Outsourcing of Security to Muslim Terrorists in Benghazi to Company that had Congressman’s Wife as Vice Chairman on its Board of Directors

If there has been a U.S. Congressman whose behavior relative to the investigation of what happened in Benghazi on September 11, 2012, has been bizarre, it’s Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI), the recently retired congressman and former chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI). According to John Shaw, former deputy undersecretary of defense […]

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