By Theodore Shoebat The eyes truly are the windows of the soul:
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The Fact That The City Of San Antonio Has Banned Chick-Fil-A Because It Supports Christian Marriage Shows That Homosexuality Is Part Of The System Of The Antichrist In Which Christians Will Not Be Able To Buy Or Sell
By Theodore Shoebat The city of San Antonio just recently banned Chick-Fil-A from its airport because it supports Christian marriage. Remember what the Scripture says about the system of the Antichrist: “And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of […]
Catholic Bishop Of Rhode Island Declares: “Catholics should not support or attend LGBTQ ‘Pride Month’ events”
By Theodore Shoebat The Catholic Bishop of Rhode Island has been getting the ire of the sodomites after declaring that Catholics should not partake in any activities having to do with “Pride month” as we read in a report from Crux Now: Rhode Island’s Roman Catholic bishop on Sunday defended a tweet urging Catholics not […]
Major Government Official In Mexico Tries To Fully Legalize Abortion And Homosexual Marriage In Mexico, But Fails Because Most Mexican Officials Refused To Support Him
By Theodore Shoebat A major government official in Mexico, Porfirio Muñoz Ledo, tried to get abortion and homosexual marriage fully passed in Mexico, but he failed, according to a report from Catholic News Agency: The portion of a constitutional reform initiative seeking to legalize abortion and same-sex marriage in Mexico did not advance last week in […]
Turkey Wants To Continue To Expand Into Africa In The Midst Of Sudan’s Volatile Situation
By Walid & Theodore Shoebat After the military overthrew the regime of Omar al-Bashir, now the people want a transition of government power given to the people. Now there are protests and today the military opened fire, killing 13. According to a report from RT: Sudan’s military has used live ammunition to disperse protesters in […]
The War On Drugs Is Not About Stopping Drug Consumption, But About Expanding American Power
By Theodore Shoebat In this video, I give a book review on the book, A Narco History by Carmen Boullosa and Mike Wallace. The book is a history on the Narco world and demonstrates how the drug war was not about stopping drug consumption but about expanding American power:
Neopagan Paramilitaries In Europe And The United States Are Training And Planning For A War Against Christianity
By Theodore & Walid Shoebat As the spirit of Antichrist increases in the souls of the nations, it is not surprising that violent organizations and cults are gaining popularity. These groups are violently nationalistic, tribalist, pagan and revere images of skulls, wolves, rune symbols and the Swastika. They boast with excessive pride their love of […]
The Government Of Italy Takes Away Steve Bannon’s Rights To Use Monastery To Plan Nationalist Uprising In Europe
By Theodore Shoebat The government of Italy just revoked Steve Bannon’s right to use an ancient monastery as a headquarters to conspire a nationalist uprising in Europe. According to a report from Vox: Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon’s plans for a far-right nationalist school have been halted by Italian authorities. Bannon hoped to […]
How AIDS Research Is Being Used To Justify Experiments On Aborted Human Fetuses
By Theodore Shoebat AIDS research is being used to justify experiments on aborted (murdered) human human fetuses. And the US government actually wants this evil to continue on. The US government’s most high ranking research agency, the National Institute of Health (NIH), is working to extend and resume this diabolical research on a disease that […]
Britain May Get Its First Turkish Prime Minister
By Theodore Shoebat Yes, this may actually happen:
Major Psychologist, Jordan Peterson, Normalizes Pedophilia
By Theodore Shoebat Recently, the popular psychologist Jordan Peterson interviewed pedophilia supporter, Milo Yiannopoulos, in which both made statements normalizing pedophilia. I did a video on this sharing my thoughts: \
Democrat Governor Of Louisiana Just Effectively Banned Abortion And Calls On All Democrat Governors To Do The Same
By Theodore Shoebat Democrat governor of Louisiana, John Bel Edwards, has joined other states in making it very difficult to have abortions and has signed into law a heart beat bill. Unborn children can have a heartbeat at six weeks, a time when many women don’t even know that they are pregnant. Edwards exhorted all […]
Baptist Church In Texas Says That God Wants Them To Have Homosexual Weddings
By Theodore Shoebat The University Baptist Church In Waco, Texas, has recently said that God wants them to have sodomite weddings. On the official website of the church it says that the congregation wanted homosexual weddings, and that they then prayed to God and then got (somehow) confirmation from God to do this perversity: Four […]
Democrat Politician And Pastor In Illinois Declares: Laws That Prohibit Abortion Is No Different Than Slavery
By Theodore Shoebat Democrat politician and pastor in Illinois, Maurice West, recently declared that any laws prohibiting abortion is no different from slavery, as we read in a report from WGN9: The Illinois House has endorsed expanded abortion protections as a half-dozen other states strive to restrict the procedure. Chicago Democratic Rep. Kelly Cassidy’s Reproductive Health […]
Zoomers And Millennials Are Just Young Boomers
By Theodore Shoebat Some of my thoughts on the parallels between millennials, zoomers and boomers:
The Tower Of Babel Story Does Not Justify Nationalism
By Theodore Shoebat After hearing this argument so many times, I thought I would address the issue: