By Theodore Shoebat There is a video that just recently came out reportedly showing defecting Venezuelan troops shooting at Venezuelan troops loyal to Maduro. The shooting is supposedly being done to protect the opposition: #Venezuela 🇻🇪: defected soldiers continue to hold the overpass at La Carlota, protecing protester and returning fire whenever pro-#Maduro forces attack. […]
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Florida Senator Rick Scott Calls For US Military Forces To Invade Venezuela
By Theodore Shoebat Florida Senator Rick Scott has gone full Neoconservative and called for a US military invasion of Venezuela. As we read from the Miami Herald: Rick Scott isn’t waiting to see if Juan Guaidó can successfully get the Venezuelan military to switch sides and oust Nicolás Maduro. The Florida senator called for the U.S. […]
A Military Coup Is Taking Place Right Now In Venezuela And Its Supported By The Trump Administration
By Theodore Shoebat There is an ongoing coup taking place in Venezuela, and it is receiving the support of the Trump administration. Mike Pompeo said: “Today interim President Juan Guaido announced start of Operación Libertad … The U.S. Government fully supports the Venezuelan people in their quest for freedom and democracy. Democracy cannot be defeated.” Today […]
Stop Worshipping The Military
By Theodore Shoebat Some of my thoughts on the cult of the military:
The Destruction Of The Middle East And The Nazi Roots Of The Neoconservatives
By Theodore Shoebat and Walid Shoebat With the chaos that has torn apart Iraq and Syria, we should ask ourselves about the people who pushed for the foreign policy that sparked the violent conflagration and their idealogical roots. The exhortation for the invasion of Iraq can be traced back to the Neoconservative movement and its […]
Lets Talk About The Synagogue Shooting
By Theodore Shoebat Some of my thoughts on the recent synagogue shooting:
German Darwinist Nationalist AfD Party Invites Steve Bannon To Speak For Them In Media Conference
By Theodore Shoebat Steve Bannon has been invited to speak for the Darwinist nationalist German AfD party in a future media conference, as we read in a report from Euractiv: Germany’s far-right party AfD has invited Donald Trump’s former advisor Steve Bannon to a media conference in Berlin next month. A spokesman for the Alternative […]
Shooting At Synagogue In California, 1 Person Dead, Three Injured. The Shooter Has Been Identified As John Earnest
By Theodore Shoebat Another shooting at a synagogue. This time it has occurred in California. This is just six months after the last synagogue massacre which took place Pittsburg, PA and which was done by Alt-right fanatic Robert Bowers. So far police have identified the shooter as John Earnest. As we read in one report from CNN: […]
“No King But Caesar!” — The Dangers Of Excessive Nationalism
By Theodore Shoebat The Israelites wanted a king, even though God was their king. They wanted a human king, so they got a tyrant named Saul who murdered the priests of Israel. Christ came to the Israelites and told them that He was their King, but they rejected Him and said that Caesar — who […]
We Don’t Really Know The Full Story Behind The Sri Lankan Massacre
By Theodore Shoebat Some of my thoughts on the grey area around the story of the Sri Lankan massacre that just took place:
Navy SEALS Receive Warning: Do Not Report War Crimes
By Theodore Shoebat Navy SEALS were reported told not to report on war crimes, as we read in a report from RT: A group of Navy SEAL commandos from Team 7’s Alpha Platoon allege that they were warned by top brass against reporting their commanding officer for possible war crimes in Iraq. Special Operations Chief […]
Mike Pompeo Admits: CIA Hires People To Lie, Cheat And Steal
By Theodore Shoebat Mike Pompeo made an admission that should not surprise us: the CIA hires people to lie, cheat and steal. As we read in a report from RT: In a rare moment of honesty, Mike Pompeo admitted to an audience that the CIA trains employees to “lie, cheat and steal.” While he seemed […]
How Long Will Americans Accept Arguments That Justify Genocide?
By Theodore Shoebat How long will people accept the arguments that justify genocide? CORRECTION: At 7:35, I said that Trump said that he didn’t want to lose a $110 million dollar deal with the Saudis. He actually said it was $110 billion. His exact words were: “I don’t like the concept of stopping an investment of […]
Just Like Obama Backed The Arming Of Syrian Rebels, Trump Is Supporting The Sharia Law Government Of Saudi Arabia In Its Slaughter Of The Yemeni People
By Theodore Shoebat Over 70,000 people have been killed in the horrific war in Yemen. As we read in a recent report from the Independent: The death toll from the war in Yemen has soared past 70,000, as rights groups warned landmines strewn across the country have caused hundreds of casualties and blocked aid. In the past […]
The Government Of Sri Lanka Knew That The Massacre Of Christians In The Churches Was Going To Happen, And Did Nothing To Prevent It
By Theodore Shoebat In this video I give an analysis on how people within the Sri Lankan government knew that the horrific massacre in which close to 300 people were slaughtered, was going to happen, but did nothing to prevent it: Click Here To Donate To Keep This Website Going CLICK HERE TO FOLLOW […]
Steve Bannon Tells Matteo Salvini To Attack Pope Francis And Says That The Pope Is “The Enemy”
By Theodore Shoebat Speaking oppression and revolt, Conceiving and uttering from the heart words of falsehood. (Isaiah 59:13) There are conspirators conspiring for evil, for revolt and oppression. Just as in the passed Martin Luther pushed for the German nobles to attack the Church, so today there are political actors pushing for government officials to spark animosity against the […]