By Drew Zahn, From her position on the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., dared to question the Muslim Brotherhood’s infiltration of our government – and because of it, her job may be in danger. But Dr. Jamie Glazov, managing editor of, and author of “United in Hate: The Left’s Romance with Tyranny […]
The Latest News from the Shoebat Foundation
Andrew McCarthy: Why are so many Republicans choosing to arm Muslim Brotherhood?
The John McCain wing of the Republican Party appears to be growing when it comes to arming the Muslim Brotherhood. The only way to make sense of the nonsensical is to assume they think that arming Egypt’s military is a hedge against Morsi gaining more power. Yeah, that’s a bad bet. Echoes of the Barbary […]
Amazing Video: Story of the Israeli Air Force
Incredible look into how the Israeli Air Force began in 1948. After WWII, the newly re-born Israel was under grave threat from surrounding Arab nations with much greater firepower. Watch the story about how a very young Israeli Air Force received help from “Machal” or “volunteers from outside the Land.” Amazing story: A hidden treasure […]
Would Jesus or Muhammad Have Gay Friends?
In many churches, tolerance has become an idol. I have heard numerous times Christians happily say that they have “gay friends,” as though it were a badge of honor. I have no problem with sharing the Gospel with homosexuals, but why should we make it a major goal for Christians to have gay friends? Would […]
Video: Turkish activist suggests U.S. Embassy bombing done by Al-Qaeda
If the Obama administration can carry on the lie that an anti-Muhammad video was responsible for the attacks on U.S. territory in Benghazi, why can’t Turkey blame a suicide bombing on a member of a flailing and defunct Marxist group? It’s not impossible that the bomber was a Marxist but it doesn’t seem to fit […]
Leftists just Refuse to Learn: Founder of Group that helped overthrow Mubarak face to face with reality
Ahmed Maher is an Egyptian who co-founded the April 6th Movement, a leftist group formed circa 2008 to fight for social justice and other left-wing causes in Egypt and elsewhere. Ultimately, Maher’s movement was instrumental in the overthrow of Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak in early 2011. Now, two years later, an Irish news source is reporting […]
Video: Nation of Islam member at Texas Muslim Capitol day in Austin says ‘Islam is the solution’, calls for anti-American legislation
Here is another video from Texas Muslim Capitol Day from 1/31/13 on the south steps of the Texas Capitol building in Austin, TX. This speaker is Nation of Islam’s Eric Muhammad, who singles out former Texas Rep. Leo Berman for the latter’s introduction of anti-Sharia legislation. He also seems to like the idea of gun […]
Jack Van Impe Endorses Walid Shoebat Scholarship
On a recent program, Jack Van Impe endorsed Walid’s book, God’s War on Terror. One of the most beautiful documentaries done on Jerusalem and its position in Biblical prophecy, click here for details. Via JVM:
Speaker at Texas Muslim Capitol Day in Austin: ‘This State House is your State House’
Thursday, January 31st was “Texas Muslim Capitol Day” in Austin. The event took place on the south steps of the State Capitol building and was emceed by Mustafaa Carroll, Executive Director for the Council on American-Islamic Relations in Houston (CAIR-Houston). One of the speakers was a man named Rev. Ronnie C. Lister. There are quite […]
Chairman of House Homeland Security Committee not making Al Gore’s sale to Al Jazeera a priority
Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX), the new chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, doesn’t appear to be interested in making Al Gore’s sale of CURRENT TV to Al Jazeera a priority. Accuracy in Media’s Cliff Kincaid was told as much in no uncertain terms from an aid to McCaul. Via AIM: Despite this looming threat […]
Senator Ted Cruz grills Chuck Hagel over anti-Semitic comments caught on Video
The evidence that Chuck Hagel, Barack Obama’s nominee for Secretary of State, is anti-Israel is quite overwhelming. In this exchange between Hagel – who is himself a Repoublican – and Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) is a must-see. Cruz is cordial and spends less than two minutes on an opening statement / initial question. Subsequent to […]
Censored by Conservative Media for accusing Al Gore of Treason?
Cliff Kincaid, of America’s Survival, recently did an interview with Brent Bozell’s Media Research Center (MRC) about the sale of Al Gore’s CURRENT TV to Al Jazeera. Toward the end of the interview, Kincaid accused Al Gore of treason (rightfully so). However, after talking to the folks at MRC, Kincaid was basically informed that his […]
Islam and Cannibalism UPDATED
We added various additions to this article on Islam and cannibalism, using now Hadith which reveal that blood drinking was done by Muhammad’s first followers, and also we posted a video of an Egyptian sheikh calling for the eating of Jewish flesh. By Walid and Theodore Shoebat In the future, the Egyptian Islamists will not […]
Egypt’s Morsi attempts to diminish his hateful racism by qualifying it
Let’s see, in 2010, Egypt’s president Mohamed Morsi said that Jews were “descendants of apes and pigs” while also expressing the opinion that Muslims should “nurse our children and grandchildren on hatred towards those Zionists and Jews”. Apparently, Mursi’s I-was-taken-out-of-context defense doesn’t seem to be getting much traction so he’s decided to go about this […]
Hillary’s interview with Greta Van Susteren: so much hypocrisy, it wouldn’t even fit inside a pants suit
Fox News Channel’s Greta Van Susteren sat down with outgoing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to discuss – among other things – Egypt and Benghazi. Those expecting Greta to be a bit tougher on Clinton than was the stable of gelded Republican Senators and Congressmen last week were disappointed but there were some revealing moments. […]
Video: Al Gore tells Letterman that sale to Al Jazeera ok because Qatar working on Green Energy
There is a reason that Al Gore agreed to appear on David Letterman’s show. That reason is that Letterman has been swimming in the liberal tank for a long time. That said, the hypocrisy of Al Gore – the man at the tip of the fraudulent Global Warming spear – is so blatant that even […]