The Latest News from the Shoebat Foundation


GM And Microsoft Begin Partnership For Auto Technology

Electric cars and the integration of computers into cars to a point where the two are indistinguishable is a long-term trend for the future to watch. There are multiple sub-trends tied to this, such as the reorganization of cities, urban planning, and changes to the transportation and logistics systems that will affect political trends also. […]

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Hindu Terrorist Promises Mass Violence Unless All Churches Are Closed In His Area

While the US decries “religious freedom” in China, she has turned completely away from India, which as has reported for years, as seen continual increases in violence so that India is now one of the top ten most violent and unstable places for Christians in the world. We have noted that this is part […]

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Massacre Confirmed At Major Christian Church In Tigray With 750 Dead, Mosques Also Targeted

I reported on January 12th that claims of a massacre involving hundreds of Ethiopian Orthodox Christians at a major church in Tigray by Eritrea soldiers happened, but it was yet to be confirmed. Now that massacre has been confirmed and as the Christian Post and UK Telegraph report, 750 Christians were butchered at St. Mary […]

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Parler May Be Back Online With Russian Help, And Explaining How This Works Geopolitically

With lots of talk about Russia and “collusion” over the last four years, and some of it reasonable and other parts not so, it is of interest that ThomsonReuters reports that Parler, the social media alternative which many ‘conservatives’ seem to be attracted to, is allegedly migrating to Russian-backed hosting, at least in part, in […]

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biden covid

Biden Wants To Keep Europeans And Brazilians Out Of America

By Theodore Shoebat Biden wants to keep the travel ban on Europe and Brazil regardless of the fact that Trump wants it lifted. As we read in the BBC: US President-elect Joe Biden’s spokeswoman says the US will maintain travel bans on the UK, much of the EU and Brazil – despite an order from […]

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Japan Begins Mass Drive In Drone, AI Technology For Military Use

An interesting article that appeared in the Nikkei two weeks ago reports that Japan is working on advanced artificial intelligence technology in military aircraft in order to close its ‘technology gap’ with China. Japan has begun to develop unmanned, remote-controlled fighter aircraft capable of breakneck maneuvers that will be deployed as early as 2035, bracing […]

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Germany Proposes Concentrating COVID Quarantine Rulebreakers Into Refugee Camps

When one speaks of “concentrating” any groups of people into a particular location that are generally disliked in the context of historically Germanic lands, it not surprisingly causes many people to become uncomfortable. reported in 2018 how Austria curiously wanted to ‘concentrate [migrants] into one spot’ through the camps, and how many of the […]

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Yang Calls For UBI In New York

During the 2020 presidential selection process for the Democrat party, Andrew Yang proposed sending Americans monthly stimulus checks for $1,000 USD a person. This idea was immediately attacked by Republicans as ‘socialism’ (which it is), and then, only a short time later, Trump signed the COVID stimulus bill, which is arguably the largest application of […]

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Iran-Contra Is Back As Tehran, Moscow Pursue New Relations With Nicaragua

In many regions of the world, there are ‘wildcard’ areas that are less inclined to the social and political tendencies of their neighbors. In the case of Central America, Nicaragua is one of those regions, as the small nation is a long-time Soviet and Iranian ally, and ha been a ‘thorn in the side’ of […]

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“Protests” For The Election, And A Lesson From Monty Python

Comedy is funny because it is a reflection of what are often uncomfortable realities through extreme exaggeration. One of the ‘classic’ comedy films still is the famous “Monty Python and the Holy Grail”, where the bumbling Python troupe takes the role of knights in the arthurian legend and attempts to find the Holy Grail. There […]

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Looks Like Migrant Is Back On The Menu, Boys

In the “Lord of the Rings” film trilogy, two of the protagonists, Merry and Pippin, are captured by an orc army. While in their captivity, the army becomes hungry and threatens to eat them. The orc commander tells the other orcs that they are not to be eaten, but brought intact to one of the […]

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Claim: Erdogan Selling Out Fellow Turkic Uyghurs To China In Exchange For COVID Vaccines

President Erdogan of Turkey is showing signs suggesting he wants to crown himself a new sultan in the Islamic world and representative of the Turkic peoples. The political and social implications for this are vast and could reshape the politics for the next century. However, as much as Erdogan wants to rise, there are many […]

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NRA Files For Bankruptcy, Moves To Texas

The NRA was founded six years after the end of the Civil War to uphold the rights of Americans to own guns. They have been chartered in New York state ever since 1871, but now according to CNBC, a historic shift is taking place right now as the NRA is filing for bankruptcy and moving […]

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