ISIS is causing the same problems for stealth jihadists in the U.S. that al-Qaeda caused for them after the September 11th attacks. In short, ISIS is blowing the cover of groups like CAIR, which are having to go into damage control mode relative to the truth about them coming out. Case in point comes from […]
Tag Archives | Benghazi
It’s Only Homeland Blood that will awaken the American people
by Keith Davies political commentator for The news bulletins are reporting on the beheadings of American journalists, which has caught at least some attention of the public, but only those Americans who choose to be informed about what is going on the world. We have witnessed the apathy of the public as a whole […]
Gullible Glenn Beck Helping Hillary Clinton get Elected
Talk show host Glenn Beck is apparently trying to help Hillary Clinton’s presidential run. During a segment on his program, Beck said he spoke to a “friend” of his who relayed a conversation he’d had with “Hillary people”. According to Beck’s account, his friend said the “Hillary people” think ‘the right is so stupid’ because […]
Islamists Overrun U.S. Embassy in Tripoli and Celebrate with Pool Party
Nearly two years ago, Tripoli was considered much safer than Benghazi, where the U.S. was the last flag standing when Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans were murdered there on 9/11/12. This past July, the U.S. ‘temporarily relocated’ all U.S. personnel from the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli to Tunisia. Last month, reports surfaced which […]
Evidence: Hillary Clinton at WAR with FIRST AMENDMENT and not TERRORISM
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** Explosive information previously available is being incorporated into our case that the Obama administration was indeed involved in the production and promotion of the video that has become known as “Innocence of Muslims” blamed for the attacks in Benghazi. This information also breathes new life into the […]
Egypt Trying to Clean up Obama’s Mess in Libya
The NATO operation responsible for removing Muammar Gadhafi has quite predictably proved to be a disaster. It paved the way for the Benghazi attacks as well as the recent fall of Tripoli to Islamists and total lawlessness in that country. As Islamists were in the process of taking Tripoli, they were having to deal with […]
John McCain’s ‘Heroes’ Take Control of Tripoli
Politicians like Senator John McCain (R-AZ) respond to ‘I told you so’ claims by those who see ISIS rising in Syria by saying that if the U.S. had acted sooner, the ‘moderate’ rebels would be in control right now. What people like McCain will NOT acknowledge is that the very same argument was made relative […]
Ex-Obama Adviser Admits to Pressuring Israel to allow Materials into Gaza used to Construct Terror Tunnels
Former adviser to Barack Obama, Dennis Ross has made a shocking admission in a Washington Post op-ed. Ross, who was appointed to the National Security Council staff as a Special Assistant to the President in 2009, a position he held for more than two years, indicates Obama may have culpability in the construction of terror […]
New Red Flag with Benghazi Committee?
On today’s show… Do people who want the House Select Committee on Benghazi to get to the truth have something new to be concerned about? This week, it was announced that Lt. Gen. Dana K. Chipman (Ret) was named chief counsel to the Committee. This may be a great choice but there is a relationship […]
Benghazi Select Committee Names Chief Counsel
The House Select Committee on Benghazi, led by Rep. Trey Gowdy has named Lt. Gen. Dana K. Chipman as chief counsel. Something that could potentially raise some eyebrows is the extent of Chipman’s relationship with Joint Chiefs Chairman Martin Dempsey, a figure who has taken his share of heat over his role in the failure […]
CIA Director Alleged to have Converted to Islam said idea of Islamic Caliphate ‘Absurd’
Two years prior to becoming CIA Director, during his tenure as Homeland Security Advisor in 2011, John Brennan stated emphatically that counterterrorism policies would not be based on a “feckless delusion” of an Islamic Caliphate, calling the idea “absurd”. Last year, in the weeks prior to Brennan being sworn in as CIA Director, former FBI […]
Trial EXTREMELY Damaging to Obama being Covered Up
On Today’s Show… In 2006, former CIA Director James Woolsey gave a speech in which he seemed to strongly imply that rogue regimes in the Middle East should be overthrown. The strategy expressed a desire to make the Hosni Mubarak regime and the Saudi Royal family ‘nervous’ by the U.S. turning its attention to Syria, […]
Obama Air Strikes on ISIS Show how WRONG people were about Syria
On today’s show… Segment 1: American foreign policy is beyond dysfunctional; it’s schizophrenic. Last year, there was a whole host of Republicans who wanted Obama to launch air strikes against Syria’s Bashar al-Assad. The reason? To help the Free Syrian Army (FSA), comprised of ‘moderate’ rebels. In reality, FSA constituted one half of ‘good cop […]
Chairman of Intelligence Committee Remaining Silent on Benghazi Report
The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee still isn’t talking about the report on Benghazi approved by his committee. Chairman Mike Rogers (R-MI) has not commented on claims by multiple Democrats on the Committee who say the group concluded there was “no deliberate wrongdoing” committed by the Obama administration. Reps. Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD), Mike Thompson […]
Benghazi Select Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy Stabbed in Back by Republican Colleague
A soon-to-be released House Intelligence Committee report on the Benghazi attacks reportedly lets the Obama administration off the hook, concluding that there was “no deliberate wrongdoing” on the part of the administration relative to the attacks. A consequence of this is that Benghazi Select Committee chairman Trey Gowdy is being stabbed in the back by […]

Republican Benghazi Select Committee should Depose is Distancing himself from ‘Deteriorating’ Situation in Libya
A man who should be a major focus of the House Select Committee on Benghazi is Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI), Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. As reported recently, one way for the Committee to demonstrate it’s not partisan would be to depose Rogers and ask him some very tough questions. Last week, Rogers […]