Some are cheering the news that convicted terrorist Sami al-Arian has been ‘deported’ to Turkey. Upon further review, this deportation may be closer to the ones given to the Taliban Five who went to Qatar along with $5 Billion in exchange for deserter Bowe Bergdahl. Where al-Arian is going – and where he is not […]
Tag Archives | Bill O’Reilly
Karl Rove Suggests Benghazi as Ridiculous to Investigate as Obama’s Birth Certificate in Apparent Effort to Protect Hillary Clinton, Dirtied Up Republicans, and Even Himself
During a recent interview with Fox News Channel’s Bill O’Reilly, George W. Bush’s most trusted adviser during his administration – Karl Rove – made a stunning comparison. In so doing, it should be obvious why he’s doing it. While talking about the 2016 presidential race and Hillary Clinton’s chances, Rove suggested that people who want […]
Bill O’Reilly gets it in Segment One, Then shows his Ignorance in Segment Two
Bill O’Reilly hit the nail on the head in his opening monologue this evening, it was like as if he was reading our blog. Here is the opening monologue: Watch the latest video at Then in his very next segment he invited on two stooges from the Council for Islamic Relations (CAIR) Hassam Ayloush […]
Lying State Department Ventriloquist Dummies Declare War on Bill O’Reilly Instead of on ISIS
This is truly an amazing piece of video. State Department spokesman ventriloquist dummy Marie Harf took exception yesterday to Fox News host Bill O’Reilly saying that her fellow ventriloquist dummy Jen Psaki was “way out of her depth” when it came to answering questions about ISIS. Harf decided to divine motive and claim that O’Reilly […]
U.S. about to Formally Align with Bashar al-Assad against ISIS and Politicians just can’t admit they were WRONG
Politicians just hate to admit they were wrong. Exactly one year ago today, they were clamoring for Barack Obama to launch air strikes on Syria’s Bashar al-Assad in response to the chemical attack. Now it appears that the U.S. is considering a covert alliance with Assad to fight ISIS. It no doubt pains the likes […]
Why The Smartest Conservatives Are NOT THAT SMART
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack (Shoebat Exclusive) Some issues doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out. In America we have lots of very smart folks; analysts and experts who always get the ear of the masses. Some of these very ‘smart’ folks, while we were publishing the truth on Syria last year, as […]
Leader of Muslim Civil Rights Group sends out Anti-Semitic Tweet in support of Convicted Terrorist Financier
By Ben Barrack Nihad Awad, the national director for CAIR – a stealth Muslim Brotherhood front group with 501(c)(3) tax exempt status granted by Lois Lerner during the Bush administration – was caught blaming the Israeli lobby for the imprisonment of a terrorist. Awad sent out two tweets regarding the release of convicted terrorist financier […]
Stealth Jihadist in Red Dress standing next to Hillary Clinton Still Ignored after being Caught on Video
The video of Jason Mattera confronting Hillary Clinton about Benghazi caught the attention of Bill O’Reilly but not for the reasons it should have. O’Reilly thought Mattera was disrespectful To Hillary while ignoring the close proximity to Hillary of a suspected stealth jihadist. It was like a police officer arresting someone for jaywalking as he […]
Bill O’Reilly and Martha MacCallum Ignore Huma Abedin while Defending Hillary Clinton as Victim of Ambush
Fox News host Bill O’Reilly likes to tell people not to be a popinjay. If you don’t know what that word means, the definition is: a person given to vain, pretentious displays and empty chatter. When O’Reilly was joined by Martha MacCallum, both displayed some empty chatter of their own. Earlier this month, Jason Mattera […]

Is Bill O’Reilly a Pinhead? We will let you Decide!
By Keith Davies Like many of our BLOG readers, you may also watch Bill O’Reilly. I confess to being one of his regular viewers but lately I have become frustrated at Mr. O’Reilly. His level of ignorance and complete lack of understanding with respect to the Middle East and Russia is mind-boggling. That says nothing […]
Conspiracy and Truth are upside down
By Keith Davies Last night (August 28th 2013) on The O’Reilly factor – during the no spin zone – Bill bloviated that on the Internet, there are conspiracy theories about the rebels in Syria conducting the chemical attacks. Now Bill, let me ask you a simple question: After Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the IRS scandal […]
Ben Barrack Show: Forget ‘the Folks’, Bill O’Reilly Lookin’ out for the ‘Gang of Eight’
On Today’s program… Why is Bill O’Reilly lookin’ out for the Gang of 8 instead of the ‘folks’? What’s up with that NSA Whistleblower, Russ Tice? And much more…
Video: O’Reilly gives Beck opportunity to make the case against Al-Harbi (Saudi national)
Earlier this week, Fox News Channel’s Bill O’Reilly challenged CAIR’s Nihad Awad to the point of getting the CAIR leader to show a few of his true colors – and we lauded O’Reilly for it. The next step O’Reilly needs to take is exploring the connection between Islamic terrorists in the U.S. and Saudi Arabia’s […]
Virtue is Freedom
By Keith Davies I was watching the Bill O’Reilly show last night (Tuesday March 26) and was struck by how he abandoned his own conscience by dismissing a fundamental tenet of his faith as a Catholic. He separated himself from his own faith and stated his own ambivalence to homosexual marriage. Is that really ‘lookin’ […]
Video: Fox News Hypocrisy on Al Gore’s sale to Al Jazeera?
In a vacuum, the exchange between Fox News Channel’s Bill O’Reilly and Bernard Goldberg on the sale of Current TV to Al Jazeera would have been very legitimate. Their mutual criticism of the sale was factually accurate. The central argument was about the mainstream media’s refusal to cover the sale despite Al Jazeera having an […]
How to deal with CNN
— Posted by Theodore Shoebat