Tag Archives | christian fighters

Satanist Cult In Florida Will Be Passing Satanic Literature To School Children To Indoctrinate Them On Satanism

By Theodore Shoebat A Satanist cult in Florida is planning on passing Satanic literature to school children in order to indoctrinate them on satanism. As a report tells us: The Satanic Temple has announced that it will provide pamphlets on Satanism to students in Florida, following the school board’s decision permitting the distribution of religious […]

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Phil Robertson: AIDS Virus Was Created By God To Punish Homosexuals

By Theodore Shoebat I find myself liking Phil Robertson the more he speaks on religious issues. Phil has yet again said something that everyone else is too afraid to say: AIDS was created by God to punish homosexuality. I absolutely agree! Phil said: I mean, a great question to ask is, ‘Why is it that […]

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Government Official, And The Israeli Government Say That Pope Francis Is Being Targeted For Assassination

By Theodore Shoebat Pope Francis is being targeted for assassination, said The Iraqi ambassador to the Holy See, Habeeb Al-Sadr. The ambassador said, What has been declared by the self-proclaimed Islamic State is clear – they want to kill the Pope… The threats against the Pope are credible. He continued to say: I believe they […]

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Muslims Take Christian Girls And Cut Their Breasts Off

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in the Middle East took Christian girls and cut their breasts off. Sister Hatune Dogan interviewed 280 girls and said that a number of them suffered this sort of mutilation, alongside rape and lacerations with blades. I did a video with some extensive commentary As a report from Katie Yoder says: […]

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Iraqi Officers Arrest ISIS Terrorists And Beat Them Up, ISIS Terrorists Scream For Mercy And One Cries For His Mother

By Theodore Shoebat A video found on American Military News , shows Iraqi officers beating up ISIS terrorists, and one of them begging for his mother: AFTER WATCHING, PLEASE CLICK HERE TO MAKE A DONATION THAT WILL SAVE CHRISTIAN LIVES

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JUST DISCOVERED: Video Of British Aid Worker David Haines Getting Beheaded

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat Shoebat.com just found the video done by ISIS showing the beheading of British aid worker, David Haines. The reason why we are showing this video is not for shock, but to teach a lesson: never trust Muslims, and never go to the Middle East without heavy security and you know […]

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Courageous Christian Men Realize That Another Genocide Of Christians Is Coming, Pick Up Their Guns To Fight Muslims And Say, “We are not afraid of any enemy”

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat A recent development to the Christian militias in Syria has come to my attention. They call themselves “Sutoro” and they are a very organized Christian militia consisting of mostly Syriac Christians. One of their mottos is “Our struggle is lightened by our martyrs,” and as one of the militants explained: […]

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Local Christian Militias Pick Up Assault Rifles And Automatic Machine Guns To Defeat ISIS

By Theodore Shoebat Christians living in the small border town of Qaa, that lies between Syria and Lebanon, have taken up their cross, and are now holding up automatic rifles to defend themselves against ISIS. They take up positions on hills and lay ambushes, being always vigilant and ready for the ISIS Muslims. One of […]

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Every Pastor Must Be Armed

By Theodore Shoebat When we look at the news going around, with churches being vandalized by Muslims in Indiana, satanists attacking Christians and sinister reprobates opening fire at congregations, what do we realize? Every pastor needs to be armed. They need to be armed to protect themselves and their congregations. All churches need armed security. […]

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Thousands Of Christians Take Up Arms To Finally Crush ISIS And End The Persecutions

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat There are literally thousands of Assyrian Christian men who have volunteered to joint a militia protecting the Christians in Iraq, and may God bless them in such a holy cause. David William Lazar, California-based chairman of the American Mesopotamian Organization, has stated: There are thousands of young Assyrian Christian men […]

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The Genocide Of The Canaanites Was Justified

SHOEBAT EXLCUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat The genocide of the Canaanites was justified. The objection against the Hebrews’ killing of them is a common one, and here is a way you can refute it. Here is a video I made illustrating and explaining as to why the Canaanites needed to be destroyed: A frequent objection against […]

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Jesus Christ Was Not A Pacifist, He Believed In War And Crusading Against The Enemy

SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat Jesus Christ was not a pacifist, He believed in holy war and crusading against the enemy. Christ did not believe in unjust or secular war, but the use of holy war against those who persecute the Church and desire the destruction of Christianity. The common argument is, “I never see […]

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Muslims Attack Christians, Christians Gather Together And Butcher 37 Muslims In Heroic Fight

By Theodore Shoebat A heroic fight of Christian zeal and heavenly fire occurred, and as the bolt of an awe inspiring storm strikes fear in the trembling beasts, the glory of the Cross pierces the charging devils, and causes their eyes to waver and shake under the billowing presence of holiness. As we wrote earlier, […]

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Muslims Charge Into Church To Kill Christians, But They Don’t Know That The Christians Are Armed, The Christians Take Out Their Guns And Kill Four Muslims

By Theodore Shoebat Over ten Muslims entered a church in the Nigerian village of Antagara, but the Muslims did not know that numerous of the Christian men inside the church were armed with guns. When the Muslims got entry they immediately began opening fire on the congregation, killing nine people. The armed men retaliated, gathered […]

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Muslims Attack Church, Christians Fight Back And Kill Five Of Them

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Nigeria, just this Sunday, invaded the villages of Oweto and Utuluewu, and murdered seven Christians. One John Ngbede described the attack: They killed seven of our community members in Oweto and Utuluewu villages in Agatu, while many others were injured in the attack …There was sporadic shooting in these two […]

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