You can always tell when those Palestinians are desperate. They use the Pallywood card like the left in America uses the race card. It’s sure to come out when it’s the last card to play. The Palestinians’ latest attempt at blood libel brings a whole new meaning to the term ‘foot soldier’. Time to tweet […]
Tag Archives | cnn
Is CNN’s Wolf Blitzer (a Jew) Waking Up?
Don’t look now but CNN’s Wolf Blitzer appears to be doing some legitimate reporting on what’s going on between Israel and Hamas. Objectivity is more than just a little bit out of character for both Blitzer and CNN but we’ll take it. In the first clip below, Blitzer interviews an Israeli soldier and relays to […]
Obama’s Arrest of The Benghazi Suspect Is A Proven Scandal
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** Last summer when CNN reporter Arwa Damon interviewed Ahmed Abu Khattala, the suspect behind Benghazi attacks (whom Obama just arrested) was freely roaming the streets in Libya without any concern for being picked up. Now the timing of the news of his arrest should be cause for […]
U.S. Ambassador Helps Stealth Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrators
U.S. Ambassador to Syria Robert Ford became Former Ambassador Robert Ford. So why did his ‘excellency’ quit? He feels that the Obama Administration didn’t do enough to remove the ‘dictator’ and ‘tyrant’ Bashar Al-Assad. He said that he could no longer support the Obama administration policy in that country. But Ford’s argument for the removal […]
This is what a Liar Looks Like when he’s Frustrated
By Ben Barrack Secretary of State John Kerry has spent years making his liberal bed; now he’s lying in it (yes, that’s a double entendre). As and others have demonstrated with far more evidence than Kerry has shown, the fact is that the charge that Syrian rebels were behind the chemical attacks in Syria […]
CNN (Crazed News Network) Promotes ‘Black Hole’ and ‘Zombie Plane’ Theories to explain missing Plane
You know it’s bad when the theories CNN is promoting relative to missing Malaysia Flight 370 are actually worse than the plot in a bad Hollywood movie entitled Snakes on a Plane. In this exchange, CNN’s Don Lemon actually entertains the ‘Black Hole’ theory before asking former Inspector General for the Department of Transportation Mary […]
Anders Breivik Says He’s Against Islam In Order To Get Media To Attack Walid Shoebat
Finally, the truth is revealed behind the intentions of Anders Breivik, the killer who slaughtered over 70 people in Norway. He initially said that he was influenced by Walid Shoebat and other counterjihadists, but now has confessed that he purposely referenced to the material of the counterjihadists in order to pit the media against Walid […]

McCain sucks up to Anderson Cooper over Pro-Jihadist Coverage
Yeah, we know, there’s plenty of evidence that Senator John McCain (RINO-AZ) supports Jihadists – to include his decision to hire Elizabeth O’Bagy and embrace Mouaz Moustafa – but he’s so invested in that position that he’s willing to suck up to Anderson Cooper. Via Washington Free Beacon: Note in the video that McCain says […]
Muslim Brotherhood Bias of CNN’s Amanpour on Full Display
The primary topic of an interview between CNN’s Christiane Amanpour and Egyptian businessman Naguib Sawiris had to do with the arrest and continued detention of four Al-Jazeera “journalists” in Egypt last month, one of whom has apparently been released. Al-Jazeera is the propaganda arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, which is a group that is currently […]
CNN Host Makes Case for Dangling with Lois Lerner
Ashleigh Banfield has provided Republicans with the blueprint for getting to the real IRS Scandal One of the subplots to the ‘Bridgegate’ scandal in New Jersey that has ensnared Republican Governor Chris Christie has to do with the death of a 91 year-old woman. She died of a heart attack on the way to the […]
Do Egyptians blame Obama for Anti-Muhammad video?
In the wake of the 9/11 attacks last year, it was noteworthy how Obama administration officials were so adamant when it came to insisting that they had nothing to do with the anti-Muhammad video that many tried to blame for the attacks. It almost smacked of ‘thou doth protest too much’. We now know that […]
Egypt: The Truth
When it comes to the recent deaths in Egypt, the western media narrative has already been set: Innocent, unarmed Muslim Brotherhood supporters and members are being gunned down in the streets and brutally beaten by police who just do it because they can. The Muslim Brotherhood supporters are repressed and persecuted victims. That’s propaganda; it’s […]
Benghazi’s ‘lead suspect’ says ‘people panicked’
CNN recently made big news with an announcement that reporter Arwa Damon had tracked down a ‘lead suspect’ in the Benghazi attacks last year. This suspect’s name was Ahmed Abu Khattala, who admitted to being on the scene but said he had nothing to do with the attack; he just directed traffic there (because that’s […]
Did CNN’s Erin Burnett push two ‘Conspiracy Theories’?
Earlier this week, we wrote about a curious chain of events – beginning on July 24th – leading up to the announcement by the FBI that it would be filing criminal charges in the Benghazi attacks on August 7th. This occurred one day after CNN aired a special entitled, “The Truth About Benghazi: An Erin […]
CNN (Coverup News Network) and Benghazi
By Walid Shoebat, Ben Barrack, and Keith Davies On July 24th, both Barack Obama and his press secretary Jay Carney made reference to “phony scandals”, which clearly meant that neither man misspoke; it was calculated. Each man knew it would be perceived as incendiary and insensitive; they had to have known it would generate a […]

Today’s Barrack Show – Ansar al-Sharia Egypt
On Today’s show… Ansar al-Sharia Egypt has not gotten nearly enough attention when it comes to Benghazi. Last year, al-Qaeda was on the run. One year later, the personnel in U.S. embassies all over the Middle East are on the run. That we haven’t been told the truth about Ansar al-Sharia Egypt (and so many […]