A Newly released video filmed in Afghanistan shows a woman being brutally beaten. Shoebat.com obtained a video showing the torture: And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. (Genesis 3:15) AFTER WATCHING THIS, CLICK HERE […]
Tag Archives | Crusades
Muslims Rape Christian Women, 600 Christians Take Up Arms And Make One Final And Heroic Stand Against Muslim Jihadists
By Theodore Shoebat After so much rape has been done against Christian women in Iraq, 600 Christians in Iraq have now taken up arms to make one final stand against Muslim Jihadists, members of the ISIS terrorist group, at the frontiers of the Christian settlement of Bartella on the outskirts of Mosul. These 600 Christians, […]
The Future War Between Christians And Muslims Is Coming
The future war between Christians and Muslims is coming. It is being foreshadowed by the many battles that have occurred between Christians and Muslims in Central Africa and Nigeria, and the tensions between Russian Orthodox Christians and Muslim Turks. All of these are signs that the tensions and numerous instances of violence will result in […]
Jesus Christ Did Not Believe In Tolerance And Peace, But The Punishment Of Evil Doers And Evil People
SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat Jesus Christ did not believe in tolerance and peace, but the punishment of evil doers and evil people. I never accepted the modern perception of Christianity, as a sort of peace loving religion. Christ Himself said: Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not […]
Pope Francis Stands Up against False Historians Who Slander The Catholic Church, And Shows The Truth As To How The Catholic Church Saved Jews
By Theodore Shoebat Pope Francis stood up against false historians who continuously slander Pope Pius XII, and showed how Pius XII saved Jews from Nazi persecution. Francis is concerned about “everything which has been thrown at poor Pius XII,” and said I sometimes get an existential rash when I see everybody taking it out against […]
Christianity Is Not A Religion Of Peace! It Is A Religion Of War And Combat
By Theodore Shoebat Christianity is not a religion of peace! It is a religion of war and combat. This will be illustrated by a very recent event that took place in Central Africa, and then proven through a theological discourse by myself. Muslims in Bangui, Central Africa, attacked a church on Wednesday, called the Church […]
The Roman Catholic Church Has Saved More Jews Than Anyone On Earth
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) The church is not a threat to Jewish existence, physical or spiritual – but some cannot accept that fact. Simcha Hacohen Kook, the venerable chief rabbi of Rehovot, said in an interview with the settler’s website INN two weeks ago that “we have forgotten that the pope stood beside Hitler […]
Mary, The Mother of Jesus, Will Tell Christ To Take Up His Sword, Commence His Second Coming And Destroy The Antichrist
SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat Mary will urge Christ to unsheathe His heavenly sword, to lead “the armies of the living God” (1 Samuel 17:26), and destroy the forces of the Antichrist. How can one make such a conclusion? I will make this conclusion all through Scripture and nothing else. I understand that nearly every […]
Every Christian Must Bear Arms To Protect The Church From Her Enemies
Posted by Theodore Shoebat Here is a video I made showing a Scriptural and biblical reason as to why every Christian must bear arms to protect the Church and her enemies: AFTER WATCHING THIS, IF YOU WISH TO LEARN MORE ABOUT CHRISTIANITY’S WAR AGAINST ISLAM AND EVIL, GET OUR NEW 2-DISK DVD SPECIAL ON CHRISTIAN […]
Christianity Is Not For Cowards, It Is Militant And Ready For War
SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat Christianity is not for cowards, it is a spiritual system that is both militant and ready for war against evil. Within the Scriptures we do not find an explicit teaching that commands, “Christianity is about fighting evil!” The Bible almost never teaches in this manner. It teaches through a series […]

Why the American Church Sucks
By Walid Shoebat When I became Christian they told me I needed to go to a Bible believing church. I wandered to find such a church, but as I wandered for two decades in America looking for one, I found no Christian leader who emulated Moses when he took a million Jews to march through […]
Christians Heroically Kill 65 Jihadists And Destroy Their Mosque (Amazing Footage)
By Theodore Shoebat and Walid Shoebat A small band of Christians have formed an army to fight and kill jihadists who attack the holy sites of Syria. This is an incredible story of heroism, of how a few men can defeat entire armies, and it has never been reported before in the English language, until […]
Arab Prostitutes in the Vatican
By Walid Shoebat When plugging “Patriarch” or “Bishop” in Arabic on Google, what type of spiritual prostitution that is found should surprise western Catholics, but is of no surprise to us from the Middle East who are used to reading daily the statements from the highest ranks frothing with virulent anti-Semitic rhetoric made under the […]
Russia Outlaws The Building of Mosques, Will Get Tougher On Islam
By Theodore Shoebat The Crusade continues, and will only grow… The city of Moscow has now decreed that there will be no new mosques built, and has now put a ban on the construction of any one of those houses of heresy, and this of course demands our emulation. The mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobyanin, […]
Muslims Feed People To Crocodiles, Christian Militias Respond With Crusade
By Theodore Shoebat Bloodthirsty violence and the cruelest of murders have been done upon the Christians of the Central African Republic under the hands of the devil ridden Muslims, “who imagine mischiefs in their heart; continually are they gathered together for war” (Psalm 140:2). The Muslims, who are a part of an Islamic group called […]
Christian Holy War Is Coming Back, And God Wants A Crusade
By Theodore Shoebat A violent and reckless horde of Muslims are marching toward your neighborhood. When they arrive they will massacre your people, and ruthlessly torture you, very slowly. They will make you watch your wife being raped, and then force her to watch you die, and there is a chance that they will make […]