As the Islamic terror attacks, crucifixions, beheadings, burnings, et. al. continue, look for a continued rise in anti-Islamic politicians in the west. There is already talk of Marine le Pen becoming president of France in 2017; Geert Wilders of the Netherlands has been sounding alarm bells for over a decade. While not quite as prominent […]
Tag Archives | Geert Wilders
Muslim Terror Attack in France Will Increase Support for Politicians who Tell The Truth
Ben Barrack was scheduled to appear on the Peter Boyles radio show on KNUS 710 in Aurora, Colorado to talk about the major breakthrough in the Malik Obama scandal but as the interview was beginning, the story of the French terror attack was unfolding. The first portion of the interview dealt primarily with the general […]
Politician RIPS Other Politicians Who Refuse to Acknowledge Terrorists are Muslims
During a television interview about the recent terror attacks in her country, politician Marine Le Pen, leader of the National Front party in France, went off on other politicians who refuse to identify Muslim terrorists for what they are. One of the things that set her off in this exchange was when the anchor suggested […]
Politician Explains What His Country Would Look Like Without Islam
Machiel de Graaf is a Member of Parliament in the Netherlands. He is also a member of Geert Wilders’ PVV / anti-Islam Party. During a speech to Parliament, de Graaf enumerated the number of ways the Netherlands would be different if there was no Islam in the country. It’s a long list… It wasn’t so […]
Some Politicians Harnessing Citizen Anger over Islamic Invasion
Dutch politician Geert Wilders recently spoke in Lyon, France about the need to deal with the Islamization of Europe. It is worth noting how far Europe has come in this regard over the last 10 years. Wilders was introduced by French politician Marine Le Pen, whose National Front Party has been making significant gains in […]
Muslim Immigrants Attack non-Muslim Girl
In the micro, these despicable Muslim immigrant thugs smacked, beat, punched, and kicked a non-Muslim girl who is a citizen of the Netherlands. As the video points out, this is an ever growing problem in that country. In the macro, the one politician who sees the problem clearly and is trying to get something done […]
Geert Wilders calls out Obama as one of ‘Gullible Souls’ and ‘False Guides’ on ISIS
It’s been some time since we hear from Dutch politician Geert Wilders but he’s back. In the video below, he was speaking to Dutch Parliament and referred to anyone who maintains that ISIS has nothing to do with Islam as ‘gullible souls’ in a clear reference to Barack Obama, whom he later named as a […]
Oklahoma Politician’s ‘Islamophobia’ getting worse
Don’t look now but Oklahoma State Rep. John Bennett’s case of Islamophobia appears to be getting worse. Naturally, this has the effect of mobilizing more ‘moderate’ Muslim voices to help cure him. Unfortunately for those ‘moderate’ Muslims, the aggressive strain of Islamophobia is actually quite contagious, especially when the person who has it is in […]
Spanish Mayor putting British Prime Minister to Shame
Count the Mayor of a Spanish city named Vitoria as the latest politician to actually open the peoples’ playbook for dealing with its Muslim problem. Despite it being obvious, Mayor Javier Maroto is still the exception, not the rule. British Prime Minister David Cameron perhaps demonstrates that best. Maroto called out “Moroccans and Algerians” who […]

Geert Wilders Gaining Power across Europe
By Ben Barrack A very interesting dynamic is at work in Europe right now. In the macro, the movement to beat back Islamic fundamentalism appears to be on the brink of uniting with the movement to secede from the EU. As has reported in the past, France’s Marine Le Pen and Geert Wilders are […]

Geert Wilders calls out the Pope
Pope Francis has been derided by Rush Limbaugh and others for criticizing capitalism. Now he is being called out by Geert Wilders for not being truthful about Islam. Via Geert Wilders Weblog: Your Holiness, In your recent exhortation Evangelii Gaudium (Paragraphs 247-248) you draw the world’s attention to the indebtedness of Christianity to the Jews […]
Geert Wilders targets Saudi Flag and EU simultaneously
Though he never really went away, Dutch politician Geert Wilders hasn’t been a prominent face in the news lately. Nonetheless, if you were wondering what he’s doing these days, wonder no more. Within a span of less than half of a week, he’s definitely back on the scene and just fired with both barrels. Yesterday, […]
We were Wrong about Glenn Beck
Walid Shoebat Dear Fredrick Murphy, I want to thank you for pointing out what I did not know about Glenn Beck and that he “publicly says he believes Jesus Christ is his savior”. Thank you also for clarifying that his non-belief in the Trinity is a non-issue and should not be exposed. You are right. […]
Video: Breitbart’s Joel Pollack interviews Geert Wilders
Dutch politician Geert Wilders recently sat down with Breitbart’s Joel Pollack to discuss his views on Islam. Very early in this interview, Wilders goes out of his way to make a distinction between Islam and Muslims; his problem is with the former, not the latter. Via Breitbart: Is it a good thing to be afflicted […]
Did former leader in Geert Wilders’ Party succumb to Philippe Petain syndrome?
His name is Arnoud Van Doorn. Until recently, he was a leader in the anti-Islam political party founded by Geert Wilders. He also was a producer for the controversial film Fitna. Now, he is a convert to Islam. Via the Saudi Gazette (h/t DW): Former Dutch Islamophobe and a former leading member of far-right Dutch […]
Video: Dutch Muslim youths praise Hitler for what he did to the Jews
This is an incredible piece of video taken from an interview between a man and several Dutch Muslim youth. The hatred for Jews expressed by these boys is breathtaking. It never ceases to amaze that being likened to Hitler or Nazis is typically considered insulting and usually represents the end of any rational argument. Yet, […]