By The Persecuted Christian The joke of the “Arab Spring” has intrigued the thinkers & analysts of the topic since its sudden upsurge in 2011. One of the most neglected of these revolutionary democratic waves that destroyed countries, displaced millions and killed & persecuted hundreds of thousands of minorities are Christians here. When discussing the […]
Tag Archives | koran
The Endless Slaughter Of Christians Is In Our Midst
Exclusive By The Persecuted Christian and Theodore Shoebat It was said that Cain lived his life as a wandering vagabond, but now we see the saints, traveling from city to city, treading upon the earth, walking on the path of uncertainty, not knowing to where Providence will lead them, without the much desired knowledge as […]
The Terrorist Survival Guide
After you watch this video, the question is, what if you get stopped by a Muslim terrorist standing on the side of the road with an AK47 waving at you to stop the vehicle, what must you do? Option 1: Run over the terrorist and hope to make it. This is the best option that […]
Muslims Force Christian To Convert To Islam, Then Brutally Behead Him
By Theodore Shoebat A Christian man was captured by Muslims in Syria, and forced him to declare the Shahadatan (“There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger). After he stated the heretical creed, they deemed him an infidel anyway and brutally beheaded him. Rescue Christians is now working on the ground in […]
Muslims Saw A Man’s Hand Completely Off
By Theodore Shoebat Watch this disturbing video of Muslims in Syria sawing off a man’s hand completely off, and then crying out to their demonic and false god: PLEASE DONATE TO SAVE CHRISTIAN LIVES IN SYRIA, YOU ARE THE ONLY HOPE THEY HAVE
Muslims Impose Taxes And Sharia On Christians
By Theodore Shoebat In the Syrian city of Raqqa, Muslims, who are a part of the jihadist group The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), have imposed taxation on the Christians living there. Its called Jizya, a taxed imposed on non-Muslims in Sharia code, and it is a part of the Pact of […]
Muslims Attack College Students And Slaughter Them “like sheep”
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Nigeria attacked a college and mercilessly slaughtered dozens of students. They burned them alive, shot them dead, and when some tried to escape through the windows, they seized them and slit their throats. It has been estimated that 40 students were murdered in the attack on the Federal Government College […]
Anders Breivik Says He’s Against Islam In Order To Get Media To Attack Walid Shoebat
Finally, the truth is revealed behind the intentions of Anders Breivik, the killer who slaughtered over 70 people in Norway. He initially said that he was influenced by Walid Shoebat and other counterjihadists, but now has confessed that he purposely referenced to the material of the counterjihadists in order to pit the media against Walid […]
Muslims Murder 93 Christians In A Very Short Amount Of Time
By Theodore Shoebat The savage killing of Christians by Muslims is already happening. Just this Sunday, Muslims stormed the Christian village of Izge in Nigeria, making their cries of “Allahu Akbar!”, killing everyone in sight, and indulging in plunder. According to one resident, the Muslim barbarians butchered 93 Christians in cold blood. One witness survivor […]
Italians Combat Islam, Refuse To Allow Islamic Art Museum
By Theodore Shoebat In the land where Italian Christians once arose to fight Muslims and the advancement of Islam, there still lies a remnant of that Crusader spirit in the city of Venice, where conservative Italian are refusing to allow a Muslim art museum. Prime minister of Italy, Enrico Letta, announced the plan to have […]
Muslims Attack Christian Professor, And Cut His Hand Off
By Theodore Shoebat TJ Joseph, a Christian professor of Newman College in India, was attacked by a Muslim mob after being accused of blasphemy against the prophet Muhammad. The Muslims cut his hand, and part of his arm, right off in Muvattupuzha. A case was observed in Kerala, and one man, Sajan George, president of […]
Muslims Lynch Christian Man, Relative Says, “They cut his neck like a cow”
By Theodore Shoebat A Christian man, named Pumandele, was attacked by a Muslim mob; they grabbed him pushed him around, stabbed him and then cut his throat. They then dumped his body into a ditch. A Washington Post journalist actually witnessed the slaughter. When the Muslims saw him, they said to him, ““Allez, allez — […]
Muslims Take Young Innocent Girl, And Slowly Strangle Her To Death
Posted Theodore Shoebat Here is a video of Muslims slowly strangling a young innocent girl in Syria PLEASE DONATE TO SAVE CHRISTIAN LIVES IN SYRIA
Muslims Carry Box And Say It Has Cake, But What Was Found Inside Of It Will Disturb You
By Theodore Shoebat Two Armenian Christians from Aleppo were kidnapped by Muslim fighters from a bus. When the jihadists returned to the bus, they were carrying a box in which, they said, had cakes. But when the box was opened, the severed heads of the two Christians were found. Riad Jarjour, a Presbyterian pastor from […]
Muslims Brutally Murder Their Own Mother, And Then Eat Her Raw
By Theodore Shoebat Police in the Philippines have said that three brothers, all Muslims, murdered their own mother with machetes and then ate her organs raw, in a bizarre ritual. The body of Musala Amil was found with its blood drained with several organs missing. The brothers’ names are Dante, Paroy, and Ibrahim, and they […]

The Catholic Church Did Not Invent Islam
By Theodore Shoebat The Catholic Church did not invent Islam. I have heard this countless times, and have received innumerable messages from people, that Islam was founded by the Catholic Church. I don’t have the time to respond to every individual who tells me this assertion, so I have decided to write this essay to […]