By Walid Shoebat According to multiple Arabic sources, it has been learned that a Libyan intelligence envoy has made a trip to Cairo, Egypt. Security sources revealed that the visit of the Libyan intelligence chief Salem Al-Nahasi, who arrived in Cairo on Saturday evening, comes within the framework of coordination and exchange of information, documents […]
Tag Archives | Mohammed Mursi
Egyptian boy ID’s Mursi official as his Assailant
When we first saw the video last week, of a young Egyptian boy being beaten by supporters of Mohammed Mursi, it was not known what had happened to him. Now it’s being learned that not only is the boy – Ahmed Osama Sayyed – alive but he went public on Tahrir TV in Egypt and […]

Patterson accused of belonging to ‘Sleeper cell’
Anne Patterson, U.S. Ambassador to Egypt, was accused by an Egyptian politician of belonging to a Muslim Brotherhood ‘sleeper cell’. Despite its attempts to convince the world that it’s neutral when it comes to who leads Egypt, the new Egyptian government isn’t buying what the Obama administration is selling. At least one Egyptian politician thinks […]

Ansar Al-Sharia IS a Terrorist Group (Addendum to ‘Egypt Involved in Benghazi Attacks’)
Ansar al-Sharia is a jihadist group that was ultimately blamed for the terrorist attack that resulted in the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi on 9/11/12. Authors’ Note: Though the report below may be viewed as a stand-alone body of work, we introduce it as Addendum A to Ironclad: Egypt Involved in Benghazi Attacks. This […]
USA Today: Mursi under Criminal Investigation
We very well may be witnessing a game of chicken between Egypt’s interim government / Military and the Obama administration. Not long after State Department spokesman Jen “the Lackey” Psaki called for the release of ousted Muslim Brotherhood president Mohammed Mursi, Egypt seems to be upping the ante a bit. Not only is Mursi not […]
Prosecuting Mursi over Benghazi… in Egypt?
The Egyptian military is open to doing the will of its people when its people show up in the streets and number in the tens of millions. These people are not the least bit happy with Barack Obama or U.S. Ambassador Anne Patterson. Since Mohammed Mursi’s removal, Obama has been playing with a bit of […]
Witnesses to Benghazi Attack: Ambassador specifically Targeted
Witnesses to what happened in Benghazi on 9/11/12 will absolutely play a part in getting to the truth. In addition to putting the video below in this post, we have also introduced it as EXHIBIT Y in our report / case against Egypt, Mohammed Mursi, and Ansar al-Sharia Egypt in the deaths of four Americans […]
Compromise: Release Mursi… then Extradite him
Today, State Department spokesman Barack Obama Jen Psaki said the Egyptian military needs to release Mohammed Mursi and Muslim Brotherhood prisoners. In the exchange below, Psaki quietly dropped a bombshell relative to the Obama administration’s policy toward Egypt. Suddenly, after claiming that it was not taking sides, the administration is now demanding that the Egyptian […]

Mercy for Mursi? Obama wants Muslim Brother freed
Anti-Mursi protesters in Egypt have been accusing Barack Obama and U.S. Ambassador to Egypt Anne Patterson of supporting terrorists there. Despite these protesters having plenty of facts on their side, Obama insisted this week that his administration was not taking sides. That is, until today, when the State Department spokesman called on Egypt’s military to […]

Is Egypt, Mursi open to ICC Prosecution over Benghazi?
By Bob Michael Recently, I wrote a piece on the murder of our American compatriots and Ambassador in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012. In that writing I asserted that American government persons were guilty as principals in those murders. At the time of the writing the on-scene co-principals of our government were not known […]
Rohrabacher cites Shoebat’s work on Benghazi in Hearing
At a House Foreign Affairs Joint Subcommittee hearing into the Benghazi attacks this week, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) introduced our report into the Congressional record. Upon doing so, Rohrabacher made the findings of our report the central focus of his exchange with witnesses. The witness list included Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, Director of the Center for the […]
Conspiracy Theories and Conspiracy Realities
Conspiracy theories sometimes become conspiracy realities. When this happens, those who attempt to dismiss them become more kooky than those who point to them. The global warming fraud is a prime example. It is a ‘conspiracy reality’, despite its defenders painting the opposition as ‘climate deniers’. Another case in point is the saga of Huma […]
Janine Turner interviews Walid Shoebat about Egypt
Janine Turner interviewed Walid on her radio show today. They spoke on a wide array of topics to include what’s going on in Egypt, Obama’s Muslim family and why it’s so taboo to talk about the president’s Muslim background. New questions about what happened in Benghazi also came up. Is it a good thing to […]

Where are the Egyptians Libyan Document says were arrested over Benghazi?
In our recent report, Ironclad: Egypt involved in Benghazi attacks, we made reference to and posted an image of a Libyan Intelligence document penned on 9/15/12. The document implicated Mohammed Mursi, then president of Egypt, and Ansar al-Sharia Egypt, along with several members of that terrorist cell. What we have done is updated that post […]
Egyptian Military giving Propaganda Agents (CNN, New York Times, and Al Jazeera) taste of their own Medicine
CNN, Al-Jazeera, and now the New York Times all seem to be getting outed in Egypt, by both the people and the military, for what they are – Muslim Brotherhood and Barack Obama administration propaganda agents / apparatchiks. These bullies for liberalism and Islamism are running into a bit of a buzzsaw. Don’t look now […]
Video: Pro-Mursi crowd may find Pallywood Tactics don’t do so well in Egypt
Pro-Mursi supporters have chosen the same old, tired course of action that Palestinians have been doing for decades – Pallywood tactics. In full view of cameras, these protesters do their part to portray the military as the powerful oppressors while portraying themselves as the repressed victims. They do so while provoking the military. Then they […]