By Ben Barrack What Hillary Clinton is attempting to do is – in a word – despicable. A few days after the ‘Smoking gun’ Benghazi email was revealed by Judicial Watch; two days after House Speaker John Boehner announced that he would form a Select Committee to investigate Benghazi; one day before Rep. Trey Gowdy […]
Tag Archives | muslim brotherhood
Obama Administration’s Plans to give Complete Power to Muslim Brotherhood
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** A relationship between the former chairman of a mosque in the U.S. notorious for breeding terrorists may help to further illustrate the connection between the Muslim Brotherhood, the Syrian opposition, Turkey, and unfortunately, the U.S. Government. At, we have demonstrated that Bassam Estwani, who chaired the […]
Muslim Brotherhood and Benghazi Truths being hidden by Talk Radio Congressman
By Ben Barrack House Intelligence Committee chairman Mike Rogers (R-MI) knows something big about Benghazi and he’s not telling. One thing he’s not conceding is that the attackers reside firmly under the Muslim Brotherhood umbrella. He likely knows quite a bit about Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of our government as well. Those two things alone are […]
Michael Savage interviews Walid about Benghazi Email
National radio talk show host Michael Savage interviewed Walid about our latest explosive report at In essence, the ‘smoking gun’ email from White House Deputy Ben Rhodes may demonstrate a concerted effort by the Obama administration to point to a video as being responsible for the Benghazi attack but an additionally shocking revelation is […]
Obama Infected with Strassmeir Syndrome
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack The refusal of President Obama to admit guilt and come clean in the Benghazi fiasco is a great case-in-point to show what happens when politicians get infected with a debilitating disease. It’s called Strassmeir Syndrome, which is: the refusal to admit wrongdoing in the interest of self-preservation, even when […]

Muslim Brotherhood Spy Ring helping to Coverup Benghazi
On Today’s show… The Muslim Brotherhood spy ring is very real. As reported, evidence strongly suggests that one of its spies was a recipient of what’s become known as the ‘smoking gun’ email obtained by Judicial Watch this week. Mehdi K. Alhassani led Muslim Brotherhood front group in the Muslim Student Association (MSA) at […]
Two Muslim Brotherhood SPIES Shatter Myth of “Interfaith Dialogue”
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** The phrase ‘Interfaith dialogue’ as a tactic of Muslim Brotherhood spies is revealed once we examine the former chairman of the Dar al-Hijrah mosque in Falls Church, Virginia. The man is Bassam Estwani. Estwani was a Board Member of the Fairfax Partnership for Youth and Board Member […]
Why Muslims think Jews are like Nazis
If you’ve ever found yourself scratching your head when you see Muslims hold signs that equate Jews to Nazis, you’re in luck because in the video below, on Egyptian television, two individuals lay it all out for you. One is former Egyptian MP Dr. Sallah Abdallah on. Apparently, both Nazism and Zionism are racist because […]
Bill Clinton Library Reveals SCANDAL Bigger than Monica Lewinsky
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** As President Bill Clinton falsely assured Americans that he “did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky”, he was spiritually copulating with the number one Muslim Brotherhood mole, unknown until revealed it. An otherwise innocent letter released by the Clinton Library helps to connect […]
America’s Muslim ‘Bridge Builder’ a SPY for Muslim Brotherhood (Photos Revealed)
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** Bassam Estwani, an individual who has been credited with ‘bridge building’ between the U.S. Government and the Muslim community is actually a Muslim Brotherhood spy and terrorist collaborator. Courtesy of even more leaked photos, Estwani is revealed as a big fish who has been a major conduit […]
Egypt Sentences 683 Muslim Fanatics To Death
Egypt Sentences 683 Muslim Fanatics To Death By Theodore Shoebat An Egyptian court in Minya, Egypt, has sentenced 683 Muslim Brotherhood members to death, including the spiritual adviser for Muhammad Morsi, Mohamed Badie. The sentence is the result of the Muslim Brotherhood causing riots and the murder of police officers. As just as this sounds, […]
Muslim Mob Takes Christian Man, Hangs Him By His Feet And Severely Tortures Him
SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Theodore Shoebat A mob of 150 Muslims attacked a Christian man’s home in Pakistan, seized him and then severely tortured him by hanging him by his feat and savagely beating him with sticks. The Christian man’s name is Amanat Masih, and the attackers charged at him after he was falsely accused of […]
IRS Gives Tax Exempt Status to Major Muslim Terrorist Groups with Clinton Ties
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** The former Chairman of perhaps the most notorious mosque in the U.S. sits on the Board of an organization that has received 501(c)(3) tax exempt status. Bassam Estwani, who led the Dar al-Hijrah mosque for years prior to 9/11 and who welcomed Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Yusuf […]
Muslims Attack Christian Pastor, And Fill His Whole Body With Bullets
By Theodore Shoebat It has been reported today that on April 18th, Good Friday, Muslims murdered a priest, Father Christ Forman Wilibona, by filling his body with bullets. The priest was driving to his Saint Kisito Parish of Paoua on his motorbike, when the Muslims, members of the ex-Seleka jihadists, attacked and murdered him near […]
More LEAKED Photos Reveal origins of Muslim Brotherhood Infiltration on Capitol Hill
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** Since revealed the details of an explosive story involving the Clinton family’s ties to terrorists, more leaked photos have come into our possession that prove more Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of Capitol Hill. At issue is the leadership of a notorious mosque’s stark connections between terrorists and […]
Hillary Clinton’s support for Muslim Brotherhood explains why no one can name her Accomplishments
The short answer to the question about why Obama administration officials and sycophantic left-wing media pundits are having so much difficulty naming Hillary Clinton accomplishments is rather simple. Accomplishments are in the eye of the beholder. As a Muslim Brotherhood sympathizer, Hillary accomplished quite a bit. However, since that doesn’t sell too well, it’s better […]