Tag Archives | Ottoman Empire

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Turkey Is Deepening Its Ties With Somalia. This Terrifies Saudi Arabia

Turkey is deepening ties with Ethiopia and Somalia, cultivating commerce and even military connections. Middle East Eye recently reported: Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) is signing two separate agreements with political parties in Ethiopia and Somalia to deepen strategic ties with the two East African countries. On Wednesday, AKP’s deputy chairman, Zafer Sirakaya, […]

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U.S. and Turkey Agree To Train And Arm Syrian Rebels Who Want Islamic Caliphate

The Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS both want the same thing – an Islamic Caliphate. In fact, it was recently revealed by Shoebat.com that members of ISIS are actually beginning to support the return of the Ottoman Empire. This reality puts ISIS and the Muslim Brotherhood on the exact same page. Despite this, the U.S. is […]

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Turkey Has Been Flying Under the Radar but World Events are FORCING its Muslim Leaders to REVEAL THEIR TRUE SELVES

It can be said that the best way to defeat evil is to get evil to reveal itself. As world events continue to unfold, Turkey is moving closer to having to reveal its true intentions. The Syrian town of Kobane, which sits along the border with Turkey, is back in the news again as it […]

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Intolerant Reporter Who Once Called Shoebat a ‘Fraud’ and was Arrested as Part of Occupy Movement Compares Israel to ISIS

Those familiar with Walid Shoebat’s story may be familiar with the libelous attack on him by former New York Times reporter Christopher Hedges, who was arrested in 2011 while participating in the Occupy Wall Street protests. In 2008, Hedges penned a shameful missive entitled, The War Against Tolerance. Ironically, while the title conveys a high-minded […]

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Turkey’s President Talking Like a Caliph

Barack Obama isn’t the only president who uses the politics of division. In addition to giving western nations yet another reason to kick Turkey out of NATO, that country’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is sounding more like a Caliph. While giving a speech in Istanbul, Erdogan called for the consolidation of Muslim countries against the […]

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New York Times Finally Notices Antichrist Turkey and Leader’s Peacock-like Arrogance

According to Muhammad, “The Mahdi is the peacock of all angels and of the dwellers of the heavenly realm, he is dressed and adorned with the cloaks of light.” (Ibin Al-Sabbagh in AlFusul Al-Muhimma, transmitted by Ibin Abbas.) If we didn’t know any better, we might be convinced that New York Times writer Tim Arango […]

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Saudi Arabia is Being Surrounded by its Enemies as ISIS makes Gains

As ISIS continues its conquest of territory with the help of Turkey, it’s having the effect of surrounding Saudi Arabia in Alamo-esque fashion. To say the Saudis are looking over their shoulder would be an understatement. Their heads are on a collective swivel. In his now infamous speech that included the lie, “ISIL is not […]

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Liberal Atheist Critic of Islam Falling Right into a Muslim Trap

When atheist author Sam Harris appeared with atheist comedian Bill Maher opposite Hollywood actor Ben Affleck, Harris articulated near perfectly the separation between Islamic terrorists and political Islamists. The former aspires for Islamic conquest through acts of terrorism and the latter aspires to the same conquest by operating through existing political systems. That’s what makes […]

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ISIS Continues to Prove it’s Islamic and Muslims Who Say it Isn’t Continue to be Revealed as Liars

Self-proclaimed Caliph of the Islamic State / ISIS / ISIL / Da’ish Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has been making things difficult for stealth Muslim Brotherhood groups and leaders. Attempts by Barack Obama to insist that a group with “Islamic State” in its name is “not Islamic” and the PhD in Islamic studies hanging on al-Baghdadi’s wall […]

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Grandson of Muslim Brotherhood Founder the latest to say Islamic State is not Islamic (Agrees with Obama)

Gee, why would Tariq Ramadan, the grandson of Muslim Brotherhood founder Hasan al-Banna, echo the same sentiment as Barack Obama, British Prime Minister David Cameron, and Muslim Brotherhood front groups when it comes to ISIS? Yes, Ramadan is the latest to insist that the Islamic State – founded by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who has a […]

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White House Began Working Toward Islamic Caliphate Long Before Obama Became President (Busting the Myth Of The Most Peaceful Brand Of Islam)

By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** Beneath the stealth of Muslim Brotherhood operatives in the west is an even more sinister and insidious level of deception that involves Sufi Islam and a brand of it known as the Naqshbandi Order. It is this order that the Brotherhood’s agents ultimately serve when they infiltrate […]

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Muslim Leader who Reveres Turkish Leaders that Desire Caliphate will Lead Lecture at Prominent U.S. Law School

Once considered an institution of excellence in higher learning, Yale Law School is exhibiting a high degree of empty-headedness by welcoming a foreign Muslim Brotherhood leader to head a lecture there. His name is Rachid al-Ghannouchi and like other Brotherhood figures, he benefited greatly from the ‘Arab Spring’ and he heads the Ennahda Party in […]

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ISIS Helping to Drive Deeper Wedge between Turkey and China

The notion of the Islamic State / Caliphate announced by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi should be viewed as a preview for what the neo-Ottoman Turks want – a Caliphate that will dwarf al-Baghdadi’s version. When it comes to the Ottoman Caliphate these Turks wish to resurrect, there is absolutely an eye on northwestern China. In particular, […]

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Liberal Media Pundit Defends Ottoman Empire and Blames Europeans

Her name is Melissa Harris-Perry and lest there be any doubt she is insane, just give yourself 30 seconds to have it proven right before your eyes. However, you may have to watch it several times before you can actually grasp the absurdity of what she is saying. Put simply, Harris-Perry is actually attempting to […]

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Obama is Blowing Dog Whistle to the Caliphate Crowd

After making an incredibly interesting observation that Barack Obama prefers to identify the group in Iraq and Syria as “ISIL” instead of “ISIS”, Fiscal Times author Liz Peek proceeded to bungle the explanation for why. She wasn’t entirely wrong but avoided the truth because it is apparently so hard for people – including her – […]

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CIA Director Alleged to have Converted to Islam said idea of Islamic Caliphate ‘Absurd’

Two years prior to becoming CIA Director, during his tenure as Homeland Security Advisor in 2011, John Brennan stated emphatically that counterterrorism policies would not be based on a “feckless delusion” of an Islamic Caliphate, calling the idea “absurd”. Last year, in the weeks prior to Brennan being sworn in as CIA Director, former FBI […]

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