While giving a speech, Senator Ted Cruz revealed an interesting excerpt from Barack Obama’s speech at the National Prayer Breakfast that has gone overlooked to this point. That excerpt puts Obama nearly 100 percent in line with the goals of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), a bloc of 57 Muslim countries that seeks to […]
Tag Archives | Ted Cruz
If Obama and Holder have Blood of NYPD Cops on their Hands, So Do 535 Members of Congress
Many are making the argument that the blood of NYPD police officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu, who were murdered execution-style by a Muslim, is on the hands of President Barack Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, Mayor Bill de Blasio and race hustler Al Sharpton. The NYPD itself is making no bones about blaming de […]
Obama Virus Infects Two Mainstream Media Celebrities
When you’re afflicted with the Obama virus, the first symptom is stupidity. In particular, when Obama puts forth an argument that makes no sense, it is the media’s job to challenge the argument. Mainstream media figures, however, have long ago contracted the Obama virus and now the full blown condition of parroting and defending those […]
Senator Ted Cruz right that Nuclear Iran Bigger Threat than ISIS but what about Turkey and Muslim Brotherhood?
To his credit, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) was one of a handful of Senators who voted against an amendment to arm Syria’s rebels. As Shoebat.com revealed, at least one Syrian opposition lobbying group has extensive connections to the Muslim Brotherhood. However, Cruz recently asserted in an interview with the Washington Free Beacon that a nuclear […]
If Senator Ted Cruz is Serious about Release of Sudanese Christian Woman
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) is rightfully calling out the Obama administration over the re-arrest of Meriam Ibrahim, a Sudanese Christian woman who was detained after a court ruled in her favor and ordered her release. What he is not doing – and hasn’t done for over a year – is call out the relationship between […]

Where are Photos of Ted Cruz at Mandela Memorial?
Shortly after news of Nelson Mandela’s death last week, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) issued a press release praising the Communist leader. Despite a backlash from conservatives for doing so, Cruz doubled down, deciding to make the trip to South Africa for Mandela’s memorial. Despite being the only U.S. Senator to attend the memorial, based on […]

Does Ted Cruz support Rewarding Egypt on Benghazi?
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) has introduced legislation to compel the State Department to offer a reward of up to $5 million for information about the Benghazi attacks. If this bill were passed, the Egyptian government may be able to claim some of the reward money. Via the Ted Cruz Press Release: WASHINGTON, DC — U.S. […]
Is Ted Cruz benefiting from the Archie Bunker Effect?
By Ben Barrack If there’s one thing I’ve learned in talk radio, it’s that satire often goes over people’s heads. Often, something said as a throw-away, back-handed, off-the-cuff line intended to invoke humor is taken seriously or seen as objectionable. This is not because those on the receiving end don’t understand the concept of satire; […]

Today’s Barrack Show: Wikileaks and Syria
Did Wikileaks publish an email from 2011 that reveals the U.S. Administration’s strategy in Syria, which is playing out right now? On today’s show… More developments over at the Syrian Emergency Task Force (SETF) website. Why are pages and employees for the group being scrubbed from the website. Did Elizabeth O’Bagy, the group’s political director, […]
Why is Ted Cruz buying the Obama line on Syria?
Is it crazy to say that there are multiple, credible reports suggesting the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood rebels are the ones who used Chemical weapons? It might be crazy to say that inside the Washington, D.C. beltway but outside the beltway, it might be crazier to assert with fortitude that the Assad regime was responsible. That’s […]
Ted Cruz forgets Fort Hood’s 14th Murder Victim
By Ben Barrack As a Texas talk show host, the topic of the Jihadist attack at Fort Hood has come up on more than one occasion during the show. Whenever I discuss it, one thing remains constant, never-changing. Nidal Malik Hasan murdered 14 people that day, not 13. I always make it a point to […]
Senator Ted launches a Cruz Missile at the IRS (Contact his office about Lois Lerner / Malik Obama)
The junior U.S. Senator from Texas has just launched another Cruz missile at the IRS. In a Press Release from Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), he is calling for the abolition of the IRS and Fundamental Tax Reform, to include either a flat tax or the FAIR Tax: “IRS targeting of American citizens is a threat […]
Obama offers Fast and Furious opportunities to Conservatives at NRA Convention (so far, no takers)
Ben Barrack On the same day that the 2013 NRA Convention began in Houston, TX Barack Obama was in Mexico telling an audience that “most of the guns used to commit violent crimes here in Mexico, come from the United States.” What he didn’t tell that audience was that his administration is responsible for Operation […]
Why do CAIR, Code Pink, Van Jones, and Cenk Uygur all support Rand Paul’s filibuster?
Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) made big headlines this week in a showdown with the Obama administration over the latter’s refusal to unequivocally state that it would not use armed drones to kill Americans on American soil who posed no imminent threat to the country. Paul was relegated to eating candy bars during his twelve-plus hour […]
Defense Secretary Panetta: Obama and Hillary Absent during Benghazi attack
During the presidential primary campaign of 2008, a central debate issue was who was more qualified to answer that 3am phone call as president. Barack or Hillary? Based on Senate testimony given by Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta about the Benghazi attacks on 9/11, neither Barack nor Hillary is qualified. These are really fascinating admissions. […]
Senator Ted Cruz grills Chuck Hagel over anti-Semitic comments caught on Video
The evidence that Chuck Hagel, Barack Obama’s nominee for Secretary of State, is anti-Israel is quite overwhelming. In this exchange between Hagel – who is himself a Repoublican – and Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) is a must-see. Cruz is cordial and spends less than two minutes on an opening statement / initial question. Subsequent to […]