Tag Archives | women

Muslims Take Woman, Tie Her Hand To A Car, And Tie Her Leg To Another Car, Hit Their Accelerators, And Split Her In Two

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Iraq, all a part of ISIS, took a woman, a Yazidi, tied her hand to a car, tied her leg to another car, and after hitting the accelerator, split her in two. The horrifying story was recounted by one Hassan, a 22 year old student and Yazidis who witnessed the […]

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Muslim Politician: “Any woman if, whether married or unmarried, goes along with a man, with or without her consent, should be hanged.”

By Theodore Shoebat In the Indian state of Maharashtra, unit chief of the state, Abu Azmi, a Muslim politician, said that women who are raped should be put to death: Any woman if, whether married or unmarried, goes along with a man, with or without her consent, should be hanged. And I will put enmity […]

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Muslims Break Into Family’s Home, And Murder Mother and Children

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims broke into a family home and murdered a mother and her sons, and then afterwards, beheaded their corpses. They committed the murder because the father was a member of the Sunni political movement, Sahwa, which was calling on America to turn against Al-Qaeda. As a journalist writing for The Economist, tells […]

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Muslims Shoot Christian Man And Place His Daughter In Prison, But We Rescue Them

By Theodore Shoebat Watch this heart wrenching video of a father and daughter giving their testimony of how Rescue Christians delivered them from Islamic violence and brought to another country where they are now safe. We rescued them, and by we, I mean all of us, who donated to our rescue team. Without you, these […]

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Muslims Gang Rape American Woman In Colorado, In Rare And Horrific Ways

By Theodore Shoebat America helped Iraq, and now the immigrants who the nation has brought within its borders, are introducing to the people the reality of Muslim cruelty and deviancy. Five Iraqi men have been arrested in Colorado Springs in connection with a rape so disturbing, that Lt. Howard Black, who heads the Police Department’s […]

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15 Muslims Gang Rape Young Girl Until She Turns Insane, And Then Murder Her

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Syria kidnapped a young Christian girl named Mariam, she was then given to a jihadist, a commander of the battalion “Jabhat al-Nusra” in Qusair, and he raped her. Another Muslim raped her, and she was then raped every day for 15 days, each time by a different one of these […]

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The Republic of Angola Bans Islam As A Dangerous Cult And Destroys Mosques

By Theodore Shoebat The Republic of Angola, which is located in Southern Africa, has officially banned Islam as a dangerous cult, and this deserves nothing but our emulation. The president of the majority Catholic nation of Angola, José Eduardo dos Santos, made this emphatic statement, as quoted by Osun Defender: This is the final end […]

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Muslim Sees Young Girl, And In Cold Blood Fires A Bullet Into Her Heart

By Theodore Shoebat A young ten year old Christian girl named Jessi just got out of Vacation Bible School in Egypt when a Muslim approached her and, without any affection or compassion, shot her in the heart and killed her. It was absolutely blood chilling when her parents received the news. Her mother, Zakrya, recounted […]

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Muslims Use Women To Lead Men On, Then Brutally Murder Them

By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Nigeria kidnapped a Christian girl named Hajja, and used her to lead their desired victims, only to ambush and slaughter them. She was used to bait five men, who were in turn ambushed and butchered. This is what she witnessed: They took them back to a cave and tied them […]

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Morsi, The Common Tyrant

By Theodore Shoebat Muhammad Morsi is right now doing what any tyrant would do: use the emotions of the people to comply with what you want. In his address to to the senate, Morsi blamed the decrease in tourism (from which Egypt’s economy thrives) on his opposition, who “violated the peacefulness of politics”. This accusation […]

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Muslim book that teaches men how to beat women flying off the Shelves

If ever there was a real life example of why you should never judge a book by its cover, leave it to Islam to come up with it. Personally, I find the flowers on the cover of the book entitled, A Gift for Muslim Couple to be a nice touch. Compared with its contents, we […]

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Women, Disseminating Islamic Propaganda

There are verses in the Koran that compliment women in general but there are many verses that discriminate and advocate control and violence against women in the Koran, Hadith (the words and deeds of the prophet Mohammed) and Sharia Law. In video A you will get the perfume scented propaganda from the deceivers as well […]

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Bill Carroll – Radio Talk Show Epitomizes American Naivety on Islamic Deceit

http://shoebat.org/audio/walidCarroll061711.php Walid tries to explain to Bill Carroll Talk show host of KFI the second largest station in Los Angeles the issue concerning women in Islam and the potential problems having someone who has close associations with the Muslim brotherhood advising our Secretary of State as well as having access to sensitive information. We are […]

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Sisterhood List and It’s Defined Goals

THE SISTERHOOD LIST AND DEFINED GOALS In Al-Liwa Al-Arabi, it defines the roll of Muslim Women in the Muslim Brotherhood: “The sources acquired by The Arab Brigade for information and documents regarding the most serious international body of the prohibited Brotherhood organization—The Muslim Sisterhood. This [branch] comes directly after the secret service of the Muslim […]

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