Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) is the new House Homeland Security Committee chairman. As such, he rightfully took the lead in writing a letter demanding that the Fort Hood attack be identified for what it was. While we appreciate McCaul’s efforts, we take issue with identifying what happened at Fort Hood solely as an ‘act of […]
Archive | February, 2013
News to Huma Abedin? Chuck Hagel allegedly said State Department an adjunct of Israeli Government
Former Republican Senator Chuck Hagel – Barack Obama’s nominee for Secretary of Defense – appears to have another battle to fight relative to past comments that increasingly make the case that he is anti-Israel at best and anti-Semitic at worst (note that it is Republicans who are opposing their own; Democrats rarely do that). Hagel […]
Video: Pat Robertson says Islam is ‘Demonic’, has a ‘religious veneer’
On a recent broadcast, Pat Robertson minced no words when it came to his thoughts about Islam. Check out this :35 clip during which the 700 Club leader sums up his thoughts quite succinctly. After the video, we’ve posted some of the comments that appeared on the YouTube channel of Right Wing Watch, where the […]
Leftist Naomi Wolf who referred to Bagram Air Base as a ‘Concentration Camp’ in talks with Al Jazeera
Al Jazeera America is apparently in discussions with Naomi Wolf, a far left female writer for the left-wing publication that is The Guardian. Last year, Wolf suggested that the reason the Muslim world was so hypersensitive about Qur’an burnings in Afghanistan was because… wait for it… the Bagram Air Base met the criteria for a […]
Did Senator accuse Barack Obama of Manslaughter in Benghazi?
It’s now a matter of record that Barack Obama made no phone calls during the many hours that transpired during the 9/11/12 Benghazi attacks. What’s also now a matter of record is the fact that Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) – whether he realizes it or not – seems to have made the case for Obama’s […]

Walid Shoebat’s new book: The Case FOR ISLAMOPHOBIA
It’s been some time since Walid has published a book but his latest – which is being released on March 15th – will not disappoint. The Muslim Brotherhood groups in America have been here long enough to learn how to play the victim card. Muslim groups scream ‘Islamophobia’ as often as Jesse Jackson and Al […]
Saudi Judge: Few months in jail ‘suffices’ for man who murdered his five year-old daughter after raping, torturing her
If you’d like a case study in where ‘tolerance’ leads, this is it. A Saudi preacher repeatedly raped and tortured his five year-old daughter before finally murdering her. The judge in the case said that blood money and time served (a few months) was sufficient punishment. The ensuing backlash has sucked the Saudi Royal family […]
Hating Valentine’s
By Jamie Glazov Today, Thursday, February 14, is Valentine’s Day, the sacred day that intimate companions mark to celebrate their love and affection for one another. If you’re thinking about making a study of how couples celebrate this day, the Muslim world and the milieus of the radical Left are not the places you should […]
Time to take another look at the Q&A AFTER John Brennan’s 2010 speech at NYU?
“I’d like to think that everybody is born into this world with a certain amount of innocence to them and unfortunately, sometimes as they go through life, forces of evil will bring them down a certain path.” – John Brennan, February 13, 2010. In light of John Brennan’s nomination to be Barack Obama’s CIA Director, […]
Video: The John Brennan puzzle is slowly being pieced together
Folks, don’t look now but the pieces of the Benghazi puzzle are starting to come together. Check out this video from Tom Trento – the same guy who interviewed John Guandolo last week about John Brennan’s alleged conversion to Islam. Before scoffing at the conversion, ask yourself if Brennan HAD converted to Islam, would he […]
Rep. Michele Bachmann: Senate should reject John Brennan as CIA Director
In an opinion piece that appears on the Breitbart site, the very courageous Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) is calling for the Senate to reject Barack Obama’s nominee to head the CIA – John Brennan. Though the congresswoman from Minnesota doesn’t make mention of claims by John Guandolo, that the former FBI Agent has sources who […]
Confirmed: Al Gore is Evil; Silent on Al Jazeera’s Yusuf Al Qaradawi programming
Would you give a larger platform to an entity that regularly features an imam who says people who leave Islam should be crucified, by doing business with that entity? Al Gore would… and did when he sold CURRENT TV to Al Jazeera. Now he’s silent when asked about that despicable reality. Via The Daily Caller: […]
Must-See Videos from the ‘Investigate Al Jazeera Now’ National Press Conference
Some might remember a letter sent by Cliff Kincaid of America’s Survival to the new House Homeland Security Committee chairman, Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX), demanding an investigation into the sale of CURRENT TV to Al-Jazeera by Al Gore and his partners. Walid was also a signatory to that letter. McCaul failed to respond to the […]
Did John Brennan’s actions play a role in Benghazi attacks?
When coupled with the shocking claim by John Guandolo, that Barack Obama’s chief counterterrorism adviser John Brennan, converted to Islam while a station chief in Saudi Arabia in the 1990’s, some of the details released from a new book written by a retired Green Beret and a Navy SEAL may take on added significance. Among […]
Imam praised by Chris Christie to speak at Muslim Brotherhood event
Imam Mohammad Qatanani is the guy in New Jersey whom Governor Chris Christie has consistently defended and praised against those concerned with Qatanani’s ties to Hamas. Chris Christie infamously referred to people with such concerns as ‘crazies’ he was ‘tired of dealing’ with when he was asked about his appointment of Qatanani’s lawyer – Sohail […]
Revisiting Boehner’s response to Huma Abedin question, in light of claim that John Brennan converted to Islam
In light of the shocking claim by John Guandolo, that he has sources who claim to have witnessed Barack Obama’s nominee for CIA Director – John Brennan – convert to Islam, the issue of Huma Abedin’s ties to the Muslim Brotherhood should gain more credence. In particular, let’s revisit House Speaker John Boehner’s response to […]