Archive | May, 2013

Extermination of Christians And Shiites On The Horizon In Syria

Alex Newman writes (from AINA) A spokesman for the primary rebel alliance in Syria, known as the “Free Syrian Army,” threatened that opposition forces could start implementing a broad ethnic-cleansing program aimed at Shia Muslims and especially the Islamic Alawite sect to which dictator Bashar al-Assad belongs. As Obama administration-led Western powers and a coalition […]

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Video: Malik Obama’s Boss expresses solidarity with Hamas, pledges to help take back Jerusalem

In our recent report on the connections of Malik Obama – President Obama’s half-brother – to the spread of Wahhabist Islam (brand practiced by al-Qaeda), we introduced you to the name Suar Al Dahab. This is the man who serves as the Chairman of the Board of the Islamic Da’wa Organization (IDO). Malik is the […]

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Audio: Walid Interviews with Rusty Humphries

Did you know that in his new book, Roger Ailes refers to Walid as the expert to get ahold of on Middle Eastern matters? We didn’t either until Rusty Humphries told us during his interview with Walid today. The conversation begins with the topic of John McCain’s absurd visit with the Free Syrian Army on […]

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Confirmed: Obama’s Brother In Bed With Terrorists

  Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack It has been learned that the relationship between President Barack Obama’s half-brother Malik Obama and Sudan’s President Omar Al-Bashir is much closer than previously thought. Malik is the Executive Secretary of the Islamic Da’wa Organization (IDO) as reported by all major Saudi press, including Okaz. How significant is this? […]

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Audio Flashback: Machine Gun Preacher interviewed by Ben Barrack

If you’re getting a little anxious about the forthcoming journalistic bombshell (to be posted before the end of Memorial Day), have a listen to an interview with Sam Childers, the Machine Gun Preacher from 2007. After that, check out a video of Childers from last year in which he tells you what’s going on in […]

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Pack of Lone Wolves arrested for Beheading of British Soldier now at Ten

Lone Wolf = a person who prefers to live, act, or work alone or independent of others. In a sane world, the arrest of ten Muslims for the beheading of a British soldier named Lee Rigby would constitute something other than a murder at the hands of a ‘lone wolf’. Then again, who said we’re […]

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Another Bombshell Report (this one Pictorial) Forthcoming…

If you thought this report was explosive, just wait for the follow-up, which is quite a bit more visual. While it may have fewer words, you know what they say about pictures doing a lot of talking. A couple of hints… 1.) Malik Obama 2.) Omar Al-Bashir, the guy behind the guy responsible for mass […]

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Iranian Authorities To Christians: Anyone who tries to enter the church will be arrested

This is only foreshadowing the holocaust to come. From Christian Today: The Central Assemblies of God church in Tehran was closed on Thursday due to pressure from Iranian security authorities. According to a story by Mohabat Iranian Christian News Agency, a well placed source said that a sign is posted on the main entrance of […]

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1000 Christians Have Been Killed In Syria Since 2011

Fiorello Provera writes (From AINA): The recent abductions of Syriac Orthodox Archbishop Yohanna Ibrahim and his Greek Orthodox counterpart, Paul Yazigi, reflect not only the increasing brutality of Syria’s civil war, but also the escalating crisis for Christians across the Arab world — one that could end up driving them away altogether. According to the […]

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Iranian Pastor Imprisoned

From Stefan J. Bos, reporting for BosNewsLife: TEHRAN, IRAN (BosNewsLife)– Iran’s largest Persian speaking Pentecostal church was closed Monday, May 27, after one of its leaders was detained during a worship service and moved to an unknown location, Iranian Christians told BosNewsLife. The closure of the Central Assemblies of God church (AoG) in Tehran and […]

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JIhadists In Syria Use Christian Women “as little more than booty”

Jim Wallace writes in The Australian: THE hardest test of foreign policy is not its intersections at the lofty geopolitical level but where it inevitably affects ordinary people, and nowhere is this test as difficult as in the Middle East. As I visited the area recently to assess the situation of minorities in the Syrian […]

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Video: Hamas-Friendly U.S. Senator questions Bloggers’ First Amendment rights; Contradicts himself from one month earlier

Earlier this month (May 1st), far left-wing U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) justified his speaking to a group of communists and socialists by saying it was his first amendment right. Yesterday, on May 26th, during an appearance on Fox News Sunday, Durtbin questioned the first amendment rights of bloggers. Via the Daily Caller: Now, consider […]

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New York Times: Huma Abedin is the one driving Weiner’s Mayoral run (Sisterhood daughter as first lady of city hit on 9/11)

In light of everything we’ve learned about Huma Abedin, the wife of Anthony Weiner, former Congressman from New York, there is incredibly strong evidence to suggest that she is compromised by a conflicting family interest at best, an agent of the Muslim Brotherhood at worst. To this day, we still have not seen her Form […]

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