Pat Smith, the mother of Sean Smith, one of Benghazi’s four deceased victims appeared on Fox News Channel today with Stuart Varney. She was asked to give her reaction to Barack Obama’s reference to “phony scandals” on the campaign trail… uh…. well, during a speech. Americans who can process information separate from their brain stems […]
Archive | July 25, 2013

Boehner attacks Republican like he should attack Obama
Folks, just in case you’re unaware, there is something very, very wrong with Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH). Not only has he been reticent to fight Obama but instead of rallying his Republican caucus to demand the administration be held accountable for any one of the countless scandals its mired in, Boehner has […]

Frank Wolf: Benghazi Question #8
While Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA) issued a Benghazi Question of the Day today, he did not issue it from the House Floor so there is no video. The question he asked has to do with what was going on in Washington, D.C. during the attack. Via Frank Wolf: A U.S. consulate is under attack. A […]
Crazy Pelosi calls Insane Weiner “Clueless”
In response to a question about Weinergate 2.0, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said some amazing things. In addition to saying that what Weiner did is “disrespectful to women”, Pelosi accused the former Congressman of being “clueless”. This charge in particular, was reminiscent of one person in a straightjacket accusing the guy in a padded […]
How Dogs in the Middle East hide their Identities
In order to survive in the Middle East, dogs must do their best to hide their identities. h/t KULfoto

Report: Marine Col. George Bristol testifying today
Marine Corps. Col. George Bristol, whom the Pentagon said was retired but who wasn’t, is reportedly testifying in front of the House Intelligence Committee today in closed session. This committee is headed by Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI). Via Garth Kant at WND: Congressional investigators have been trying to locate Bristol for months. As commander of […]

McCarthy goes after Huma Abedin on the Real Scandal
It’s nice to see our good friend Andrew McCarthy over at National Review singing from the same sheet of music we are when it comes to Huma Abedin. Like the admission from her husband Anthony Weiner, that she had known about his exploits “all along”, Abedin has known and worked with some nefarious people over […]
Contrasting Fear and Courage in Florida and Egypt
When the people of Egypt took to the streets to demand the ouster of Mohammed Mursi, they garnered much respect around the world for their courage. They then did the work Americans wouldn’t do; they called out the Obama administration for its obvious support of the Muslim Brotherhood. Perhaps we have two microcosms that demonstrate […]
Why did Limbaugh avoid the real Huma Abedin scandal?
As expected, Rush Limbaugh placed the Anthony Weiner / Huma Abedin press conference at the top of his ‘stack of stuff’ on Wednesday, July 24, 2013. As Oklahoma City talk show host Reid Mullins pointed out, Limbaugh’s analysis of Abedin, which included her following the Hillary Clinton model for dealing with ‘bimbo eruptions’, was good […]
Evidence Mounts: Mursi and Benghazi
By Walid Shoebat According to multiple Arabic sources, it has been learned that a Libyan intelligence envoy has made a trip to Cairo, Egypt. Security sources revealed that the visit of the Libyan intelligence chief Salem Al-Nahasi, who arrived in Cairo on Saturday evening, comes within the framework of coordination and exchange of information, documents […]