By Theodore Shoebat
So few ears have heard the news on the very recent and greatest massacre of Christians in Syria. Forty five saints, in the village of Sadad, were slaughtered by the Muslim heretics, this is not just a mere killing, but a foreshadowing of a future holocaust.
Here is a video filmed by the perpetrators of the mutilated bodies of their victims:
Archbishop Selwanos Boutros Alnemeh, Syriac Orthodox Metropolitan of Homs and Hama, expressed the carnage of the massacre:
What happened in Sadad is the most serious and biggest massacre of Christians in Syria in the past two years and a half
Children were not even suffered to live, the elderly were not given an ounce of pity, and so great was the desire of the Muslims to control the area, that 1500 families were taken hostage.
After the Syrian army retook the village, a video was taken of the families being reunited with the deepest relief, knowing that their love ones are still alive:
All of the homes of Sadad were looted and robbed, and the churches were desecrated and devastated by these God-hating heretics, who deserve nothing but our zealous indignation.
The Archbishop also stated that what happened in Sadad “is the largest massacre of Christians in Syria and the second in the Middle East, after the one in the Church of Our Lady of Salvation in Iraq, in 2010”.
These Muslims are iconoclast heretics, meaning they seek to extinguish any Christian images, hence why when they were pillaging Sadad they went into the St. Samaan al-Amoudi Castle, and they used the statues and holy relics for target practice.
They did the same in Katoura, which is 500 meters from Samaan’s Castle, where there are Roman statues from the 1st century to 3rd century. The Church of the Holy Cross in Tel-abdyad in the district of Idlib was burned by a Muslim group that calls itself the Islamic State in Iraq and Levant (or Da’sh) and it destroyed a statue of the Virgin Mary:
But there are Christians who are no longer allowing for the slaughter of their people. A Christian militia has arisen, they are headed by one Hanna, and they call themselves The Lions of the Canyon. They are so far protecting 33 villages, and even some Alawite and Sunni Muslims have joined them.
Here is a poster of two Christian fighters who were martyred in the holy war against the followers of the devil:

Poster showing two Christian fighters who were martyred during the holy war against the heretics.
RIGHT: Rami Farah
LEFT: Elias Michael Nader
On the top of this poster are words expressing an absolute spirit of Christian militancy:
A general call — Whoever believes in Me, even though he dies, he lives
In the last few months Hanaa lost 15 fighters, he executes the traditional guerrilla tactics of attack and retreat fighting, and it happens everyday, day or night. Hannah said:
There are Christians who do not believe in turning the left cheek, but in their turn enter into the battle of survival that forces itself on all Syrians, regardless of their religious background.
There is a crusade arising in Syria, and its only going to grow in intensity and zeal, and if it reaches its apex, expect a great religious war to spark.