Friendly Beheading, Inadvertent Decapitation

We’ve all heard of the term “friendly fire”. In Syria, a case of “friendly beheading” appears to have taken place. It’s apparently not as easy for Sunnis and Shi’ites to tell each other apart as they thought.

Via UK Telegraph:

Militant Islamist rebels in Syria linked to al-Qaeda have asked for “understanding and forgiveness” for cutting off and putting on display the wrong man’s head.

In a public appearance filmed and posted online, members of Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, one brandishing a knife, held up a bearded head before a crowd in Aleppo. They triumphantly described the execution of what they said was a member of an Iraqi Shia militia fighting for President Bashar al-Assad.

But the head was recognised from the video as originally belonging to a member of Ahrar al-Sham, a Sunni Islamist rebel group that often fights alongside ISIS though it does not share its al-Qaeda ideology.

After inquiries, an ISIS spokesman admitted he was Mohammed Fares, an Ahrar commander reported missing some days ago. This could not be independently confirmed, but in an earlier video of a speech by Mr Fares he bears a close resemblance to the severed head in the later video.

How many tears do you think John McCain shed over this one?

Victim of Friendly Beheading.

Victim of Friendly Beheading.

