By Theodore Shoebat Yesterday I wrote about how two Christians in Syria, Fadi and Firas, were attacked by five Muslims, and that Fadi was beheaded as soon as the attackers saw that he was wearing a cross. Now, from a report from Agenzias Fides we know that after the Muslims decapitated Fadi, they took the […]
Archive | January 17, 2014
Muslims Attack Christian Village, The Video That Was Taken Will Horrify You
Posted by Theodore Shoebat This video shows you the aftermath of a bombing done by Muslims of the Assyrian Christian area of Dora. 27 were killed and 56 wounded. This attack was done by Muslims and your Christian brethren need your help, please donate to save the Christians of Iraq. AFTER WATCHING THIS, PLEASE DONATE […]

Open Letter to Rep. Mike Kelly RE: Malik Obama
Rep. Mike Kelly Republican Congressman, PA District 3 Member of House Ways and Means Committee cc: Rep. Dave Camp Republican Congressman, MI District 4 Chairman of House Ways and Means Committee Dear Rep. Kelly, Back on August 29th of last year, you conducted a radio town hall on 790 WPIC in Hermitage, PA. During that […]
Muslim Brotherhood Bias of CNN’s Amanpour on Full Display
The primary topic of an interview between CNN’s Christiane Amanpour and Egyptian businessman Naguib Sawiris had to do with the arrest and continued detention of four Al-Jazeera “journalists” in Egypt last month, one of whom has apparently been released. Al-Jazeera is the propaganda arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, which is a group that is currently […]
Obama Administration Rules That Muslims Cannot Be Profiled Because Of Islam
By Theodore Shoebat The Department of Justice, which is led by Attorney General Eric Holder (who was nominated by Obama), has ruled that federal agents are now prohibited from inquiring a person’s religion in the process of carrying out an investigation. This means, that when Muslims are investigation, their religion (Islam) cannot be put into […]