Considering that Barack Obama is supporting the same Muslim Brotherhood responsible for assassinating her husband and for removing his successor from office during the Arab Spring, it’s really no surprise to see Jehan Sadat trash U.S. policy under Obama. However, Sadat’s widow was quite effusive in her praise of the American people. Via MEMRI: Here’s […]
Archive | April, 2014
Building An Anti-Israel Society from the Ground Up
By Mosheh Avraham Where do anti-Israel attitudes come from? How do these untruths spread in society? Part of the answer may be found at San Diego State University. As an alumnus of SDSU, my interest was peeked by an e-mail I received the other day from Stand With Us notifying their network that SDSU brought […]
Obama’s Temple Mount Cult now in TURMOIL
On the eve of Malik Obama’s visit to Abilene, the church led by the man who is welcoming him, is now in turmoil. A top leader in the Abilene cult known as the House of Yahweh has been arrested for threatening to kill a judge and lawyers. The man is identified as Tsephanyah Yisrayl Hawkins, […]
CAIR Spokesman’s Condescending Reason for ‘Islamophobia’
CAIR spokesman Corey Saylor has a theory about why so many people are concerned about Islam. It’s curiously close to the Obama administration’s theory about why people don’t like Obamacare; it hasn’t been adequately explained. Whatever, dude: The only problem CAIR has with al-Qaeda is that the latter is climbing out of the Trojan Horse […]

IslamObamaPhobia: Race-Baiting and Islamophobia-Baiting explain why Criminal President Untouchable
As we wrote in The Case FOR Islamophobia, Muslim Brotherhood front groups put down roots in the U.S. in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s. These groups watched the civil rights movement unfold. They watched the birth and effectiveness of race-baiting. They adopted the strategy, re-packaged it and made a strain of it their own. […]
Wacko Democrat: ‘Many of our Mass Murderers go to Churches’
In response to Bill O’Reilly’s correct analysis based on facts about the importance of undercover surveillance of mosques in New York City, the President of the Borough of Brooklyn – a wacko Democrat named Eric Adams – objected saying: “Many of our mass murderers go to churches. Should we go after every church?” Disclaimer: for […]
Israeli Ambassador to UN: Christian Holocaust is upon Us
Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations has written an Op-Ed piece for the Wall Street Journal that echoes much of what we’ve been saying about Christian persecution in the Middle East. In short, what’s happening to Christians right now is rapidly becoming a repeat of what happened to the Jews in WWII. This is a […]
Islamic ‘Trojan Horse’ Conspiracy to take over British Schools (Cameron has a new problem)
All too often, Islamic transgressions in western cultures are exposed, only to be ignored by those with the power to do something about them. Now, the exposure of the Islamic ‘Trojan Horse’ plot finally appears to be getting taken quite seriously by the British government, though it’d have been nice if this kind of had […]
Gaza Girls High School named after Female Terrorist, Murderer
Imagine a high school named after Charles Manson (we’d suggest one named after Bernadine Dohrn but sadly, that doesn’t seem all that far-fetched today; Bernadine and the Palestinians are pretty tight too). In this video, teachers and students who attend the Dalal Mughrabi School in Gaza, extol the virtues of their school’s namesake, who just […]
House Intel Chairman Expresses Concern over al-Qaeda in Syria; Fails to mention Turkey’s Role
During a radio interview, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers was asked about the recent chemical attack in Syria. The interviewer seemed convinced the attack came from Bashar al-Assad, despite plenty of evidence to the contrary, much of it chronicled by As part of his response, Rogers rightfully brought up the “huge and growing […]
Shocking Leaked Videos: Turkey Conspiring to Spread Destruction
**SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** The Antichrist system in Turkey is hard at work right now and two videos reveal a common interest being aggressively pursued in both Syria and Egypt; that common interest is the Muslim Brotherhood’s success. In the first video, terrorists loyal to the Brotherhood’s efforts in Syria can be seen carrying weapons and walking […]
Shock! Huma Abedin Defender who was Promoted by CAIR cries ‘Islamophobia’ over Florida Textbook Bill
Muslim Brotherhood front groups and sympathizers are up in arms over the efforts of Florida State Senator Alan Hays to ban Sharia law from being applied in Florida courts and to expunge Islam from school text books. One such front group is CAIR and one such sympathizer is a defender of Huma Abedin, Dean Obeidallah, […]
In Gitmo, Spare the Rod, Spoil the Jihadist
When leftists, useful idiots, and stealth jihadists in the U.S. cry about abuses at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, they’re absolutely right; abuses are taking place there every day. It’s just that the abusers are the inmates and the abused are the guards. There is perhaps no better anecdotal evidence of the sides chosen by the Obama […]
Demon Possessed Muslim Talks About His Desire To Eat Human Hearts
SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE By Walid Shoebat and Theodore Shoebat Here on, we have exposed footage that you cannot find anywhere else, and all of it reveals the realities of the diabolical. has now found a video of a Muslim named Adnan Ahmed Durrah, who is a member of the Al-Nusra jihadist group, and is […]
Antichrist Turkey caught Lying (again) about Kessab Attacks
Newly discovered evidence reveals that Turkey’s denials about its role in the attacks on the Syrian town known as Kessab last month, which is home to many Armenian Christians, are lies. In the days after the attack last month, there were unverified reports and some confusion about exactly what happened. Now, eyewitnesses have come forward […]
Mindless Muslim Mob Goes Crazy and Starts Killing People At Random (Video)
Here is a video of Muslims, who are members of the Muslim Brotherhood, murder various people at random in Sidi Gaber, Egypt. According to one source, the Muslim Brotherhood just decided to kill random people. Notice how the crowd looks completely mindless, even when they are dead bodies on the floor. This video shows that […]