This is TV we should be getting on USA media, sadly even our so called Conservative commentators would fear to tread. Ezra Levant takes on and devours Syed Soharwardy a Canadian double speak Imam.
Archive | June 8, 2014
Muslim Brotherhood Infiltration and the OIC Aided Benghazi Video Narrative
On today’s show… If the House Select Committee on Benghazi is going to get to the truth, it MUST include the issue of Muslim Brotherhood infiltration inside the U.S. Government generally and the Obama administration in particular. There is ONE committee member who knows all about this level of infiltration. His name is Rep. Lynn […]
Australia Says: “Jerusalem is for The Jews”
From Arutz Seva Israel National News Finally a Western government starts to speak the truth based on history and our biblical heritage. As they say down under “good on ya mates” PA Condemns Australia Over Stance on Eastern Jerusalem PA chief negotiator blasts Australia’s decision to drop the term “occupied” when referring to eastern Jerusalem. […]

CIA Director Accused of Converting to Islam pushed for release of Taliban Commanders
By Ben Barrack The outrage over the exchange of five top level Taliban commanders for Bowe Bergdahl, a deserter at best and traitor who helped the Taliban murder his fellow soldiers at worst, is palpable. The role of CIA Director John Brennan in pushing for this deal could bolster the claims made by former FBI […]