By Keith Davies political commentator
First Review the wisdom of our founders which today most Americans ignore

The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil constitution, are worth defending against all hazards: And it is our duty to defend them against all attacks.
Samuel Adams

Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add ‘within the limits of the law’ because law is often but the tyrant’s will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual.
Thomas Jefferson

Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.
George Washington

He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself.
Thomas Paine
We the People have been defrauded of our freedom by an elected despotism.
This has happened as a result of allowing the Federal government to acquire powers that it has no right to have based on the Founding Fathers intent and the Constitutional document that today is just a historical document that has been usurped by the political class both on the “left” and the so called “right.”
The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil constitution, are worth defending against all hazards: And it is our duty to defend them against all attacks.
Samuel Adams
We the People need to rebel against the tyranny of the Federal government and restore the constitutional principals as per our founders.
Rebellion should and can be successful without the need for violent uprising as the main cause of the corruption of our system of government is that of money. If we can through civil disobedience and withholding (put in escrow) our taxes in 2014/15 by the at least one million tax payers who would be in the top 5% of earners in this country, the government would not be able to imprison that amount of people and would cause the government to be short of at least a trillion dollars for fiscal 2015. The Federal government would not have the ability to fund government unless the necessary reforms are made to stop the tyranny.
The final straw for the American people have been the abuses of power both by Democrats and Republicans. The IRS scandal has both parties in the hall of shame. The Democrats have clearly abused power by allowing and conspiring with the IRS to target We the People who may have a political contrary view which is a right according to the first amendment, the basic essence of our freedom. The Republicans should hang their heads in shame, as they have not followed up on their obligation as the loyal opposition to fully investigate the IRS. They have deliberately ignored the scandal of Malik Obama and not followed up in a timely manner on the “missing emails.” If it were not for Judicial Watch a non partisan conservative charity, the “missing emails” issue would not have been even in the public forum.
An elective despotism was not the government we fought for; but one in which the powers of government should be so divided and balanced among the several bodies of magistracy as that no one could transcend their legal limits without being effectually checked and restrained by the others.
James Madison No 58, Federalist Papers 1788
The original IRS in itself was an unconstitutional agency set up in 1864 to pay for the Civil war and later in 1894 the IRS was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme court and not until 1913 when Woodrow Wilson was able to get over 75% of the states to ratify a national federal income tax to be collected by the IRS in the enactment of the 16th amendment. 101 years later we have now seen what a major mistake this was. The Federal Income tax has now made us serfs and abused the people by unconstitutional power of the federal government. Let us remember our founders went to war with Great Britain over taxation without representation. The IRS is an unelected body and we have all seen that they have abused their power and acted in a tyrannical fashion egged on by senior Democrat politicians with the Republicans knowingly not offering opposition.
The IRS needs to be abolished (16th amendment) and the taxing authority should be left only to the States with negotiated revenue for federal business by each state or by a new constitutional amendment, which will remove direct taxing of We the People by the Federal Government. Much of the Federal government needs to be made smaller and the States should take on the responsibility for the shortfall in administrative departments that will have been abolished if We the People rise up. This includes the abolishment of the EPA, the Department of Education, the Department of Energy and the Department of Health and Human Services just to name some for an instant axe.
Social security is insolvent if not today then within 5 to 10 years. The money stolen to fund other government programs, mismanaged by the corrupt political class in Washington DC, needs to corrected fast. It is time for We the People to have Social security managed by each state, which is transferable or payable if a retiree moves to a different state. The social security paid in by any worker belongs to that worker and not to the government. The States should only be responsible for social services for its residents and not the Federal government. If income taxes were leveraged only by the states then taxes would be lower for everybody as if some states were to have high taxes many of the top earners would move to other states so the need to have competitive tax rates would be imperative for each states’ economic growth and prosperity. We have already seen this in action as many top earners are fleeing California and heading to Texas. The state of California is an economic basket case; while Texas is thriving, this makes the point.
Washington DC is awash with money. Sadly it is the only large city that is expanding just as is our federal government, the reverse should be the case. Washington is one of the few places where one can make big money as a lobbyist, lawyer or federal bureaucrat. We need to turn Washington DC into a Detroit with thousands of vacant homes and at the same time we need to turn Detroit back to an industrial powerhouse as it once was. When this happens then we will know America is back on track.
We need a new political party simply called “We the People” so that our government serves us the people, and we can return to liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The Democrats and Republicans should join forces and be the opposition because they are part of the problem not the solution.