Archive | September, 2014

Finally Great Britain Grew Some Balls and Announced New Anti-Terror Measure

Finally Great Britain grew some balls and David Cameron announces new anti-terror measures in the House of Commons, including giving police powers to seize passports and ban terror suspects from returning to the UK. Cameron says ‘passports are not an automatic right’ and new legislation will give police officers the power to remove passports from […]

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Muslim Woman Sends This Message To Christians: “You Christians all need beheading with a nice blunt knife… Come here I’ll do it for you!”

By Theodore Shoebat A British woman, named Sally Jones, who recently converted to Islam and changed her name to Umm Hussain al-Britani, sent this message to Christians: You Christians all need beheading with a nice blunt knife and stuck on the railings at Raqqa… Come here I’ll do it for you! This woman is most […]

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Iraqi Forces Break ISIS Siege But the Writing On The Wall Says “Persia is Moving In”

By Walid Shoebat In Amerli, ISIS tasted a bitter defeat and the Iraqi military announced Sunday it had broken a siege of the town of Amerli by forces of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), hours after the United States launched an air campaign to assist Iraqi civilians there. The U.S. airstrikes, though […]

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End Times Are Near: ISIS Plans to Kill Millions in Europe and U.S. Through Bubonic Plague and Other Diseases

“Authorities in both Europe and the United States are to be extra vigilant as members of the ISIS terror group could already be in their respective countries, preparing to unleash terrifying atrocities in the next two months at least.” So says King ­Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. But his statements are not simply words. A computer […]

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US State Dept. Should Exercise Restraint Towards Israel

Coming off the heals of a devastating war, Israel announced that it has appropriated nine-hundred and eighty-eight acres of largely uninhabited land in and around the Jewish village of Gvahot in the Gush Etzion bloc of Judea officially categorizing it as ‘state land’.  This is not even an annexation of land, but rather official acknowledgement that the […]

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Democrat U.S. Senator says ISIS a ‘Major Varsity Team’

During an appearance on Meet the Press, Senate Intelligence Committee chairman Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) was asked if Barack Obama is conveying weakness by admitting he has no strategy to deal with ISIS in Syria. Her answer began with an inherently tacit admission that she was going to engage in semantics and use the word “cautious” […]

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Jimmy Jihad Carter Formally Betrays his Country at ISNA Convention

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter spoke at the annual ISNA Conference in Detroit this past weekend. As has been demonstrated, the ISNA is a Muslim Brotherhood front group in the U.S. During his speech, Carter exhorted attendees to implement the “principles of Allah”. Regardless of what your take is on radical Islam vs. Islam, as […]

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Islamists Overrun U.S. Embassy in Tripoli and Celebrate with Pool Party

Nearly two years ago, Tripoli was considered much safer than Benghazi, where the U.S. was the last flag standing when Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans were murdered there on 9/11/12. This past July, the U.S. ‘temporarily relocated’ all U.S. personnel from the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli to Tunisia. Last month, reports surfaced which […]

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Liberal CNN Host Baffled by British Muslim’s Views

On the heels of an interview between Sean Hannity and British Muslim Anjem Choudary, CNN’s liberal host of Reliable Sources Brian Stelter interviewed Choudary and ended up completely shocked by what he was hearing. Choudary is of the Salafi brand of Islam that doesn’t rely on the very effective stealth jihadist tactics to push its […]

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