John Kerry Uses Arabic Acronym for Islamic State Because it Doesn’t Sound Like ‘Islamic State’ in English

The fact that the term “Islamic” is in the name of “Islamic State” has proved to be quite the stumbling block for an Obama administration which insists that the Islamic State is “not Islamic”. The leader of the Islamic State, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is compounding the problem with all the Degrees he has in Islamic Studies (B.A., M.A., and PhD from University of Baghdad).

Well, the brainiac Secretary of State John Kerry is implementing a new strategy; he’s referring to ISIS / ISIL, Islamic State by using the Arabic acronym for… wait for it… Islamic State. The Islamic State will heretofore be referred to as “Da’ish”.

For the record, the acronym – when translated – is as follows:

Da – al-Dawlat (State)
I – Islamiya (Islamic)
I – Iraq
(wa) – the
Sham – Levant

Yet, Kerry seems to think that by calling the Islamic State the Islamic State in Arabic, it will sound less Islamic.

Here is what Kerry said while in Egypt, as relayed by the Weekly Standard:

And as President Obama made clear, the United States is committed to degrading and ultimately defeating ISIL. And I’m very pleased to say that more than 60 partners have now committed to joining us in this effort in a variety of ways. Not everybody will play a military role or a direct kinetic role. Some will help with respect to the delegitimization of Daesh’s claims with respect to religion.

Last month, as reported, Kerry referred to the Islamic State as the enemy of Islam:

Does this mean that Da’ish is the enemy of Islam too?

That’s a particularly difficult case to make because back in March, it was who first reported on the name of the entity that was running human slaughterhouses in Iraq and Syria:

The prison centers where the ISIS (Da’ish) controls have become miniatures of what was during the Nazi SS extermination camps, except the ISIS carries out the extermination in a much more horrific way. Da’ish transforms the prisons into kangaroo courts with systematic slaughterhouses and killing centers to exterminate Christians and Muslims who disagree with the Takfiri ideology. Once they are found guilty, the way they deal with the victims was as if they were cattle.

The ISIS stands for The Islamic group of Iraq and Syria. ISIS is also known in Middle East circles as Da’ish. Rescue Christians obtained footage of another slaughterhouse from one Syrian Christian named Kamil Toume to confirm the claims.

As you can see, Da’ish and the ISIS / ISIL / Islamic State are synonymous with one word – Islamic.

For some reason, this particular Michael Savage rant just seems appropriate:


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