Mark Steyn Talks about the Malik Obama Scandal

Mark Steyn appeared on the Lynn Woolley show to talk about his new book and during the interview, Woolley brought up the subject of the Malik Obama scandal that neither the media, politicians, or even tea parties have any interest in calling attention to. Steyn is one of the few major conservative voices that is familiar with many of the details.

After the interview, I joined Lynn in studio to discuss the details of the explosive scandal and why it’s not being covered.

When the IRS scandal first broke, Steyn guest-hosted for Rush Limbaugh and cited our work – as well as that done by the Daily Caller – on Malik’s tax-exempt status, connections to terrorism, and Lois Lerner’s complicity. Here is the audio file of what Steyn talked about on June 3, 2013:

Also referenced in the discussion with Lynn Woolley was the fact that Rep. Mike Kelly has referred to the claims against Malik as “spot-on”. Here is the audio recording of him saying that:


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