By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack
When Ali Mohamed, the most embarrassing Muslim spy to ever join America’s ranks, was caught and ‘trusted experts’ acknowledged his deep involvement with Islamic terrorism, specifically Al-Qaeda, the government covered up his role as a double agent. It’s an old story many consider dust in the wind until of course now when, in an explosive discovery, exclusively reveals that the same Ali Mohamed is connected to a man whose organization is implicated in the Benghazi attacks.
Muhammad Jamal Abdo al-Kashif, an Egyptian after whom the Muhammad Jamal Network (hereafter MJN) is named, has been identified by multiple Congressional committees as having been involved in the Benghazi attacks. But the scheme gets even dirtier when the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) and some ‘respected’ conservative republicans; think tank experts, and government officials cover up the truth about Benghazi for the sole purpose of keeping the lid on a major embarrassment and how Ali hoodwinked the entire CIA in order to be the first CIA agent / FBI informant to work exclusively for al-Qaeda’s interests. He was a double agent who succeeded in getting inside the ranks of the U.S. intelligence community – and stayed there for a long time.

Left to Right: Ali Mohamed, Ayman al-Zawahiri, Muhammad Jamal Abdo al-Kashif and Tarek Taha Abu Al-Azm
So let’s begin to disclose the details of the juicy story and put the puzzle together so that the American people can see the extent to which even people they think are trustworthy sell out and sacrifice American blood at the altar of vanity.
It has been confirmed that both al-Kashif and Ali are connected to Ayman al-Zawahiri – al-Qaeda’s number one – from a U.S. State Department document dated May 15, 2001. About Ali, it states:
He [Ali] left the U.S. Army in 1989 and in the early 1990s became involved in the Egyptian Islamic Jihad organization, which also worked with al Qaeda.
The connection to the same entity also stems from yet another State Department document, regarding the terrorist designation of al-Kashif. It reads, in part:
“Upon returning to Egypt in the 1990s, Muhammad Jamal became a top military commander and head of the operational wing of Egyptian Islamic Jihad (EIJ), then headed by AQ leader Ayman al-Zawahiri.” (dated October 7, 2013)
This places Egyptians Ali and al-Kashif with EIJ in the same decade and with at least one common thread connecting them being Al-Qaeda’s then number two, Ayman al-Zawahiri. EIJ is the group recognized for assassinating Egyptian President Anwar Sadat. Also in the early 1990’s, al-Zawahiri visited the U.S. on a fundraising tour and Ali accompanied him, according to a 2001 Wall Street Journal article.
Ali’s case being shrouded in mystery for years now helps to explain why so little attention is given to the Jamal Network and the Egyptian connection to the Benghazi attacks.
This may be a factor in why so little media coverage has been given to this story and why the so-called ‘think tank’ terrorism experts and highly respected figures have largely been silent on the issue despite al-Kashif’s arrest by Egyptian authorities just weeks after the attacks. We’re told another man, Ahmed Abu Khatallah is the only suspect who’s been captured despite the fact that Al-Kashif, who still sits in an Egyptian cell as has reported, begs to differ. There will be apologists who point to official acknowledgment that Al-Kashif was arrested. The key, however, has to do with a lack of attention paid to that reality.
The connection between Ali and al-Kashif helps to explain why the latter is not brought into the spotlight. In Ali’s capacity as a spy for the U.S., he was responsible for an untold amount of death and destruction. Despite all this, intelligence and investigative agencies – as well as the U.S. Army – continued to rely on him in a fatally flawed arrangement (we saw this again with the handling of Fort Hood jihadist Nidal Malik Hasan before he went on his murderous rampage).
However, the snow melted and the embarrassing stench was revealed. The straw that broke the camel’s back came when Ali was finally arrested in 1998. According to a very revealing article published by the New York Times later that year, Ali was subpoenaed shortly after the U.S. Embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania on August 7th. After appearing in front of a grand jury the next month, Ali was arrested. On October 20, 2000 Ali pleaded guilty for his role in those bombings.
Andrew McCarthy – the man credited with being the prosecutor of the Blind Sheikh – was one of the Asst U.S. Attorneys present when Ali pleaded guilty. Despite knowing all we have said is true, McCarthy has so far done absolutely nothing about calling attention to it.
McCarthy’s history in all this goes way back. As of 2006 – and most likely as of today – Ali may be the only man known in America’s history to have been found guilty without ever being sentenced. One of the suppositions as to why is that upon being sentenced, details of the case may be made public. The refusal of Ali or his attorney to talk continued long after the guilty plea.
The trial of Ali Mohamed wasn’t the first time McCarthy was part of a case that involved Ali. On November 5, 1990 Egyptian El Sayyid Nosair assassinated Rabbi Meir Kahane. In December of 1991, Nosair was inexplicably acquitted of the murder but was convicted of other charges that put him in prison; he would later be charged, convicted and sentenced to life while still in prison.
In 1994-95, McCarthy was one of the prosecutors in what has become known as the “Day of Terror” trial, which had the Blind Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman as being the mastermind of a conspiracy to bomb several Manhattan landmarks. Both the Blind Sheikh and Nosair were given life sentences, with Nosair finally being convicted of Kahane’s murder as well.
That murder, however, was part of a larger conspiracy.
During the raid on Nosair’s apartment prior to his first trial, boxes of evidence retrieved included classified military documents that were tied back to Ali, who joined the U.S. Army in 1986 and worked at Fort Bragg, NC in some capacity with Special Forces. Shockingly, two years earlier, after reaching out to the CIA in Egypt to become an intelligence asset, Ali was later rejected when the CIA caught him divulging his intentions to Hezbollah. Ali was allegedly placed on a terror watch list, which should have prevented him from getting a visa. Despite all this, in 1985, Ali got a visa anyway and traveled to the U.S.
According to the WSJ article, boxes confiscated from Nosair’s apartment contained…
…training manuals and classified Army documents from Fort Bragg, some of them in Arabic translation, that had come from Mr. Mohamed, the FBI would later learn.
Based on this information, Nosair’s attorney Roger Stavis issued a subpoena for Ali in December of 1994, wanting him to testify. A problem for the Feds was that Ali was working as an FBI informant at the time. His testimony at a high profile trial would indeed be problematic for several high level people. Using private investigators, Stavis was never able to locate Ali. In some ways, this is curious because Ali appeared to be at his home in California for at least some time in December.
Here is a screenshot of part of the court transcript that deals with Stavis’ failed attempts to do so, via IntelWire:
McCarthy flew to California with Special Agent Harlan Bell to meet and interview Ali on December 9th according to multiple sources, including McCarthy himself. According to one report, a document was entered into the court record on March 21, 2001 in the trial of US v. Usama bin Laden, having to do with the Kenya and Tanzania bombings for which Ali would plead guilty. The document amounted to proffers from Harlan Bell and McCarthy about what each would testify to if called.
Both would confirm the December 9th meeting took place but McCarthy would also confirm sending a fax to Ali on December 22nd that had to do with a subpoena for Ali from the previous week, as well as receiving a return fax from Ali one minute later with Ali’s signature on it.
Ali did not testify in the “Day of Terror” trial.
Ali Mohamed role in 9/11 Attacks?
As has reported, in 2011, United States District Judge George B. Daniels ruled in Havlish v. Iran, Hezbollah, al-Qaeda, Usama bin Laden, et. al. that Iran was complicit in the 9/11 attacks. Ironically, this ruling was issued on December 22nd, the same date that McCarthy faxed Ali 16 years earlier.
A key figure in the case was an Iranian defector named Abolghasem Mesbahi who had been established as highly credible. The ruling included 276 Findings of Facts and 35 Conclusions of Law. Finding of Fact #79 reads in part:
In 1993, in a meeting in Khartoum, Sudan, arranged by Ali Mohamed, a confessed al Qaeda terrorist and trainer now in a U.S. prison… Osama bin Laden and Ayman al Zawahiri met directly with Iran’s master terrorist Imad Mughniyah and Iranian officials.
Notice how Ali is mentioned but not as a “federal informant,” but only as a terrorist. A bit later, Finding of Fact #206 references a memorandum dated May 14, 2001 confirmed by U.S. intelligence to be authentic:
The memorandum clearly demonstrates Iran’s awareness of an upcoming major attack on the United States and directly connects Iran and Imad Mughniyah to al Qaeda and to the planned attack… The memorandum also states that… “[Iran’s Supreme Leader ] emphasizes that, with regard to cooperation with al-Qaeda, no traces must be left that might have negative and irreversible consequences, and that [the activity] must be limited to the existing contacts with [Hizballah Operations Officer Imad] Mughniyeh and [bin Laden’s deputy Ayman] al-Zawahiri.”
According to multiple sources, Ali arranged for security in Sudan for a meeting between bin Laden and Mughniyah. According to Finding of Fact #79, Ali was complicit in the collaboration between al-Qaeda and Iran by brokering at least one of the meetings.
In an article by former 9/11 Commission counsel Janice Kephart after Daniels’ ruling – a case with which Kephart was closely involved as an expert witness – she wrote:
How did Iran get involved with al Qaeda? According to the Lopez-Tefft affidavit and other expert affidavits in the case, as well as convicted former Osama bin Laden bodyguard Ali Mohamed, the alliance began in 1993 in Khartoum, Sudan, in a meeting between Iranian and Hezbollah leadership with al Qaeda leadership to bridge the Shiite-Sunni gap and address common goals of defeating Israel and the United States.
Again, Ali is identified but not in his capacity as a double agent who played U.S. intelligence for years. The “Lopez” in the Lopez-Tefft affidavit is former CIA operative Clare Lopez.
And just like McCarthy, Lopez also knows what we have explained so far, yet says nothing.
Someone allowed Ali to get a visa in 1985; someone allowed him to work for the U.S. Army beginning in 1986; someone decided to grant him an honorable discharge in 1989; someone decided to grant him U.S. citizenship that same year; someone decided to ignore his role in the assassination of Kahane in 1990; someone decided to ignore his role in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing; someone decided not to indict him for for the “Day of Terror” trial in 1995; and someone decided that everything possible should be done to keep all this from the American people. Who these ‘someones’ are we will probably never know even with a thousand Benghazis. All mouths are sealed shut.
This leads us back to the Jamal Network, named after Muhammad Jamal Abdo al-Kashif. As reported, while the MJN is named after al-Kashif, the leader of the group has been identified as a man named Tarek Taha Abu Al-Azm. Like al-Kashif, Al-Azm is believed to be holed up in an Egyptian jail cell. Also like al-Kashif, Al-Azm is a mysterious figure (not in the Middle East, but only in America) and it all has to do with the similarities between Al-Azm and Ali Mohamed. Both are Egyptian, both were in the Egyptian military and more embarrassingly, both trained with and infiltrated the U.S. military while both hating the United States, working toward its destruction.
This is no theory; multiple sources confirm this. According to Tahrir News, lead Egyptian investigators Ziad Al-Sadeq and Shady Albrkoqy, Al-Azm was the Jamal Network’s ringleader, not al-Kashif. Prior to the Arab Spring, both al-Kashif and Al-Azm were in an Egyptian jail. According to a Long War Journal report, that’s where the two terrorists allegedly met. After the Arab Spring began, both men were released in early 2011. Here is video of Al-Azm shortly after his release:
In the weeks after the Benghazi attacks, a terror cell tied to the Jamal Network was broken up in Nasr City (approx. 15 miles from Cairo) by Egyptian authorities. Several members of the cell were arrested. Al-Azm and al-Kashif were both apprehended a short time later. Here is video of Al-Azm in jail after his arrest (wearing headband):
As has reported, al-Kashif is still in jail. Like Ali, however, he is virtually ignored by think tank experts and government officials who only go so far, admitting only what they have to. A case in point happened on July 10, 2013 when’s “Ironclad” Report was introduced into the Congressional record by Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) during a subcommittee hearing.
When Rohrabacher asked one of the so-called think tank experts Daveed Gartenstein-Ross about an Egyptian connection to Benghazi, the expert introduced the Jamal Network into the discussion in an effort to downplay an Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood connection we identified. This exchange was entered into “Ironclad” as Addendum A. Since then, Rohrabacher has been all but silent on the matter.
Here is the video of the exchange:
Khattallah gets far more attention than do the leaders of a group that was involved.
A year after his arrest, Al-Arabiya published a video of al-Kashif in his prison cell ranting about Jihad and holding a photo of Osama bin Laden:
To illustrate how begrudgingly the U.S. government appeared to call attention to the Jamal Network’s role in Benghazi, Accountability Review Board (ARB) Chairman Thomas Pickering’s testimony in front of the House Oversight Committee speaks volumes. When asked by Rep. Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) if there was an Egyptian group involved in the Benghazi attacks, Pickering inadvertently revealed that there was an Egyptian group named in the report before realizing that the finding was only in the classified report, as reported:The cat was out of the bag. Admissions were made in subsequent committee reports but there was no interest in digging more deeply into the Jamal Network itself.
Consider the recently released House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) report on the attacks. As reported, it smacked of cover-up. The Jamal Network was mentioned twice without identifying its Egyptian origins or that its leaders (al-Kashif and Al-Azm) and several members were in Egyptian jail cells.
The degree to which al-Kashif is connected to Ali Mohamed, if they met or how well they know each other is not known but one thing is; there are powerful forces at work that do not want the truth about either man revealed. As reported, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich went so far as to make the claim that the HPSCI was “co-opted” by the CIA in the process of compiling its report:
In so many ways, al-Kashif has been treated by the U.S. Government in the same way that Ali Mohamed has – with secrecy.
There is another interesting figure to introduce into all of this. Her name is Clare Lopez, former CIA officer, who served with the agency for 20 years, likely to include the 1980’s and 90’s. Lopez currently works for the Center for Security Policy as Vice President for Research and Analysis. It was revealed through sources that Lopez had in the past attempted to spread doubt about’s work which was finally revealed. Lopez is quite familiar with Ali Mohamed; she was an expert witness relied upon in the Havlish case that found a connection between Iran and the 9/11 attacks. While Lopez knows who Ali is, his role as a double agent is rarely if ever discussed. As reported, soon after we began making the case for an Egyptian connection to the Benghazi attacks in our continuing “Ironclad” Report, we obtained a curious email written by Lopez. It read:
“…there appears to be an industry out there trying insistently to connect the Egyptian MB and Morsi to the Benghazi attack on our mission – it is being led by a clutch of [redacted] who are pushing a narrative that is lacking in corroboration or verifiable sourcing. [Redacted], [redacted], Walid Shoebat, and [redacted] have all written on this topic but in my view fail to meet the minimum standard for credibility.
Nothing any of them writes on this topic should be taken seriously. In my assessment, it’s amateur-hour info ops and very transparently so.”
That is nothing more than an opinion. Lopez provided not one shred of refuting evidence. All she did was attempt to discredit without corroborating evidence, relying solely on her reputation and work history.
Since that time, our work has only been further vindicated, not discredited. It’s difficult to divine what would motivate Lopez to smear our work but her desire to control information is a distinct possibility.
We have long maintained that there has been a conspicuous disinterest by politicians, media and think tanks to highlight and call attention to the Egyptian connection to Benghazi. Based on the connection between al-Kashif and Ali Mohamed via EIJ, evidence suggests there are people who want to make sure al-Kashif is treated in a similar way.
Until America can come face to face with some cold, hard truths – consequences be damned – it will continue to lose the war it is in.
No matter how much prominent think tank experts and retired officials try to have their cake and eat it too by covering up the whole truth while seeking victory with the partial truth, they will fail.
Neither the whole truth nor the day of reckoning will be denied.