By Walid Shoebat
So Ismaaiyl Brinsley the killer of the two cops in Brooklyn, NY, has two Muslim names “Ismaaiyl” and a middle name “Abdullah” (see mugshot bellow) which means “servant of Allah,” is a fan of sheikh Yusuf Estes, who is not only neck deep in the Muslim Da’wa movement (the call to convert westerners to Islam) but Estes meets with both ISIS and Hamas financiers, and Brinsley loved the Koran, specifically Surah 8 on his own Facebook page, which calls for arming for preparation for Jihad war; it says all on what we need for motive as to why Brinsley shot the two officers. All that, accompanied with Hamas supporters, who were proven to have been behind the riots in Ferguson is a complete recipe for killing cops as we present the evidence in this article.
Brinsley is a jihad sympathizer who used the racial turmoil as an excuse to kill Americans. The Ferguson riots as we shall see here were pushed and organized by Muslim fundamentalists in America.
Firstly, the verse he likes to read is:
Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies, of Allah and your enemies, and others besides, whom ye may not know, but whom Allah doth know. Whatever ye shall spend in the cause of Allah, shall be repaid unto you, and ye shall not be treated unjustly.
Brinsley admitted himself that he was “Muslim” and also frequented Al-Farooq Mosque which had a long history of terror support going back more than 20 years which hosted Al-Qaeda co-founder, a Palestinian named Abdullah Azzam. Al-Farooq’s imam was Gulshair Shukrijumah, was not only a regular translator for the Blind Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, but his son, Adnan, became a top Al-Qaeda operative and was killed in a gun battle with Pakistani intelligence just a few weeks ago. Yet another mosque official, Sheikh Mohammed al-Moayad, was charged in 2003 with using the mosque as a front to raise $20 million for Al-Qaeda. At the time, the New York Times noted the mosque’s extensive connections to terrorism. All that plus NYPD Chief of Detectives Robert Boyce said he was “Muslim” but does not know if he was “radicalized”. Well, if he was not “radicalized” then what’s this photo of the most ‘radical’ verses from the Quran doing on his Facebook:

Koranic favorite of Ismaaiyl Brinsley which calls for the preparation to kill from Surah 8. Taken from Brinsley’s Facebook page. The text says: “Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies, of Allah and your enemies, and others besides, whom ye may not know, but whom Allah doth know. Whatever ye shall spend in the cause of Allah, shall be repaid unto you, and ye shall not be treated unjustly.”

New York City public school students will now get new Muslim holidays off of school, thanks to Mayor Bill de Blasio.
Then we have the enablers who are welcomed by New York Mayor Bill de Blasio; the Muslim Da’wa movement. Brinsley’s Facebook friend is Yusuf Estes who leads Da’wa (call to Islam) in America. “THE ISLAMIC Movement’s Da’wa system and its principles are completely identical to that of Hamas, and derive from the Muslim Brotherhood,” Reuven Paz, director of the Project for the Research of Islamist Movements at the Gloria Center, based at the IDC, said. Anyone can google Yusuf Estes in Arabic “يوسف إستس” and spend months looking at his activities and connections to top Islamists. Its the Da’wa ring working with liberals who cozy up to them like the Mayor.

Yusuf Estes, from Arabic sources on Al-Jazeera television: “The plan for Dawa” interview on the plan for Dawa and the call to converting Americans to Islam
There are more photos in Qatar here of Estes’s mass activities in the Da’wa, but the most alarming is the one we discovered from Arabic sources is the photo meeting with Raed Salah and Nabil El Awadi is extremely troubling. Salah is one of the most virulent Hamas supporters who was jailed for financing Hamas. Prominent Islamic cleric Dr Nabil al-Awadi (with the red scarf) is president of the Kuwait Scholars’ Union, which has reportedly channelled tens of millions of dollars to the Islamic State (ISIS) and other jihadi groups in Iraq and Syria.
Salah predicted that “Zionism would end in Turkey.” Both Estes, El Awadi and Salah are in the Da’wa movement.

Photo of Yusuf Estes meeting with the Islamic Union Committee in Qatar (photo from IUC official website) to plan for the Islamization of America.
I know the subject of Da’wa well, the man who was behind the Ground Zero Mosque in New York was majoring in Da’wa working with my first cousin, the Mufti of Ramallah in Palestine which we wrote about in 2012: “Rauf also meets with my first cousin, the Mufti of Ramallah, Ibrahim Khalil Awadallah Shoebat, the next in line to be Mufti of Jerusalem. Make no mistake, these are plotting and planning to Islamize the Americas with the Da’wa of Islam.” Libraries can be written about the Da’wa web from hell, all done in the name of “freedom of religion” spreading pre-terror preperation in the heart of New York city. These cobras are not about building places of worship, but setting up pre-Jihad centers through the Muslim Minority Affairs program. Mufti Ibrahim’s brothers (my other two cousins) one was ‘martyred’ and the other was a released terrorist through the revolving door of into prison and right back out via international deals of ‘mercy’ for terrorists. Americans are very naive; the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated everywhere and they are looking for American children to produce little cobras.
Brinsley is the product of Da’wa either by direct connect with it or through studying Islam through social network. He took advantage of the Ferguson controversy, and was using it as a pretext to carry out Jihad. Its the type of thing has been warning about, since we exposed the ISIS Manifesto in September which calls for Muslims in the US and abroad to kill Americans. (CLICK HERE TO READ THE MANIFESTO) Even an armed cop is not safe and we have been warning about this prior to the events in which Americans were killed. We expect more Americans will be killed not just on the home front but internationally as we had incidents in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates all confirmed to be linked to ISIS sympathizers.

Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley’s Mug Shot
The Ferguson riots were pushed and organized by Muslim fundamentalists in America, alongside their far-left allies. The violence perpetrated in Ferguson was part of a jihad, just as the murder of these two officers done by a Muslim who is sympathetic to the Ferguson cause, is part of the same jihad.
The Ferguson riots are a jihad against America organized by Muslims. This is stealth jihad at work, and it foreshadows that major street jihad is coming to America. Muslim activists and organizers are using the rioters as a means to launch jihad in America. I did a whole video on this:
The Feguson-Jihaddist connection, in fact, was also reported by Fox News who just released a whole report on the Islamic involvement in the Ferguson riots:
Muslim groups have stepped up efforts to co-opt protests over the fatal shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., with a drive to equate the teen’s death to the death of a radical Islamist shot during an FBI raid in 2009, a Washington-based security watchdog group is warning.
Using social media, conference calling and traditional outreach methods, leaders of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) are portraying Brown and Detroit mosque leader Imam Luqman Ameen Abdullah as African-American victims of police targeting, according to the Washington-based Center for Security Policy (CSP). In a conference call organized by CAIR-linked “Muslims for Ferguson, a CAIR official called Abdullah a “Shaheed,” or martyr, and said both he and Brown were victims of a national security apparatus that had “completely gone wild” and engaged in “demonizing and criminalizing Muslims.”
“The reality is that this country, in law enforcement, be it local, state or federal law enforcement, people with guns have always seen black men and black people as threats,” Dawud Walid, executive director of CAIR’s Michigan Chapter, told the some 100 protest organizers on the call, made on the five-year anniversary of Abdullah’s death and which was monitored by CSP.
Walid claimed Brown was a Muslim, although when pressed, Walid denied he had made such a claim. Brown was buried in August after a memorial service at the Friendly Temple Missionary Baptist Church in St. Louis.
Another Muslim activist behind the Ferguson chaos wrote that Muslims, including CAIR (Council of American Islamic Relations) have been involved since the beginning of this controversy:
From day one, Muslims have been on the ground in Ferguson. The Facebook group Muslims for Ferguson and other efforts were just later manifestations of what was already happening. Muslims were in Ferguson first and foremost because we live in the community like everyone else and are concerned about its well-being.
Along with Brothers Anthony Merrill and Naji Fakhrid-deen Adams, I was on the ground in Ferguson on the first night. I grew up in the area and have been talking about issues of violence and policing and surrounding economic issues for years.
For me, it was a no-brainer to stand in solidarity with those protesting in the streets. Brother Anthony also grew up in the area and has been vocal on local issues for years. Brother Naji is a reformed East St. Louis gang leader and substance-abuse counselor who works in the community every day.
Talal Ahmad was also on the ground from day one. A native of the O’Fallon Park Neighborhood in North St. Louis living in Jennings Brother Talal is a local independent-journalist who emerged as a protest leader with the group Tribe X. Brother Talal was instrumental in the successful occupation and subsequent negotiations with St. Louis University.
Brother Anthony Shahid of the Tawheed Youth Group and Masjid Tawheed is a long time St. Louis activist and veteran of the African-American struggle for justice. Brother Shahid was on the ground from day one and played a pivotal-role as a peacekeeper.
Missouri State Senator Jamillah Nasheed and her aide Eric Vickers, both Muslim, have also been mainstays at the protests. Ministers Donald and Akbar Muhammad, members of the Fruit of Islam security, and the Final Call News and others components of the Nation of Islam have also been active on the ground as have members of the Moorish Science Temple.
Mustafa Abdullah of the American Civil Liberties Union of Missouri has not only been active on the ground he has taken local police to court over the “5 second rule” and other egregious abuses of civil-liberties. Faizan Syed, director of the St. Louis Chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations along with community-activist and Hafiz Abdul-Basit Syed, have also been of assistance to activists starting at an early date.
The Muslims are using the rioters, and of course race, as an instrument for jihad, and Obama is as well playing a major role in this. The entire movement is a conspiracy to weaken the American police force to further enable jihad in America. To prove this point here is a video of Ferguson native, a Palestinian who is openly a pro-Hamas Muslim, Bassem Masri. We can even hear him threatening police officers saying “I support Hamas 100%” “I see ISIS in front of me” (see the video above, at 8:30) and then in this video he talks about demilitarizing the police:
By “demilitarize” and by saying, “What happens when we demilitarize your police force, are you going to keep the badge?” he no doubt means neutralizing the police force and bringing in anarchy to America.
Here is another video of Ferguson Muslim activist telling police that neither them nor their children will ever be safe:
This is a terrorist threat, and we must ask ourselves why the police are not arresting him? This is not something police officers tolerate. Some sort of measure must of have been done within the government to force the officers not to react to these low-lives.
God bless Police Chief Edward Flynn for expressing the truth: the people who hate the police don’t care about African Americans, because African Americans kill each other every day, and if they really cared they would be focusing on that instead of trying to create sedition.
Obama wants to cause a race war in order to overthrow the American government. All of the violence in society comes from one view: complete freedom of speech. Some speech, like that of these despotic mobs, should not be given freedom. To use the words of Joseph De Maistre,
But of all monarchies, the hardest, most despotic, and most intolerable is King People.
Response to Reader’s Critique:
NYCrep, appreciate your critique. But the example you gave: “Ishmael or however the spelling is islamic yet carries with it Hebrew and Christian context as well”
One point, Ismaeel and Ishmael, the “S” or the “Sh” pronunciation makes a huge difference in the semitic languages which conveys allegiance.
Had he been named “Ishmael” as you said, you would have a point, but “Ismail” is a dead giveaway Muslim name. We, x-Muslim middle easterners, can sniff these things out much easier than you. Give us some leeway here. An Ismaeel Abdullah will never be found as non-Muslim unless he is convert. Go ahead, find me an Ismaeel Abdullah anywhere who is non-Muslim. Good luck with that.
Reader’s Contribution:
See comments below by “cheechakos” showing more Muslim involvement at Ferguson. cheechakos under the title “Other muslim players in Ferguson” and “More Ferguson muslims” shows with photos evidence of Muslim involvement. “Agitator Umar Lee aka Bret Lee was arrested during the Ferguson protests. Lee, who is a Muslim radical, wrote the following to a critic in 2010: “i could cut your neck with the sword of islam, and watch you squeal like a b*tch like daniel pearl.” “…Rep. Jamilah Nasheed, D-St. Louis City, spoke at a press conference for Muslim Day. She greeted the crowd in Arabic and went on to encourage them all to be active as Muslims in state government.”[Islam] is about peace and harmony,” Nasheed said. “Exercise your right at the polling places in November of 2012 because we can no longer allow for individuals to attack Islam in the way Islam has been attacked at the state Capitol.”
Latest update: God Bless the NYPD cops for turning their backs on de Blasio: