House Ways and Means Committee member Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA) blew a golden opportunity with IRS Commissioner John Koskinen today. When given his time to ask questions of Koskinen, Kelly should have asked why the brother of the President received expeditious and illegal 501(c)(3) status from Lois Lerner in 2011 and why this was done […]
Archive | 2014
Iraq EXPOSES Bush Administration’s Fatally Flawed post-9/11 Strategy
By Ben Barrack According to documents obtained in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, not only do we have further evidence that the Barack Obama administration has been quite cozy with the Muslim Brotherhood but to a degree, so was his predecessor, President George W. Bush. In partisan battles, no one wins and no […]
Bible Prophecy Is Being Fulfilled And Iraq Is Breaking Into Three Provinces
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Several years ago we predicted: “Expect the bear (Iran) to consume three ribs, which may be the splintering of Iraq into three sectors.” (God’s War on Terror, Page 325) Today, this just came out from the Daily Beast “Turkey Gives Up On Unified Iraq” stating that Turkey claims that since […]
Iraq Is Collapsing And The Antichrist’s Iranian-Turkish SINISTER Plan Is Unfolding Right Before Our Eyes
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned the U.S. of the risks of launching air strikes against the ISIS in Iraq claiming concern about the fate of dozens of Turkish citizens captured last week by the ISIS. But all this is a ruse; Turkey cares less about the dozens of […]
Apartment Manager Dhimmi orders man to take down U.S. Flag because it’s a Threat to Muslims
Duy Tran is a new resident at the Lodge on El Dorado apartment complex near Houston, TX. Shortly after moving in recently, he was told he had to take down his U.S. flag, which he had displayed on his balcony. The reason given was that the flag represented a “threat” to the Muslim community. Obviously […]
Muslims Want To Establish New Policy To Exterminate Christians
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims want to establish new policy to exterminate Christians, and we this taking place in Iraq right now. The situation in Iraq will lead to a major war within the country, a war so violent that it could just end Christianity in the region. Bishop Sirop, a native Iraqi, said: We fear […]
Muslims Order Christians To Close Down Their Churches, And Say That If They Open Them Up, They Will Burn Them Down
By Theodore Shoebat Muslims in Nineveh, Iraq, have ordered Christians to keep their churches closed, and told them that if they open their churches, that they will burn them down. According to a native Iraqi pastor, named Majeed, described this destruction of Christian liberty: That they are not allowed to open their churches. And even […]
Ouch! Hillary asked to Sign Copy of her Book to ‘Chris Stevens’
This is by far and away Jason Mattera’s best ambush of a politician. For starters, no one in Congress – save for perhaps Rand Paul – has confronted Hillary like this. While strolling with Huma Abedin and a security detail entourage, Mattera asked Hillary to sign his copy of her book to ‘Chris Stevens’. When […]
Why Conservatives Are WRONG: The Benghazi Attack Was About The Anti-Muhammad Film
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** The Obama administration’s role in making the anti-Muhammad video go viral on the day of the Benghazi attacks; its connection to the filmmaker (a Federal informant at the time); the claim from one of the actresses in the video that the filmmaker confessed to being a Muslim; […]
Ten Hindus Gang Rape Young Woman, Parade Her Naked Around The Streets, And When She Asks For A Little Water, They Force Her To Drink Urine In Front Of Her Own Son
By Theodore Shoebat A woman in India was gang raped by ten Hindus, and one of whom was her own husband. After they raped her, they then paraded her naked, and when she asked for just a little water, they forced her to drink urine. According to one report: In yet another shocking incident of […]
Pope Francis Condemns Feminism, And Says, “Gender ideology is demonic!”
By Theodore Shoebat Pope Francis has condemned feminism saying that “gender ideology” is absolutely diabolical. Bishop Laun, auxiliary bishop of Salzburg, wrote about the words of Pope Francis: In response to my questioning, Pope Francis said, “Gender ideology is demonic!” …Indeed, gender ideology is the destruction of persons, which is why Pope Francis was justified […]
New York Times Writer Applying CPR to Benghazi Video
By Lynn Woolley David D. Kirkpatrick may be the Seth Borenstein of the Benghazi Islamic video. He won’t give it up. The New York Times’ Cairo Bureau Chief is out with yet another article claiming that the video – the key point in Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton’s deflection of the attack as a political […]
Setting Up Captured Benghazi Suspect as Obama’s Star Witness
By Ben Barrack Get ready. The same thoroughly discredited New York Times writer who gave us the Benghazi propaganda novel disguised as journalism last December – David Kirkpatrick – may be helping to lay the groundwork for helping the Obama administration to resurrect the video narrative. He’s using the apprehended “lead suspect” to do it. […]
Muslims Attack Christians, And In A Few Hours, Butcher Forty Eight Christians One By One
By Theodore Shoebat Muslim jihadists entered a resort in Kenya and butchered Christians for several hours, eventually killing forty eight people. They went to a Christian couple, asked them if they were Muslim, and as soon as the husband said they were Christians, the Islamic savages killed him, shooting him in the head and the […]
Obama’s Arrest of The Benghazi Suspect Is A Proven Scandal
By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack **SHOEBAT EXCLUSIVE** Last summer when CNN reporter Arwa Damon interviewed Ahmed Abu Khattala, the suspect behind Benghazi attacks (whom Obama just arrested) was freely roaming the streets in Libya without any concern for being picked up. Now the timing of the news of his arrest should be cause for […]
Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrator Exposes Himself… Again
Being a stealth jihadist, Muslim Brotherhood infiltrator has its perks but one of the drawbacks is constantly fighting back the urge to burst out of your self-imposed cage of deceit. Such is the case of Mohamed Elibiary, amazingly a senior adviser to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), appears to have had one of those […]