Archive | October 11, 2017

The Greek Government Wants To Force Its Society To Accept Transgenderism. Major Christian Leaders In Greece Declare To The Government: ‘You Are Breaking God’s Law And You Are Destroying Human Lives!’

By Theodore Shoebat The Greek government wants to enforce transgenderism on its society. Major Christian leaders, from the Greek Orthodox Church and monks from Mt. Athos, have declared to the evil government that they are “in violation of God’s law.” And that this evil “destroys human beings.” I did a video on this and its […]

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Pakistani Government Publishes Anti-Christian Job Advertisement In Newspaper, Says It Is Looking For “Non-Muslims Only” To Be Garbage Workers

Christians living in Pakistan are often times severely persecuted and discriminated against in jobs. A recent incident in Pakistan illustrates how serious the discrimination is. In a recent job ad placed in the news looking for “sanitary workers,” it specified that “only non-Muslims” could apply for it: A recent advertisement publicized has once again fanned anger […]

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Seven Policemen Beat 14-Year-Old Christian Teen To Death For Defending Himself In Fistfight With Muslim Who Tried To Make Him Renounce Christ

Police arrested a beat a 14-year-old Christian teenager to death after they were called to intervene in a fistfight. The teenager was attacked by another Muslim classmate who tried to make him renounce Christ, and the boy defended himself. That was when seven police intervened and instead of stopping the fight, took part in beating […]

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While California Is Burning And Also Is In The Midst Of A State-Wide Hepatitis Epidemic, They Just Voted To Legalize Infecting People With HIV Without Their Consent And Are Trying To Pass Another Law To Arrest People Who Refuse To Call Men Women And Women Men

California right now is a basket case. It has had many problems for a long time, but over the last several weeks things in that state have deteriorated from worse to catastrophic. Right now, California is on FIRE- thousands of acres have burned outside of San Francisco and are seemingly unable to be controlled, with […]

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