By Theodore Shoebat The United States military will now be patrolling Syria with Turkish soldiers on their sides. For all of you fools out there that fell for the hype that ‘American troops could get into a fire fight with Turkish soldiers in Manbij,’ here you go: Turkey and the United States have almost completed […]
Archive | 2018
Islamic Terrorists Butcher 250 Christians In Just Two Months
By Theodore Shoebat Islamic terrorists in Nigeria have butchered 250 Christians in just two months, as we read in one report from Christian Headlines: On September 14, two Christian boys were murdered by Fulani radicals in Nigeria, making the total number of lives claimed by this violence over 250 in just two months. According to […]
HIV-Infected Worker At Shelter For Migrants Sexually Assaults Six Teenagers For A Year
Dennis Prager famously said that “the Bible says” there is nothing wrong with homosexuals sodomizing “fifteen year olds, not eight year olds”. However, the Federal Government disagrees after a case where an HIV-infected worker at a shelter for migrants sexually abused six teenagers over the course of a year according to a report: A child […]
Sodomite Club Stripper And Bodybuilder Gets Mad At His Sodomite Roommate For Asking Him For Sex, He Takes His Phone And Films Himself Stabbing His Roommate Fifteen Times With A Knife, Says “I’m So Glad I Filmed It”
In another bout of homosexual violence, a sodomite club stripper got angry at his gay roommate for asking him for sex. In response he took his phone and a knife, and filmed himself stabbing his roommate fifteen times according to a report: A bodybuilder accused of trying to murder his 50-year-old roommate by stabbing him […]
Homosexual Couple Engages In Fornication, One Sodomite Asks To Be Sodomized Again And His Partner Refuses, He Gets Angry And Stabs Him In Murderous Lust-Driven Rage
The sodomites are driven by their lusts, and so not only do they seek to engage in unnatural behavior, but they will act with violence to fulfill their lusts if they so desire to. A sodomite has been arrested after attempting to murder his homosexual partner. According to reports after the two engaged in fornication, […]
The Future Holds Disease And Death For The Sodomites As HIV Rates Explode For Younger Millennial And Gen-Zers said before that in about ten years time there is going to be a major crisis of STDs and particular of HIV/AIDS due to the increase in drug-resistant disease and the false sense of security that many people have because of immoral marketing promises for anti-HIV medications. This has serious implications for all of […]
Sodomites Send Package Filled With Feces To Pro-Family Pastor With Message “Eat A D*ck” Written On It
A Christian preacher in Scotland known for his anti-LGBT preaching and work against the advancement of homosexuality in society recently received a package filled with feces and with the words “Eat A D*ck” written on it according to a report: A VOCAL anti-gay preacher has been sent a box filled with poo with a message […]
18 Children Rescued From Abuse At Buddhist Mission In India
When Christian institutions are involved in the abuse of minors, there is rightly talk about the terrible nature of the crime and how it cannot be allowed to happen. However, there are many who use such examples to attack Christianity as a whole, saying that “other” groups don’t engage in such activity, and often times […]
Islamic Terrorists Take Two Small Christian Boys, Slice Their Bodies With Machetes And Fill Them With Bullets
Islamic terrorists from Boko Haram have been attacking Christians all over Nigeria. According to a recent report, two Christian boys aged 9 and 10 were sliced all over their bodies with machetes and then filled with bullets: Two Christian boys were murdered last week by Fulani radicals in Plateau State in Nigeria, with the violence […]
Evil Hindu Man Who Tried To Force His Daughter To Murder Her Unborn Child Has His Son-In-Law Hacked To Death With Machetes In Front Of Her For Being A Christian From A Low Caste
In the racist Hindu caste system, the “dalit” is the lowest rank. These people face the most discrimination in India and are scarcely even considered human beings. At the same time, many converts to Christianity in India come from the dalits because, as they know from experience, the only hope they have is in Christ. […]
Muslim Tortures Christian Man To Death With Acid Over Job Title
A Christian man was tortured to death with acid by a Muslim colleague for having a job title above that of other Muslims according to a report: Disfigured with acid because of the jealousy of colleagues and because of his Christian faith: This is the story of Faraz Ahmed Badar from a small village in […]
Six People Die After Christian Pastor Feeds Bleach To His Church, Tells Them ‘This Is The Blood Of Jesus’
Six are dead and four are in critical condition after a Pastor fed his church congregation bleach because he told them it was the “Blood of Jesus” according to a report: The pastor, who works at a church at the Ark Ministry in Makgodu Village, in Limpopo, South Africa, told people he has the power […]
Canadian Man Obsessed With Vampires And Satanism ‘Ritually Tortures’ Small Animals To Death
A Canadian man was charged with animal cruelty for ritually abusing animals according to a report: A 20-year-old man and a teenager have been charged with animal cruelty after Gatineau police found evidence of “ritual” cruelty to small animals near Buckingham. The investigation began in June when a suspicious fire broke out in an abandoned […]
Sodomite Sesame Street Writer Tries To Say He ‘Didn’t Really Mean’ To Say That He Wrote Ernie And Bert As A Sodomite Couple
Jewish sodomite writer for Sesame Street Mark Saltzman yesterday admitted in an interview with a major LGBT website that he wrote the characters of Ernie and Bert based on his experiences as a sodomite in a gay relationship at the time. Now he is attempting to backtrack on his comments, saying that he actually did […]
Islamic Terrorists Attack Village And Hack 42 Christians To Death With Machetes
It was initially believed to be a dozen, but the death toll has risen to more than three times that number after Islamic terrorists attacked a Christian village and hacked 42 people to death according to a report: Dozens of people are feared dead after suspected Islamist rebels attacked civilians in the Central African Republic […]
Islamic Terrorists Attack A Bus And Demand Everybody Convert To Islam Or Die, Two Christians Refuse And They Murder Them On The Spot
Islamic terrorists attacked a bus and told everybody on the bus to profess the Islamic creed of faith or die. Two Christians refused and were executed on the spot according to a report: Al-Shabaab militants executed two Christians in Kenya after they attacked a bus and forced the passengers to recite the Islamic statement of […]