This past Easter, there was much news about the terrorist attacks at mass in Sri Lanka. However, a story which remained obscure until not too recently was how the head Imam of Ghana celebrated his 100th birthday on Easter, and he celebrated it by attending mass at a Catholic Church. The Imam is highly respected […]
Archive | May 13, 2019
Right Wingers Are Like Muslims
By Theodore Shoebat Some of my observations on the similarities between Right-wing eugenists and Islamists in regards to how they react to critical observations of their movements:

Islamic Terrorists Slaughter Five Churchgoers And A Priest At Catholic Church In Burkina Faso
Islamic terrorist violence continues to worsen all throughout the tiny west African nation of Burkina Faso, which has seen repeated attacks throughout 2019. In the most recent incident, five churchgoers and a priest were murdered at a Catholic Church in the nation according to reports: Gunmen have killed six people including a priest as Mass […]
Catholic Cardinal Defies Corporate Order And Police Barrier To Restore Power To Building Where Hundreds Of Poor And Homeless People Were Suffering
A Polish Catholic Cardinal became an unwitting hero recently after he defied a corporate order, police barrier, and annoyed the Italian right wing as he forcibly restored power to a building where hundred of poor and homeless people were suffering according to a report: An aide to Pope Francis has climbed down a manhole to […]
African Protestant Cleric Declares ‘There’s No Political Leader Filled With The Holy Spirit’
American Protestant “pastors” frequently talk about the presence of God upon various politicians. There are many examples of this, including with the Trump administration, where more than a few people have claimed that in spite of his unrepentant fornication, promotion of sodomy, absolute lying the public about the main reasons why people voted for him, […]