The US has made clear that she desires a war with Iran. Neocon war hawk John Bolton has been lobbying for this since his time in the administration of Bush II. Having watched the news and read history, there seems to be a clear “pattern” with regard to nearly all wars and conflicts the US […]
Archive | May 14, 2019
Man Takes Toddler, Tortures Her With Shock Collar And BB Gun While Wearing A Werewolf Mask, Get Arrested And Murders Himself In Prison
A Florida man accused of several crimes against a toddler, which included shooting her with a BB gun while wearing a werewolf mask and torturing her with a dog shock collar, was found dead in his cell of an apparent suicide according to a report: The suspect in a high-profile child abuse case in Florida […]

Four Catholics Are Murdered In Yet Another Terrorist Attack In Burkina Faso
Violence out of Burkina Faso seems to continue without any end. According to a recent report, a second Catholic Church was attacked and four murdered by Islamic terrorists in the northern part of the nation: Unidentified assailants killed four Catholics and destroyed a statue of the Virgin Mary in northern Burkina Faso, a bishop said […]
Former Prime Minister Of Italy Warns: ‘If The Nationalists Win, There Will Be War In Europe.’
By Theodore Shoebat The former Prime Minister of Italy, Mario Monti, just recently gave a type of warning that you almost never here: that if the current status quo of European governance disintegrates, then the old hatred between European countries will resurface and another war will devastate Europe. What will happen if the current structures […]
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos Says He Wants To Put Most Of The Human Race In “Floating Cylinders” Around The Earth CEO Jeff Bezos is one of the most powerful men in the world today. As his power has increased, so too has he demonstrated an increasing desire for ideas rooted in eugenics. In the latest of admissions, he said that Earth is the “best planet” but that because of “overpopulation,” most of the human […]